Title: Department Head of School of Culture, Gender, & Social Justice
Email address: sdillon5@uwyo.edu
Phone number: (307) 766-2733
Office: Ross Hall 114
Stephen Dillon is Department Head of the School of Culture, Gender, and Social Justice. He is the author of Fugitive Life: The Queer Politics of the Prison State (Duke University Press, 2018). His research on race, queer and trans politics, feminism, and incarceration has appeared in American Quarterly, GLQ, The Journal of African-American History, Radical History Review, Feminist Formations, Theory and Event, Signs, Feminist Review, Cultural Studies, Women and Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory, Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences, Places: Public Scholarship on Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism and the edited collections Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex and Active Intolerance: Michel Foucault, the Prisons Information Group, and the Future of Abolition, and Paths to the Prison: On the Architectures of Carcerality.
He is currently completing two new book projects. Affects for Abolition: Feeling the Ends of the Prison examines how imprisoned and free world activists use feelings in their organizing and art. And Punk Justice: The Noise of Freedom explores how punk music and culture imagines gender, racial, environmental, and economic justice.