Student working at laptop with "Master the Next Step in Your Career" on top


Q. What is the title of the degree conferred through this program?
A. The degree is the “Master of Science in Health Services Administration.”

Q. By what branch of the University of Wyoming will the degree be conferred?
A. The degree will be conferred by the University of Wyoming’s School of Pharmacy.

Q. With this degree can I become licensed as a pharmacist?
A. No. Those who wish to become licensed as a pharmacist must complete the PharmD degree. A master’s degree does not qualify a person for licensure as a pharmacist.

Q. Is the degree accredited?
A. The University of Wyoming is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission to confer the master of science degree.

Q. How long does it take to complete the degree?
A. The degree requires two years to complete if taking the program full-time. Students have the option to take courses part-time and up to six years to complete.

Q. What are the admission requirements?
A. Completion of a bachelor’s degree in any field, a master’s degree in any field, or a doctoral degree (PharmD, RN, NP, PT, OT, PA, MD, JD, etc.) with an cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. Applicants with a GPA below 3.0 may be considered based on experience and commitment to graduate study.

Q. What must I submit with my application?
A. A transcript showing a qualifying degree from an accredited academic institution. A current Curriculum Vitae or Resume. A personal statement outlining your experience in the pharmaceutical or health care field, or interest in health care. Two contacts for recommendation (provide names with phone and email).

Q. Is the GRE required?
A. No. However, students whose GPA does not meet the basic requirement of 3.0, yet who wish to apply based on their extensive experience in the pharmaceutical or healthcare fields, may be asked to take the GRE to support their application. This will be done at the discretion of the admissions committee. Strong work history and a strong GRE score may offset a GPA that falls below the minimum of 3.0.

Q. Is there a GPA minimum requirement to graduate from the master’s program?

Yes, all UW grad programs require a 3.0 GPA to graduate.

Q. Is there a fee to apply?
A. Yes. The application fee to the University of Wyoming is $50.

Q. Can I start the program at any time?
A. There are two starting points for the program, the fall semester (late August) and the spring semester (late January).

Q. What is the deadline to apply?
A. The application deadline for Spring 2025 admission is January 13th, 2025 and August 19th, 2025 for Fall 2025. There may be some flexibility with extensions of this deadline for students who can complete their applications quickly.

Q. How much does the tuition cost?
A. Cost information can be referenced through the following resources:

In-state tuition is extended to members of any national healthcare-based organization or association related to specific professions, to federal agency employees (including active-duty military), and to the pharmacy and other healthcare-related residents.

Q. Is financial aid available for students in the program?
A. The University of Wyoming Office of Financial Aid provides opportunities to apply for loans to support studies in this program.

Q. Can I transfer graduate credits from another university into this program?
A. Yes. Up to 9 hours of graduate-level coursework from an accredited university may be transferred into this program, subject to the approval of the student’s advisor and the Dean of Pharmacy. The student must provide an official transcript from the institution where the credits were earned, along with evidence that the course was approved for graduate credit at the institution where the credit was earned. Transferred courses must be number or letter-graded courses. S/U or P/F courses may not be transferred in. Transfer credits usually must have been earned within the previous six years.

Q. Can I start the program as a non-degree-seeking student, without being formally admitted to the program?
A. Yes. Non-degree-seeking students may take program coursework. You may take program courses as a non-degree-seeking student for only one semester, during which an application for admission to the program must be made.

Continuation in the program after this first semester must be as an admitted student. A total of 12 pre-admission hours may be applied to the program. This includes coursework being transferred in from another institution and program coursework completed as a non-degree-seeking student.

Q. How are the program courses taught?
A. Most courses are taught online. Students will be required to travel to Laramie, WY twice for intensive weekend seminars; once during their first and once during their last semester in the program. Seminars are offered in the fall and spring terms; not in the summer term. Online courses all use a learning management system that delivers course content to the student’s computer. Some courses are synchronous and require weekly or bi-weekly evening live attendance, via computer, using a virtual classroom program. Other classes are blended between synchronous and asynchronous delivery, and they do not require live virtual classroom attendance on a regular basis.

Q. Are the courses “go at your own pace” or are they scheduled so that assignments must be completed by specified times?
A. The synchronous courses that meet live through a virtual classroom are usually organized to require completing of assignments at specified times. The blended courses that do not regularly meet live through a virtual classroom are usually organized on a “go at your own pace” system, with some deadlines to encourage timely completion of course materials and periodic live online meetings.

Q. What is the schedule of courses in a typical semester?
A. The schedule will vary, and will not necessarily follow the official University of Wyoming Calendar.

Q. What is the difference between a “Synchronous” course and a “Blended” course?
A. This is the standard language used to distinguish between courses where faculty and students meet regularly online in our virtual classroom (synchronous) and classes that are primarily self-study with irregularly scheduled online live classes (blended).

Q. How are the residential weekend seminars scheduled?
A. All seminars are presented in person at the University of Wyoming campus in Laramie, Wyoming.

Q. Who is responsible for scheduling and paying for travel expenses associated with the weekend seminars?
A. Students are responsible for the expenses of traveling to and from, and staying in Laramie as part of the required participation in the seminar.

Q. Can I see sample syllabi for the courses?
A. Yes. A variety of syllabi are available if you click here and scroll down.

Q. Does the program provide specialty areas of study within the area of Health Services Administration?
A. Yes. Two group tracks with multiple specialties are offered: All students select one specialty.

Please note that all courses and lists are subject to change.

Health Institution Leadership Group Specialty Track (Pick one specialty below.)

  • Health Institution Leadership
  • Health Economics & Outcomes
  • Healthcare Quality & Improvement
  • Rural Healthcare Coordination
  • Geriatric Care Systems
  • Healthcare Entrepreneurism
  • Healthcare Financing
  • Health Information Technology
  • Healthcare Writing and Reporting

Biopharmaceutical Regulatory Compliance Group Specialty Track (Pick one specialty below.)

  • Biopharmaceutical Regulatory Compliance
  • Healthcare Risk Management
  • Forensic Pharmacy
  • Healthcare Policy Analysis
  • Biopharmaceutical Product Representation
  • Clinical Research Administration
  • Patient Safety Systems
  • Healthcare Security Systems
  • Healthcare Ethics & Equity

Q. Is there a thesis requirement for this degree?
A. No. However, there is an independent project requirement. Each student, under the mentorship of her or his academic advisor, will design and complete this project independently toward the end of the program.

Q. What is the comprehensive final exam?
A. The comprehensive final exam is required under our accreditation standards. It is usually administered in person on the Laramie campus on the Friday prior to the seminar held during the student’s final semester. This is a written (computer-administered) daylong exam that covers all material taught in courses taken by the student. It is a pass-fail exam and no academic credit is awarded for its completion. After the exam has been administered, faculty may request that students verbally (by telephone) clarify the answers they have provided on the written exam.

Q. Does the University of Wyoming find jobs for program graduates?
A. No. The University can assist in locating prospective employment opportunities. It is the responsibility of each graduating student to pursue job opportunities and to market herself or himself as a suitable future employee. Each student’s background and experience will combine with the knowledge and skills learned in the program to qualify the student for employment in an appropriate area of the pharmaceutical or healthcare fields.


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