Permanent Faculty

Adjuncts and Visiting Faculty

Permanent Faculty

Borrowing Policy

            Our collection includes paper, electronic, media, and microfiche materials in support of our curriculum.  Faculty have generous borrowing privileges, with extended due dates for both regular and reserve items.  Faculty may contact the Circulation Desk to check out specific materials or to have items delivered to their office or mailbox if they prefer.  All materials must be checked out through Circulation to help the library maintain control of the collection.

Faculty Research and Publications

            The Library supports and highlights our faculty publications in a variety of ways.

  • Upon request we will hold training sessions for faculty research assistants.
  • Our library staff is available to help out with small research projects. 
  • Our Faculty Publication Tips web site collects some of the best advice for getting published from both paper and electronic sources.



            The law school has an institutional account on Scholastica, another software submission site.  Electronic submissions are $6.50 for each submission to a legal publisher.  Instructions for author submissions are available at  All law school faculty members should be automatically recognized upon login based on the University of Wyoming email address.  Scholastica lists fewer journal choices, but there are some national law reviews that only accept submission through Scholastica.  Library staff can assist faculty with submission questions.



            Faculty from a variety of disciplines and institutions post their pre-publication and published works for which they have copyright permission on SSRN.  These dissemination tools distribute new publications to interested scholars and provide a resource for publishers to find useful articles for publication.  Our library staff will assist faculty in making their works available through these sites.

Interlibrary Loan

            When a needed item cannot be located within our own collection, there are options for retrieving the material from another library.        

            Faculty, students, and staff may locate a title in Prospector.  Prospector is a resource-sharing alliance of Colorado and the University of Wyoming.  Materials requested through Prospector generally arrive in two-three days.  To have materials sent directly to the Law Library, select us as the pick-up location when submitting the request.

            Items from any library on campus may be requested electronically and will be sent directly to the College of Law's Circulation Desk.  To request an item that you found in the library catalog, click on the Request It button.  The first time an item is requested, the borrower will be asked to set up an account specifying pick-up preferences.  Items usually arrive within forty-eight hours during regular work days.  Articles may be requested in hardcopy or electronic formats.           

            However, there is no need to search for availability of any materials that you need unless you wish to.  You should always feel free to contact Susan and request that an item be obtained for you.  She can decide the best route through which to pursue your request.      

Laptops and wireless access

            The library has laptops that can be checked out through the library IT office, room 139.  Our IT manager can answer questions or give instructions on use.  Wireless access is available throughout the library for all visitors.

Library database access

            Access to library electronic databases on our web site varies.  All are available from within the law school and most are available from off-site with a university username and password,  Clicking on the information icon before the title will indicate accessibility.

Requesting book purchases

            There is no official form to fill out to request that the library purchase a book for our collection or an office copy for a faculty member.  However, requests may be emailed to our librarians.  Please indicate if the request is under time constraints. You will be notified when the item is received and processed. Alternatively, from our library catalog click on the Suggest a Purchase link.  In the email form, supply the information of the publication to be added to the collection.

Requesting routing and electronic alerting services

            The library has a subscription to Current Index to Legal Periodicals' SmartCILP.  Through this service any faculty member may set up a profile to receive electronic notification when new articles are published in specific journals or by selected subjects.  For access to the password for establishing your own profile, contact our librarians.

            Several of our electronic databases provide a similar alerting service.  To identify these titles and request electronic notification, contact Tawnya.            


            Our reserve collection is shelved at the Circulation Desk.  We maintain current copies of most nutshells, hornbooks, selected Wyoming and Colorado primary resources, and other heavily-used items.  Any paper or electronic resources that a faculty member would like to put on reserve is done through our Circulation Manager.  Though reserve materials are handled on a priority basis, it is best to allow at least 24 hours for the materials to be processed before announcing their availability to students.

            The Circulation Manager also maintains the exam file through TWEN, a password-protected site used to post old exam questions.  Faculty who wish to post old exams may forward an electronic copy of their exams to Susan.

Teaching Support

Westlaw and Lexis access:

            All faculty are provided Westlaw and Lexis passwords by the library.  We can offer assistance in setting up TWEN or Lexis web course pages upon advanced notice.


            The library can supply faculty access to CALI lessons. Some faculty link to CALI lessons from their TWEN sites for students' convenience. For assistance with access, contact the Tawnya

Classroom IT support:

            Our large classrooms are equipped with standard technology:  laptop, projector, microphones.  To request equipment for smaller seminar classrooms, or to request assistance for technological problems in the classrooms, contact the IT office for the College, room 139, by email, or call 766-5734. The library also has laptops to check out for travel or presentations.

