Contact Us

Technology Transfer Office

Mailing Address:

Technology Transfer Office

Dept. 3672

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Physical location:

Technology Transfer Office

Bureau of Mines, Room 205

365 N 9th Street

Laramie, Wyoming 82071


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For UW Innovators

Reserachers focusing intently on a large peice of research exuipment.The UW technology transfer team works with UW innovators to accelerate the translation of research and innovation.

We are the Business Office for Innovation Management

Whether you have an idea for an innovation, an innovation that has already been created, or something else of value to someone outside the University, the technology transfer team will help you to advance your innovation.

What is Technology Transfer?

Technology transfer is the process of assessing innovations and research for their potential to impact society, and then managing the business process of realizing that potential. The process begins with a conversation with a technology transfer team member or the submission of an Innovation Disclosure Form.

Infographic describing what technology transfer is. See above for text version.

The technology transfer team is responsible for:

  • Soliciting, receiving, and managing Innovation Disclosures
  • Conducting Innovation Impact Assessments
    • Market research
    • Intellectual property research
    • Assessing innovation readiness for translation to public use
    • Determining social and economic potential of innovations
  • Managing UW Intellectual Property (IP)
    • Filing and prosecuting patent and trademark applications
    • Assuring appropriate marking and protection of copyright subject matter
    • Seeking partners for licensing, development, or startup activities
  • Negotiating IP-Related Agreements Including
    • Non-Disclosure (Confidentiality) Agreements
    • Materials Transfer Agreements
    • Sponsored Research and Research Services Agreements
    • Licenses to existing entities and new startup companies
    • Inter-institutional Collaboration Agreements

Become an NSF ART Ambassador

Open to UW faculty, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, entrepreneurs, and administrators, the NSF ART program sponsors the ART Ambassadors program.
ART Ambassadors will work together as a team to:

  • design and implement educational and mentoring programs that will provide training to graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in translational research
  • help build capacity to accelerate and scale translational and use-inspired research activities
  • build bridges with ambassadors at other ART institutions to explore and develop connections focused on boosting translational research activities and innovation capacity. 

What Kinds of Innovation Have Impact Potential?

Many innovations developed from research and scholarly activities can have potential real-world applications. This includes biological and non-biological research tools (materials, cell lines, animal models etc.), compositions of matter, methods, instruments, devices, algorithms, biological materials, software, educational tools, or any product, service, or concept that may have potential to positively impact society. 

Please refer to UW Regulation 9-1, University Intellectual Property for details regarding governance of intellectual property developed at the University of Wyoming and to contact the Technology Transfer Office if you have any questions.

Contact Us

Technology Transfer Office

Mailing Address:

Technology Transfer Office

Dept. 3672

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Physical location:

Technology Transfer Office

Bureau of Mines, Room 205

365 N 9th Street

Laramie, Wyoming 82071


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