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Published October 17, 2019
The search for the next president of the University of Wyoming is moving forward, following action Wednesday by UW’s Board of Trustees.
The board voted to approve a position description for the job and a timeline for the selection process, on the recommendation of UW’s presidential search committee and the board’s search consultant, Parker Executive Search.
Following three public listening sessions this fall, the search committee proposed the position description that calls for the next president to possess, among other things:
-- A compelling vision, impeccable integrity and exemplary leadership ability to ensure that UW conveys and fulfills a commitment to its land-grant mission, and offers quality higher education instruction and research relevant to the 2lst century.
-- A strong commitment to educating students with diverse academic interests so that they have the abilities to succeed in life.
-- An ability to promote excellence in faculty and staff, insight into the mission and issues of higher education, commitment to academic freedom and an environment of tolerance and respect.
-- The capability to build trust and unite diverse groups ranging from students, faculty and staff to business and community leaders, community college presidents and elected officials.
-- Strong managerial skills, including a significant understanding of finances, budgets and accounting systems.
-- An appreciation of and commitment to expand UW’s participation in the state’s economic development, along with statewide outreach.
For the full position description, go to
Advertising of the position opening will begin in November, and candidates will be identified through such advertising, correspondence and direct recruiting by the presidential search committee and search consultant from November to February. The search committee is scheduled to receive regular updates during that period, starting Oct. 29 or 30 and ending Jan. 7 or 8.
During the week of Jan. 20, the search committee is scheduled to gain access to all application materials received by the search firm. The committee then is scheduled to meet Jan. 28 or 29 and may select about 10 candidates for initial videoconference interviews. Those interviews are expected to take place Feb. 4-5.
Following those interviews, the search committee plans to recommend about six candidates to the Board of Trustees.
During the week of Feb. 10, the Board of Trustees is scheduled to interview semifinalist candidates, then choose about four finalists to bring to campus for interviews.
The names of the applicants and semifinalists will be confidential. But, once the board arrives at the list of finalists, they will be publicly identified. In addition to coming to campus for private interviews with the board, the finalists will participate in public forums. Public input will be accepted by the board following those forums.
During the week of March 2, the board may extend an offer to the candidate it selects. The new president is expected to be in office by July 1.
Acting President Neil Theobald is not restricted from applying for the long-term position.
Board of Trustees Chairman Dave True emphasizes that the approved timeline, while providing “reasonable targets,” could be adjusted if the board determines that is necessary.
Former Board of Trustees Chairman John MacPherson, of Saratoga, chairs the search committee. Other members are: Megan Degenfelder, who served as president of the Associated Students of UW (ASUW) in 2011-12 and now works for Southland Royalty Co. in Cheyenne; former two-term Gov. Matt Mead; Rita Meyer, former state auditor who is the director of infrastructure investment for Rocky Mountain Power in Wyoming; Doug Stark, Riverton native, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources alumnus and recently retired CEO of Farm Credit Services of America; and Board of Trustees members Jeff Marsh, of Torrington; Macey Moore, of Douglas; and Laura Schmid-Pizzato, of Rock Springs.
Also on the committee are current ASUW President Jason Wilkins, of Cheyenne; law Professor Ken Chestek, chair of the Faculty Senate; Staff Senate President James Wheeler, a project coordinator in the Division of Student Affairs; 2018-19 ASUW President Alex Mulhall; Anne Alexander, associate vice provost for undergraduate education; visual and literary arts Professor Alyson Hagy; Associate Professor Matthew Painter, of the Department of Criminal Justice and Sociology; and Laura Shevling, senior director of financial systems and business optimization.
For more information on the presidential search, go to
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