UW Facilities

Materials Characterization Laboratories

The Geology and Geophysics Department supports state-of-the-art instrumentation and laboratories for characterization of chemical composition, crystalline structure, and morphology of both natural and man-made solid materials. The Lab has an Electron Microprobe; an automated powder diffraction system, and a SEM equipped with a backscattered electron detector, a cathodoluminescence detector, and a light-element energy dispersive x-ray detector (capable of detection of elements with atomic number of 5 or greater) in addition to the standard secondary electron detector. We have recently added a Electron Backscatter Diffraction System (EBSD) (and colloidal polishing facility) to our SEM to provide a facility to measure the full 3-D crystallographic properties of materials.

Chemistry Department Instrumentation

The University of Wyoming Department of Chemistry boasts six primary facilities containing state-of-the-art instrumentation, including: NMR spectrometers, XPS, Electrospray Mass Spectrometer, EPR Spectrometer, and an X-Ray Diffractometer.

Geology and Geophysics Research Facilities

The University of Wyoming Department of Geology & Geophysics houses several research facilities containing state-of-the-art instrumentation.

Shell 3D Visualization Center

The EIC’s Shell 3D Visualization Center (Viz Center) proudly houses the only four-walled, 3D CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) in Wyoming. The Viz Center beautifully complements the primary function of the EIC-- to enable scientists and engineers to visualize and interact with highly complex data sets.


Contact Us

MSE Program

Department of Chemical Engineering

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307.766.6524

Email: mse@uwyo.edu