Wyoming Summer Flute Intensive
Contact Us

Department of Music

University of Wyoming

1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3037

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5242

Fax: (307) 766-5326

Email: musicdpt@uwyo.edu

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Summer Flute Intensive

June 12-14, 2025

Spend three days with Dr. Nicole Riner, University of Wyoming, building your tone, learning creative practice tips, preparing audition music, and bonding with fellow flutists in this immersion course. Optional topics include an introduction to piccolo playing and overcoming stage fright. Come in a humble band flutist, leave a flute rock star! For grades 8-12. Final schedule subject to enrollment. This reduced-tuition opportunity is available subject to our ability to meet minimum enrollment.


Livestream Link to WSFI 2023 Faculty Recital


Registration now open!

Register Here

Deadline to Register: May 10, 2025


Tuition will be $150 per student.

Payments can be made:
  1. Online on the BCPA Box Office website
  2. In person (Monday-Friday, 12-6pm)
  3. Over the phone at (307) 766-6666

Payment deadline to be established soon.

Need a payment plan?  

Please reach out to Lexis Hamilton at lhamil10@uwyo.edu should you have any questions!

Room and Board

Here is the breakdown of pricing:

Lodging and Meals Package: $130
Commuter Meal Package:
  • Lunch Only: $15
  • 2 Breakfasts, 1 Lunch, 2 Dinners: $64

We offer only double rooms.

Meal Schedule:
Thursday: Dinner
Friday: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Saturday: Breakfast
*Please note individual meals are not available for purchase this year*

Payments can be made:
  1. Online on the BCPA Box Office website
  2. In person (Monday-Friday, 12-6pm)
  3. Over the phone at (307) 766-6666

Payment deadline to be established soon.
Need a payment plan? 

Please reach out to Lexis Hamilton at lhamil10@uwyo.edu should you have any questions!


Minor Forms

Minor forms are required for ALL participants. 

Please click here to download COMMUTER Minor Forms

Please click here to download ROOM & BOARD Minor Forms


Minor Forms can be turned in:

  1. Online on the BCPA Box Office website
  2. In person (Monday-Friday, 12-6pm)
  3. Over the phone at (307) 766-6666


Scholarships are due by May 1st, 2025!

Please click here to complete the scholarship application.


All applicants are required to write and upload a one page essay to the application. 


In one page, please tell us about yourself! You can describe your current activities on flute, your flute goals, and especially what you hope to gain from attending WSFI this summer. 


Contact Us

Department of Music

University of Wyoming

1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3037

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5242

Fax: (307) 766-5326

Email: musicdpt@uwyo.edu

Find us on Instagram (Link opens a new window)Find us on Facebook (Link opens a new window)Find us on Twitter (Link opens a new window)Find us on LinkedIn (Link opens a new window)Find us on YouTube (Link opens a new window)