Room reservation

            Study rooms within the library can be reserved by students, staff, faculty, and outside groups.  Reservations are made through the library's web site. Faculty reservations are not subject to a time limit, however, you'll need to contact Susan to make a reservation for longer than two hours.

            Reserving technology equipment for use in the rooms is a separate process and is done through the Instructional Technology Office housed in the library, room 139, or through email.

Subject-Specific Bibliographies and LibGuides

            Librarians will be happy to create subject-specific bibliographies listing pertinent resources for your class in print or electronically through LibGuides. These can be added to from your class web page or made available through another means.  

Contact Us

Feel free to contact any of us for more information on our services or questions about our resources.

Deb Person, Library Director

Tawnya Plumb, Head of Collections

Edward Havugimana, Instructional Technology

Susan Wozny, Circulation Manager

Adjuncts and Visiting Faculty 

Borrowing Policy

           Our collection includes paper, electronic, media, and microfiche materials in support of our curriculum.  Faculty have generous borrowing privileges, with extended due dates for both regular and reserve items.  Faculty may contact the Circulation Desk to check out specific materials or to have items delivered to their office or mailbox if they prefer.  All materials must be checked out through Circulation to help the library maintain control of the collection.      

Faculty Research and Publications

            Our library staff is available to assist with small research projects and to work with research assistants.  We have also developed a Faculty Publication Tips web site, which collects some of the best advice for getting published from both paper and electronic sources.

Interlibrary Loan

            When a needed item cannot be located within our own collection, there are options for retrieving the material from another library.        

            Faculty, students, and staff may locate a title in Prospector.  Prospector is a resource-sharing alliance of Colorado and the University of Wyoming.  Materials requested through Prospector generally arrive in two to three days.  To have materials sent directly to the Law Library, select us as the pick-up location when submitting the request.

            Items from any library on campus may be requested electronically and will be sent directly to the College of Law's Circulation Desk.  To request an item that you found in the library catalog, click on the Request It button.  The first time an item is requested, the borrower will be asked to set up an account specifying pick-up preferences.  Items usually arrive within forty-eight hours during regular work days.  Articles may be requested in hardcopy or electronic formats.

            However, there is no need to search for availability of any materials that you need unless you wish to.  You should always feel free to contact Susan and request that an item be obtained for you.  She can decide the best route through which to pursue your request. 

Laptops and wireless access

            The library has laptops that can be checked out through the library IT office, room 139.  Our IT manager can answer questions or give instructions on use.  Wireless access is available throughout the library for all visitors.

Library database access

           Access to library electronic databases on our web site varies.  All are available from within the law school and most are available from off-site with a university username and password.  Clicking on the information icon before the title will indicate accessibility. 


            Our reserve collection is shelved at the circulation desk.  We maintain current copies of most, nutshells, hornbooks, selected Wyoming and Colorado primary resources, and other heavily-used items.  Any paper or electronic resources that a faculty member would like to put on reserve is done through our Circulation Manager.  Though reserve materials are handled on a priority basis, it is best to allow at least 24 hours for the materials to be processed before announcing their availability to students.

              The Circulation Manager also maintains the exam file through TWEN, a password-protected site used to post old exam questions.  Faculty who wish to post old exams may forward an electronic copy of their exams to Susan.


Teaching Support

Lexis and Westlaw access:

            All faculty members are provided Lexis and Westlaw passwords by the library.  Contact Tawnya with any password issues. Librarians are happy to assist in establishing Lexis Web Course or TWEN pages.


            The library has passwords for faculty access to CALI lessons.  The lessons may be located at Some faculty link to CALI lessons from their TWEN sites for students' convenience.  For passwords, contact Tawnya.

Classroom IT support:

            Our large classrooms are equipped with standard technology:  laptop, projector, DVD player, microphones.  To request equipment for smaller seminar classrooms or to request assistance for technological problems in the classrooms, contact Edward in the IT office, room 139, by email, or call 766-5734. The library also has laptops to check out for travel or presentations.

Room reservation

            Study rooms within the library can be reserved by students, staff, faculty, and outside groups. Reservations are made through the library’s web site. Faculty reservations are not subject to a time limit, however, you'll need to contact Susan to make a reservation for longer than two hours.

            Reserving technology equipment for use in the rooms is a separate process and is done through the Instructional Technology Office housed in the library, room 139, or through email.

Subject-Specific Bibliographies and LibGuides

            Librarians will be happy to create subject-specific bibliographies listing pertinent resources for your class in print or electronically through LibGuides.  These can be linked to from your class web page or made available through another means.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact any of us for more information on our services or questions about our resources.

Deb Person, Library Director

Tawnya Plumb, Head of Collections

Edward Havugimana, Instructional Technology

Susan Wozny, Circulation Manager

Contact Us

George W. Hopper Law Library

Dept. 3035

1000 E. University Avenue

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-2210
