Shared instrumentation Program for Sensory Biology Research

The Wyoming Sensory Biology Center has maintained a group of core instruments for Sensory Biology and System Neuroscience projects dealing with Sensory Systems. These instrumentations are currently free of charge for SBC investigators and is available to SBC investigators and mentors on a shared basis. SBC also maintains a limited accessories and small devices to assist research running an animal experiment (anesthesia, LED optogenetics, sensory stimulation, machine parts, small centrifuge etc). Please contact Dr. Ren (, SBC research scientist, to inquire current use and set-up schedule to use these equipment.

Histology and Molecular Biology Related Equipment

Leica CM1950 Platform Clinical Cryostats (Leica). Frozen tissue sample preparations. 

X-Clarity tissue clearing system (Logos Biosystem): Brain and tissue clarity

NanoDrop™ spectrophotometers (ThermoFisher): Quantify and qualify DNA, RNA, and protein  samples with only 1–2 μL in seconds with no dilutions using the Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop™ One microvolume UV-Vis spectrophotometers BD FACSMelody Fac Sorter (located in the New Engineering Innovation Center)

IBRIGHT FL1000  Multi-color Gel DOC (Invitrogen), Chemiluminescence, RGB Fluorescence, near-IR

fluorescence, visible, nucleic acid stains; LCD touch screen; QuantStudio 3 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1mL, Laptop; 0.1mL, Laptop; 1 System Countertop Autoclave Nanoinjection drill bot.  For virus injections applications.

 MAGPIX WITH XPONENT (ThermoFisher)” Luminex Assays/Fluorescent imager. Luminex xMAP technology combines advanced fluidics, optics, and digital signal processing with proprietary microsphere technology to deliver multiplexed assay capabilities. The Luminex Systems are a series comprised of three instrument models—MAGPIX, Luminex 200 (LX200) and FLEXMAP 3D. These instruments utilize analyzers based on the principles of quantitative fluorescent microscopy or fluorescent flow cytometry and are designed to meet the needs of any size research laboratory.

Rodent Behavior and System Neuroscience Related Equipment

Home-cage running wheel. Catwalk CW-CV-10 (Noldus): Measures rodent  locomotion activities, gait analysis system Noldus Ethovision XT (Noldus) animal behavior tracking software for automated animal behavior tracking with Mobil Home cage (Neurotar), for head fixed mouse locomotion measurement.

Bussey-Saksida Touch Screen (Phynosys and Campden Instruments and Neuronexus):  for rodent working memory test in their home cage, with capabilities for high performance multi-site electrode signal sampling via smartbox (Neuronexus).  

Low-Profile Wireless Running Wheel for Mouse (Med Associates Inc.):  these wheels can be placed in a home cage.


Contact Us

Dr. Qian-Quan Sun, SBC Director, Professor

Department of Zoology and Physiology

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-5602


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