PeaceCorps Prep Sectors

The Peace Corps organizes its work into various sectors, such as education, health, agriculture, and community economic development, to address specific needs in the countries they serve. Volunteers are placed within these sectors based on local priorities to provide targeted support and sustainable development in partnership with host communities.

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Lead grassroots efforts to fight hunger in a changing world. Volunteers work with small-scale farmers and families to increase food security and adapt to climate change.
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Community Economic Development

Harness 21st century tools to help communities lift themselves. Volunteers work with development banks, nongovernmental organizations and municipalities to strengthen infrastructure and promote economic opportunities.
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Teach lessons that last a lifetime. Join the Peace Corps largest program area and play an important role in creating links among schools, parents, and communities.

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Help forge a global movement to protect our planet. Volunteers lead grassroots efforts in their communities to protect the environment ad strengthen understanding of environmental issues.
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Serve on the front lines of global health. Health volunteers promote important topics such as nutrition, maternal and child health, basic hygiene and water sanitation.
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Youth in Development

Empower the next generation of changemakers. Volunteers work with youth in communities on projects that promote engagement and active citizenship.



Contact Us

Peace Corps Prep Program
222 Knight Hall Dept. 3195
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2398
Fax: (307) 766-2089