Khama-Bassili Tolo

Associate Professor



G3: Gradu en Paedagogie Applique, Option: Francais-Linguistique Africaine, Universit Nationale du Zaire 1976
L2: Licenci en Paedagogie Applique, Option: Francais, 1978
M.A. Vanderbilt University 1986
Ph.D. 1989.

Research Interests

His area of specialization is 19th century French and 19th and 20th century Francophone literatures. Tolo has been involved in proficiency-based instruction and testing for several years, including work for the Peace Corps where he trained American volunteers for tours of duty in Africa. He has published short stories and poems, as well as articles on literary criticism, and he recently edited a memorial publication for the Department of French and Italian at Vanderbilt University.

portrait photo of professor Tolo

Khama Bassili Tolo

Hoyt 105
Office Hours: MWF 1:15-2:15pm |

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