Title IX Coordinator (Jim Osborn)
1000 E Univ Ave, Dept 4307
Bureau of Mines, Rm. 320
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5200
Email: report-it@uwyo.edu
Training related to sexual misconduct and discrimination are available from many places at UW. Check out the resources below to learn more. If you have any questions or need help finding training opportunities, please contact Equal Opportunity Report and Response (EORR) for assistance (766-5200, report-it@uwyo.edu).
Equal Opportunity Report and Response (EORR) offers training geared toward employees, managers, and supervisors, though anyone at UW is welcome to attend. All employees are required to complete training on preventing sexual harassment and discrimination within 30 days of hire. EORR also offers in-person training on discrimination and sexual misconduct. EORR is also happy to discuss classroom presentations or special sessions as needed. (766-5200, report-it@uwyo.edu)
Human Resources (HR) offers employees and supervisors a number of in-person and online staff learning and professional development sessions. There are several topics related to fair hiring, supervisory skills, and screening of job applicants. Other topics include responding to difficult people, team dysfunction, communication skills, and change management. They also provide access to LinkedIn Learning. HR can also help UW employees or departments develop internal training for their areas. (766-5665, jennifer.brown@uwyo.edu)
University Disability Support Services (UDSS) helped develop a course within the WyoCourses Learning Management System that has information and tutorials to help instructors build accessible online courses. This is an open course and any UW faculty, staff, or student can enroll. Other in-person training, presentations, and consultations are also available. (766-6189, udss@uwyo.edu)
The Dean of Students Office (DOS) oversees many programs and services that include training opportunities. Information is available about student leadership development and residence life. Training sessions and presentations may also be offered by student organizations. (766-3296, dos@uwyo.edu)
Green Dot is a bystander intervention program aimed at reducing and preventing power-based personal violence such as sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. It is centered around one thought: If everyone does one thing, no one will have to do everything. A Green Dot is your choice at any moment to make campus safer by promoting safety for everyone and letting others know that you will not tolerate violence. A Green Dot is any behavior, choice, word or attitude that sends a clear message that: 1) Violence is not okay with you, and 2) Everyone is expected to do their part. (766-3296, greendot@uwyo.edu)
To review the information about training offered to the Title IX Team or to review the materials posted in accordance with Title IX regulations, please visit the Title IX Team Training page.
The new Title IX regulations that became effective in August 2020 included a requirement that Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process receive specific types training to ensure a thorough and unbiased process. The regulations also require that institutions publish the materials they use when training these individuals. The materials must not rely on sex stereotypes and must promote impartial investigations and adjudications of formal complaints of sexual harassment.
Title IX Coordinator (Jim Osborn)
1000 E Univ Ave, Dept 4307
Bureau of Mines, Rm. 320
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5200
Email: report-it@uwyo.edu