Becoming a UW School of Pharmacy Preceptor


Preceptors should, at a minimum, be able to fulfill these criteria and responsibilities to become a pharmacy preceptor:

  1. Possess a current pharmacist license in good standing or other acceptable credential related to their practice (MD, etc);

  2. Have practiced in their area for a minimum of one year;

  3. Possess a desire to educate others (patients, caregivers, health care professionals, students, and pharmacy residents, as applicable) and have an aptitude to facilitate learning and education;

  4. Organize and plan the student’s rotation experience and plan one-on-one time with the student;

  5. Be able to accurately and concisely document and assess student performance and provide feedback throughout the rotation;

  6. Be willing to actively work within the UW School of Pharmacy rotation management system, which includes electronic mid-term and final evaluations, demographics/intervention tracking, and electronic portfolios;

  7. Participate in preceptor training programs offered and/or supported by UW School of Pharmacy.

Application Process

To initiate the process of becoming a UW School of Pharmacy preceptor, each candidate must submit a new preceptor application to provide pertinent information, including contact information, pharmacy degree earned, pharmacy school and year graduated, other degrees, residency training, certifications, pharmacy organization memberships, states in which licensed, site of practice, years at current site, etc. Please click on the link to access the application.

Once the application has been filled out, please e-mail it to Kim Snody at After your application is received, one of the Experiential Team members will contact you by e-mail to set up a time to discuss the UW School of Pharmacy experiential program with you in more detail. Once preceptor candidates have been approved, additional information and forms will be sent to them to complete the application process.


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