On this page:
Students verify their current academic adviser through WyoWeb; students should be sure that they select the current term.
Students are expected to contact their adviser on a semester basis via email or telephone.
The Office of the Registrar, in conjunction with all undergraduate colleges, operates a computerized degree evaluation system. This includes a degree progress report/advising support system that will match completed and current UW course work (and any transfer courses a student might have) with their degree requirements to determine their progress toward earning their degree. The degree evaluation audit is available to students and advisors through WyoWeb. Please refer to the Office of the Registrar website for additional information regarding degree evaluations along with how to access in WyoWeb.
Information specific to the School of Nursing with regards to Student Degree Evaluations:
The BSN Completion office routinely works with the Registrar's Office to keep the degree evaluation template current as curriculum changes occur.
Students should be aware that the copy which they view/print out may not be 100% accurate. Clearing up discrepancies with regards to programming issues, general transfer credits, etc. is an ongoing process for the school.
It is ultimately the student's responsibility to be sure that all requirements are being cleared and satisfied on their degree evaluation so that they are eligible for graduation. Any discrepancies noted should be addressed with the BSN Completion office.
Notify the Office of the Registrar in writing of anticipated graduation date. Access the "Anticipated Graduation Date" form listed on the Registrar's "Forms and Petitions for Students" page at https://www.uwyo.edu/registrar/undergraduate-students/forms-and-petitions.pcf.html. Submit no later than the semester preceding the semester of anticipated graduation. Complete a new form if anticipated graduation date should change.
Space in the BSN Completion nursing courses is intended for BSN Completion students. Therefore all BSN Completion students are strongly encouraged to be advised and registered as soon as possible after registration for classes opens each semester. For priority enrollment in nursing courses, please note the following semester deadlines to enroll. If enrollment should take place after semester deadline, space in the course cannot be guaranteed. These deadlines also apply to the student who will be required to submit a School of Nursing petition to seek enrollment in a nursing major course without meeting the course prerequisites.
Fall semester: May 15
Spring semester: November 15
Summer semester: April 15
Registration for courses
Consult the Office of the Registrar website and class schedules for registration and calendar/deadlines information at the following link: https://www.uwyo.edu/registrar/
Register for PHCY 3450 (Previous course was titled PHCY 4450)
Students need to contact the BSN Completion office for assistance to enroll. Our office will verify completion of course prerequisites and will then place a registration override for the student to enroll. For email requests, please be sure to include the semester you are looking to enroll and your W ID number. The course prerequisites include an approved Human Physiology course, LIFE 1010 and CHEM 1000 or 1020.
Register for Nursing courses
The BSN Completion nursing courses have specified prerequisites identified in the system so that the system is tracking for those requirements along with the nursing major code and registration attributes in order to allow students to register for their appropriate courses. Students will need to enter the CRN for all of the courses in which they are seeking to register and click on the submit button within the Add/Drop screen. Students need to contact the BSN Completion office if assistance is needed to enroll. For email requests, please be sure to include your W ID number. Students are responsible to monitor their enrollment in WyoWeb.
The "W" number is a student's UW student identification number. It is a randomly assigned 8-digit number preceded by a W. Students need to use their W ID number in all correspondence with the university.
Contact the BSN Completion office if you still have questions after reviewing the above information:
Call: 307-766-6574
Email: ReNEW@uwyo.edu or RN.BSN@uwyo.edu
Updated: 6/28/2021