sunset behind the Teton mountains

Tuition and Fees

Academic Year 2024/2025

Block Tuition

Undergraduate students taking 12 or more hours will be charged the block rate. Under this model, the cost of tuition is the same for students taking 12 to 18 credits a semester. Additional hours beyond 18 credits will be charged the per credit hour rate.

Undergraduate resident students block rate = $2,595 per semester

Undergraduate non-resident students block rate = $10,800 per semester

Graduate students taking nine or more hours will be charged the block rate. Under this model, the cost of tuition is the same for students taking 9 to 12 hours a semester. Additional hours beyond 12 credits will be charged the per credit hour rate.

Graduate resident students block rate = $3,360 per semester

Graduate non-resident students block rate = $10,060 per semester 

Additional student fees will still apply.

See our Block Tuition FAQ page for more details.


Exclusions to Block Tuition

Students in the College of Law, Pharmacy, MBA programs, College of Business non-MBA programs, MPA, Land Survey, DNP, BRAND, MS in Health Services, MS in Speech Pathology, Dental Hygiene, RN-BSN distance program, Distance MA English, and College of Education graduate online programs will be excluded from the block tuition and charged per credit based on their specific tuition rates, per the table. See our Block Tuition FAQ page for more details.



Block Tuition Exemption Request

The University has implemented a process for undergraduate students who are unable to enroll in 15 hours each semester, or graduate students unable to enroll in 10 hours. The student must submit an electronic block tuition exemption form with supporting documentation to the Block Tuition Appeals Committee.



Main Campus Tuition

Tuition Rate





$173 $720 $259.50
Graduate $336 $1006 $504
Law $554 $1,182 $831

*Incoming first‐year and second-year, Non‐Resident Pharmacy students have been approved to pay $889/credit hour

$593 $1,205* $889
MBA $756
MS Speech Language Pathology $485 $1,154 $653
College of Education - Graduate Certificate in English as a Second Language (Main Campus) $364 $1,090 $532

All tuition rates in this table are per credit unless eligible for block tuition. Please see the Student Fee Book for more information on fees.

Student Mandatory & Services Fees

$416.94 Student Mandatory Fee

$466.67 Student Services Fee (includes student health service, campus recreation and Intercollegiate Athletics

$883.61 Total for Students in 6 or more credits

Please see the 2024-25 student fee book for information about:

  • Mandatory Fees (pg. 7-8)

  • Online Fees (pg. 16)

  • Program Fees (pg. 18-22)

  • Special Course and Other Fees (pg. 22-32)

  • Residence Life & Dining Services (pg. 33-36)



Distance Tuition

Tuition Rate




Undergraduate Online Program

$199 $359 $298.50
Graduate Online Program $336 $536 $504
Executive Online MBA $850
Land Surveying Certificate $402
Doctor of Nursing Practice $620 $1,145 $930
BRAND Program $618
ReNEW Program $173
MS in Health Services Administration $807 $1022  
Continuous Registration, credit $120
College of Business Graduate Online Programs (non-MBA) $572
College of Education Graduate Online Programs $364 $580 $546
Distance English Master's Program $345

Dental Hygiene (per semester, through Sheridan College)

~Additional $1,500 Distance Delivery Fee*

$3,486 $11,182 $5,230

All tuition rates in this table are per credit unless eligible for block tuition. Please see the Student Fee Book for more information on fees.

Distance Mandatory Fees

$14 per credit hour Distance Delivery Fee (any distance course)

$35 per credit hour Distance Student Services Fee (distance programs)

$10 per credit hour Distance Student Advising Fee (all courses)

Tuition and Fees for prior years can be found in the fee books by clicking the button below

Contact Us

Office Location: Knight Hall 172
Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm
Summer Hours: 7:30am-4:30pm
Dept 3923
1000 E University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY 82071