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Published October 03, 2019
In his State of the University address, University of Wyoming Acting President Neil Theobald stressed that, in this time of change, the university is going to step up to meet challenges facing the state -- whether they relate to energy, agriculture, affordability or serving more students in every part of the state.
During the annual address to members of the UW community today (Thursday), Theobald emphasized achievements in key areas -- including graduating students in record numbers, providing alumni with a great return on their tuition investment, world leadership in energy research, successful philanthropy and campus renovation -- that reflect UW's commitment to advancing the goals of its strategic plan and responding to the evolving educational needs of Wyoming communities.
These achievements include:
-- Conferring degrees and certificates on a record 3,031 students.
-- Setting a record of 1,626 minority students enrolled.
-- Continuing to provide effective solutions for the challenges facing the state’s energy producers.
-- Leading the nation in blockchain technology.
-- Maintaining the lowest tuition rate among peer universities.
-- Providing an education that allows UW alumni to earn an average income that places them in the top 20 percent among all public universities in America.
-- Creating the largest endowment among universities in the Mountain West Conference.
“The fates of the state of Wyoming and the University of Wyoming are intertwined,” Theobald said in his first State of the University address since becoming UW’s acting president this summer. “If our state needs resources that farmers and ranchers can lean on to solve problems around animal production, management of invasive species, or sustainable range management, UW will be there to provide them. If our state needs pragmatic and effective solutions to the severe challenges that our energy industries face, UW will be there to provide them. If our state needs more bright college graduates, with the tools to embrace a changing world, UW will be there to provide them.”
A recording of Theobald’s entire speech may be viewed at https://wyocast.uwyo.edu/WyoCast/Play/d004cd615d1c40dbb1d30d84dd631cc51d
Contact Us
Institutional Communications
Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2929
Email: cbaldwin@uwyo.edu