Sponsored Projects


 The Sponsored Projects applications will allows PIs to prepare proposals for internal routing and review. Sponsored Projects will provide researchers a dashboard that gives an overview of proposal submission progress and research compliance activities.  



Overview: The ROAMWyo Proposals and Sponsored Projects applications will allow PIs to prepare proposals for internal routing and review. ROAMWyo will provide researchers a dashboard that gives an overview of proposal progress and awards. ROAMWyo allows direct system-to-system submission capabilities with Grants.gov, which ensures proposal accuracy with real-time error validations.

  1. What Have We Completed So Far
    1. Developed the proposal, sub-award, and award forms so that the forms are consistent with UW policies and processes and enhance our reporting and metric capabilities.
    2. Cleaned up the current external organizations list so that the data is clean and consistent for the new system to the extent possible.
    3. Assembled a project steering committee comprised of PIs from various departments and a staff member to test the ROAMWyo Sponsored Projects system and provide feedback through a survey and additional comments. We are reviewing the feedback to strengthen our training plan and applying suggestions, as necessary.
  2. What Are We Working On Now
    1. Analyzing our current processes and looking for any areas to improve and streamline within the ROAMWyo system.
    2. Developing documentation for faculty and staff to utilize during training.
    3. Developing a training schedule for all end users.
    4. Continuing to develop an integration between ROAMWyo and WyoCloud to ensure applicable data elements will transfer smoothly between systems.
    5. Award Legacy Data Conversion.



To receive a recording of the ROAMWyo Sponsored Projects training, kindly email ROAMWyo.

Sponsored Projects Standard Operating Procedure Documents



Sponsored Projects FAQ

Yes, ROAMWyo-SP is a user-friendly platform that will automate and create greater transparency for end-users as their proposal goes through the routing and approval processes.

ROAMWyo- Proposals will be used for the majority of funding opportunities that require submission via Grants.gov.

A proposal form needs to be completed a minimum of 3 working days prior to the proposal deadline--- the more time the better.