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UW Researchers to Present High Plains Aquifer Study Results in Cheyenne

Findings from a University of Wyoming study examining the farm- and community-level effects of alternative groundwater management strategies in eastern Laramie County will be presented at a workshop Tuesday, May 7, in Cheyenne.

The workshop starts at 6 p.m. in Room 409 of the Laramie County Community College Pathfinder Building.

Laramie County commissioners created a committee of groundwater users in 2012 to discuss what, if anything, should be done about declining aquifer levels above the High Plains Aquifer in eastern Laramie County.

The committee considered management strategies that would stabilize the aquifer at current levels, allow but manage the aquifer decline, or recover groundwater to earlier levels. Study results presented at the workshop explore the economic impacts of these different management strategies.

“This workshop is intended for water users, but also for anybody in the region who has an interest in water management,” says Kristiana Hansen, associate professor and UW Extension water resource economist.

For more information, call Hansen at (307) 766-3598 or email To RSVP, email Alicia Grahmann at



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