Hoyt Hall 205
B.A. Spanish, University of Granada
M.A. Linguistics, University of Granada
Ph.D. Spanish Linguistics, University of Almería
Professor Checa-Garcia specializes in Hispanic Linguistics, using a usage-based approach for its study, Corpus Linguistics, and Conversation Analysis. In addition, she has collaborated with people in order disciplines, such as communication disorders and spatial statistics. She is currently the director of the Linguistics Lab at Hoyt. More information on her research can be found there and also in her personal website; a list of publications and some of the publications and conference presentations can be found in her academia.edu site.
Research interests
Resumptive pronouns, functional motivations for grammar, toddlers requests, pragmatics and grammar interface, corpus linguistics, conversation analysis, insubordination.
SPAN 3030: 3rd Year Spanish for Heritage Speakers
SPAN 3060: 3rd Year Spanish II
SPAN 4080/5080: Spanish Morphosyntax
SPAN 3080: Spanish in the USA
SPAN 3300: Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
SPAN 4090/5090: Spanish Phonetics and Phonology
SPAN 4070/5070: Hispanic Sociolinguistics
SPAN 4990: Spanish as a Heritage Language: Teaching and Maintenance
SPAN 5990: Internship
And other courses at other institutions (see her personal website for more information).
Selected Publications
Accepted for publication: Checa-García, Irene & Guiberson, Mark M. Accepted for publication. “Test validity in morphosyntactic measures for typical and SLI incipient Spanish-English bilinguals”, Language Learning.
2017: "Information status and determinacy in Spanish relative clauses with a resumptive pronoun", in Juan José Colomina-Almiñana (Ed.), Contemporary Advances in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics in Spanish Variation, Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press (collection Theoretical Advances in Hispanic Linguistics), Peer Reviewed volume. ISBN 978-0-8142-1339-1.
2016: “Prosodic Cues in Relative Clauses Disambiguation: Bilinguals vs. L2 learners”, Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research 5 (2): 74-80. DOI: 10.7821/near.2016.7.168
2015: “La sociolingüística en un programa de lenguas a nivel universitario”, Jerry Hoeg (Ed.) Studies in Honor of Kevin Larsen. Ometeca 21: 143-162.
2014: “Asking for things without words: Embodiment of action onset as a toddlers communication tool”, in Christine M. Jacknick, Catherine Box, and Hansun Z. Waring (Eds.) Talk in Institutions: A LANSI Volume, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Peer-reviewed collective volume.
2013: “Complejidad gramatical y niveles de dificultad en lecturas de ELE adaptadas y originales”, RLA (Revista de Lingüística Teórica y Aplicada). Peer-reviewed journal.
2007: “Desarrollo sintáctico en la ciudad de Almería en adolescentes: índices primarios e índices de error”, in Pablo Cano López (Coord.) Actas del VI Congreso de Lingüística General. Madrid: Arco Libros, 181-190. ISBN 84-7635-670-8.
2005: Medidas del desarrollo sintáctico en adolescentes almerienses (12 a 18 años): hitos descriptivos y aportaciones metodológicas. [Syntactic Development Measures Applied to Adolescents in Almería: Descriptive Milestones and Methodological Contributions]. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Almería: Almería. ISBN: 84-8240-775-9.
External site for linguistics lab