Contact Us


Dr. Andrea C. Burrows

College of Education

School of Teacher Education

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307.766.5011


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Past Events

Students working at the tacos summer campMaterials used for the tacos summer campStudents working at the tacos summer camp


PI – Burrows | Summer 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

The Artful Craft of Science (TACoS) is a summer camp that has been in operation since the summer of 2015. Sponsored by MilliporeSigma, 30-40 students take part in a free, one-week camp each year, and focus on student-centered scientific work in chemistry, art, computer science, microbes, and civil engineering. Check out MilliporeSigma's new Curiosity Labs™ at Home website!

Indoor Living Walls and Their Impacts on the Built Environment

Guest Speaker | PI – L. Wang | July 2020-2023 

This EPSCoR funded project focuses on the contribution of indoor greenery systems to building energy efficiency. 

Swarms camp group pictureSwarms team pictureScience experiment at the swarms campScience project at the swarms campSwarms team working on their project



PI – Burrows | Jan 2014-Dec 2021

The Sustaining Wyoming’s Advancing Reach in Math and Science (SWARMS) five-year grant is an annual opportunity for STEM students to become certified to teach secondary math and science in K-12 schools. This NSF Noyce funded grant was created to support future mathematics and science teachers. Over forty teachers have been funded from the program which emphasizes the need for post-baccalaureate graduate certificate students, minority scholars, and military veterans.



PI – Burrows | Summer 2014 & 2015 & Academic Years 2014-2015, 2015-2016

Detailed further in a recent publication, the Launching Astronomy Standards and STEM Integration (LASSI) was created to integrate astronomy and STEM standards in Wyoming, This MSP sponsored grant, awarded through the Wyoming Department of Education, was active in 2014-2015 and was designed to work with K-12 science teachers on ways to use astronomy as a vehicle for STEM teaching.


Lassi Camp group picture
WRNA Team working on their project


PI – Burrows | Summer 2018 & Academic Year 2018-2019

As a follow-up to LASSI and RAMPED I, another MSP extending and integrating computer science into K-12 teachers’ classrooms, entitled RAMPED II offered four more sessions for teachers to incorporate machine learning, anomaly detection, large distances, and virtual reality connections to K-12 curriculum and teaching. This professional development focused on computer science and computational thinking in an integrated context, and the K-12 teachers co-created a module for use by Wyoming.



PI – Muknahallipatna | Summer 2016, 2017, 2018

This engineering summer program was designed for K-12 teachers and consists of computer engineering and educational sessions relating technology such as Arduinos and Raspberry Pis with STEM education and teacher instruction.


Student showing off findings during the tacos summer camp.
Gencyber Group in 2019


PI – Burrows | Summer 2016 & Academic Year 2016-2017

The MSP grant, Robotics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Design (RAMPED), was first held in the summer of 2016 and consisted of six sessions (Baxter the Robot, Arduino, Raspberry Pie, Net Logo, Virtual Reality, and Space) and allowed K-12 teachers to choose four to concentrate on for their work. Over the course of the academic year, all six sessions were visited by the teachers. This interdisciplinary professional development was designed to connect K-12 standards to the included STEM fields, while providing teachers space to begin to think about how to incorporate the session topics into curriculum and lesson planning.



PI – Borowczak | Summer 2018, 2019, 2020

GenCYBER is a summer camp experience for K-12 teachers and students. The goal of GenCYBER is to combat the lack of cyber security professionals in the US by aiming to get students passionate about cyber security and providing grants and knowledge for teachers to implement cyber security content into their classrooms. Participation in the GenCYBER camp comes at no cost to teachers or students. More information can be found at the following link:

GenCyber Mentors on break
Contact Us


Dr. Andrea C. Burrows

College of Education

School of Teacher Education

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307.766.5011


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