Title IX Coordinator (Jim Osborn)
1000 E Univ Ave, Dept 4307
Bureau of Mines, Rm. 320
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5200
Email: report-it@uwyo.edu
Being forced into sexual activity, relationship violence or stalking, even if it is a date, a steady relationship or a casual acquaintance, is still sexual misconduct. Making decisions and regaining control are important to the healing process after an assault.
Remember, you are not alone, and you are not to blame. Sexual misconduct can happen to anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status. In the event of sexual misconduct, UW can offer interim protection measures and assistance to help individuals feel safe and move on with their life.
Get to a safe place. If you are immediate danger or need help getting to safety, call 911 or the University Police Department (307-766-5179).
Preserve evidence. Taking a shower, changing your clothes, douching, or brushing your teeth can affect what evidence is available for collection. This can provide proof of a criminal offense should you decide to press charges. Evidence can be collected now, but you don’t have to decide immediately if you want to press charges.
Get medical attention as soon as possible. Medical examinations are essential to detect injuries, and for possible protection against diseases or pregnancy. Medical professionals can also help preserve evidence. Medical assistance is available from Ivinson Memorial Hospital (307-742-2142 x 2222, 255 N. 30th St., Laramie) or Student Health Services (307-766-2130, Campus location: Cheney International Building).
Seek support. The Albany County SAFE Project (307-745-3556, 319 S. Lincoln Street, Laramie) can provide a confidential advocate who can accompany a victim of any gender to the hospital or any other health care provider. They also have an on-campus advocate (307-766-3434, campus@safeproject.org) who can provide on-going support and assistance beyond medical appointments.
Sometimes victims of sexual assault will remain quiet for weeks, months or years before coming forward with an assault. If you are a victim who has been silent, seeking out support from someone you can trust and feel comfortable with is important. UW encourages victims of sexual assault to talk to somebody in order to get the support they need.
Your Rights
The person filing the incident report and the accused have rights in any process conducted under these procedures by the College:
The opportunity/right to speak on one’s own behalf.
To be accompanied by an advisor or support person who may take notes and advise you, but who may not otherwise participate.
To provide names of witnesses who can speak about the alleged conduct at issue.
To present evidence on one’s own behalf. Individuals should retain all evidence which may be relevant including documents, texts, e-mails, digital messages and the like.
To report incidents to law enforcement.
Non-retaliation for having filed an incident report or participating in the investigation.
The right to a written report on the decision of the investigator/decision-maker including an explanation of the alleged violations of this policy, sanctions and remedies, if any.
If the person conducting the investigation utilizes an informal process, either the person filing the incident report or the accused may request at any time that the case be resolved through the formal investigation and subsequent appeal process.
To appeal the outcome of a conduct hearing.
In the event of an appeal by either party:
To receive a copy of the appeal.
To receive a written decision on the appeal.
To review any written statement that will be offered by the other party at a hearing (if a hearing is held) or proceeding prior to the time that it is offered (to the greatest extent possible and consistent with FERPA or other applicable law);
To attend the entire hearing or other proceedings, (if a hearing is held), in such manner as may be designated by the College, except for the deliberation phase.
There are several ways you can make a report to UW or law enforcement, including anonymous and confidential options. Reporting to UW helps ensure that survivors receive the support and resources they need.
Someone who has been involved in a sexual assault may come to you for support. The best thing you can do for a person who has been assaulted is to listen without judgment.
Bystanders are people who witness or see a specific action or event, but aren’t the direct actors in that event.
You are a potential bystander. Everyone is a potential bystander. This includes your friends, your classmates, your family, RA’s, acquaintances, on-lookers, random passers-by, your great aunt Mildred, the president of the chess club, the captain of the swimming team, and pretty much everyone else in the world.
Title IX Coordinator (Jim Osborn)
1000 E Univ Ave, Dept 4307
Bureau of Mines, Rm. 320
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5200
Email: report-it@uwyo.edu