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University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)-766-1121

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May 19-21, 2019 University of Wyoming

Conference Details

The Rocky Mountain Section of the ASEE held the 2019 conference in beautiful Laramie, Wyoming May 18th-19th, 2019. The schedule included 43 unique submissions including 12 active engagement sessions, 23 papers (10 short, 13 full), and another 9 posters.

Electronic Proceedings

A combined proceeding of the 2019 Papers, Active Engagement and Posters is now available here.
Individual papers can be accessed by clicking on the links in this book of abstracts [pdf] or in the listing below (sorted by order of initial submission).

Title Author(s)
Work in Progress: Developing an UndergraduateTheory and Methods of Research Class for Honors Students Joseph Holles
Incorporating Research Data Management into an Existing Graduate Course on Theory and Methods of Research Joseph Holles
Evidence that Adaptive Online Textbook Utilization May Lead To Higher Grade Performance Samuel Bechara
Creating a “STEAM Team” for a First-Year Engineering Program Pilot Course Olivia Burgess; Alina Handorean
A New Approach For the Latin Honors Award Process Jannete Pérez-Barbosa; William S.Duff
Integrating Ethics and Societal Impacts into Engineering Courses: Opportunity to Develop Actionable Ideas Madeline Polmear; Angela Bielefeldt; Daniel Knight; Nathan Canney; Swan Christopher
Rubric Assessment of Ethics and Societal Impacts Content of Student Assignments David Zhao; Angela Bielefeldt; Madeline Polmear; Daniel Knight; Chris Swan; Nathan Canney
Innovative Hands-on Teaching Tools Inspiring Upcoming Petroleum Engineers and K-12 Students Tawfik Elshehabi
Curriculum Needs for the Testing of Small Satellites Odon Musimbi; Julio Proano
Follow the Yellow Brick Road: Advising – A Roadmap to Student Retention Kris Brewer
Assessing Change in Students’ Value-Based Decision Making, through Case Study Analysis Mirna Mattjik; Megan Sanders; Toni Lefton; Robin Bullock
Understanding the new hands-on learner Christopher Coulston
Wyoming Energy For You Tawfik Elshehabi
A bouquet of Bloom’s: choosing active learning strategies to align with learning outcomes Sarah Bodbyl; Amy Hermundstad Nave; Deb Jordan; Megan Sanders; Sam Spiegel
What is effective teaching? How do we define it and how do we measure it? Amy Hermundstad Nave; Sarah Bodbyl; Deb Jordan; Megan Sanders; Sam Spiegel
The experiences of women in engineering Theodora Freedman
Introduction to Engineering for High School Students through an Engaging Program of Hands-on Exploration and Discovery Jeffrey Anderson; Theodora Freedman
Evaluation of an Early Exam on Student Performance in Engineering Mechanics: Statics Xiaolu Wei; Daniel Baker
A User-Centered Design Approach for Sharing Research Findings with Teaching Practitioners Angela Minichiello; Matthew Jouffray
Work in Progress: Examining the Formation and Effects of Student Interactions on Engineering Course Performance using Social Network Analysis Jack Elliott; Angela Minichiello; Joel Ellsworth
An Introductory Nanotechnology Experiment Using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Scott Kaiser; Paul Weber; Reza Kamali; Afsaneh Minaie
Introducing Physical Computing in STEM Professional Development Workshop for K-12 Teachers in the State of Wyoming Suresh Muknahallipatna; Robert Kubichek; Jeffrey Anderson; Andrea Burrows; Sylvia Parker; Theodora Freedman
Hands-on microcontroller workshop for grades 6-12 Brett Gilman; Ryan Hassell; Aisha Balogun Mohammed; Madison Shippy; Robert Kubichek; Suresh Muknahallipatna
Implementing a Unified Science Course Lindsey Freeman
The LIFT Project: High-Altitude Ballooning Opportunities for K-12 Science Education Philip Bergmaier; Trina Kilty; Jeffrey Bell; Mary Block; Garrett Burrows; Joshua Crips; Tyra Relaford; Jacob Plowman
Motivating Engineering Students: Simulation versus Real-Time Cameron Wright; Thad Welch; Michael Morrow
Scaling Up: Challenges and Lessons Learned During Implementation of Phase Two of an Academic Makerspace Tyler Kerr
Formula SAE as a Capstone Design Course at the U.S. Air Force Academy Ioan Feierl Andrew Durkee
Patterns in Middle School Snowfall and Rainfall Measurements Shelby Fuller; Jefferson Snider
Decision-based Learning to Improve Research Skills in Engineering Students David Pixton
Dimensions of a problems of that elicit requests for one-on-one help from students in a laboratory setting Christopher Coulston; Hisham Sager; Thomas Reagan; David Werner; John Wiens
Fueling Cybersecurity Interest through Authentic Experience, Competition, and Teamwork Rafer Cooley; Shaya Wolf; Mike Borowczak
A Practice Oriented Final Design Project for an Instrumentation Course in Civil Engineering. Shawn Griffiths
Summarizing the Use of Knowledge Surveys to Inform Effective Learning and Teaching Practices Melissa Beauregard; Joel Sloan; Michael Brannon
Bitumen Storage System Automation and Control Jorden Schulte; Vinchinzo Hinojos-Castle; Benjamin Schreckengost; Jackson Bower
A SCALE-UP Instructional Environment for Multivariate Calculus in the Engineering Core G. Gustave Greivel; Scott Strong
Context Rich Differential Equations in the Engineering Core and SCALE-UP without Studios Scott Strong; G. Gustave Greivel
Approximately Constant Group Delay FIR Filter Designs John Pierre
Making Multi-Cultural Experiences for Engineering Students a Reality Jennifer Tanner Eisenhauer; Mary Katherine Scott; Shelley Jewel; Jorge Varela
CS: Unplugged Shaya Wolf; Rafer Cooley; Andrea Burrows; Mike Borowczak


 Schedule at a Glance:





1130-430 PM

WRNA pre-conference Meeting



5-8 PM

Registration,  Social,  Dinner & Keynote




8-9 AM

Registration & Breakfast



9-930 AM




935-1135 AM

Sessions 1 & 2



1135-1230 PM

Lunch & Keynote



1235-435 PM

Sessions 3-6



5-8 PM

Poster Session / Dinner and Keynote




8-9 AM

Registration & Breakfast



9-12 PM

Sessions 7-9



12-1 PM

Awards & Lunch




Venue Details

The RMS ASEE conference washosted in three locations on or near campus. 

  • Sunday Reception / Networking / Dinner (5-8 PM):
    • Marian H. Rochelle Gateway Center [R11] (Free parking [R10] after 5PM)
      222 South 22nd Street
      Laramie, WY 82070
  • Monday/Tuesday Breakfast/Lunch and Sessions (M8:15-4:30 & T8:15-1):
    • Engineering Education Research Building [D7]
      with a few sessions next door in ENZI STEM [C7]
      1111  E. Lewis Street,
      Laramie, WY 82072
    • Nearest Parking Lot Near Education [G8] (the lot mentioned in earlier emails will be closed for maintenance)
  • Monday Dinner & Poster Session (5-8PM):
    • O'Dwyer's Public House [J12]
      1622 Grand Ave,
      Laramie, WY 82070
    • University Parking Lot [K12] (across the street)
      ~1000 Grand Ave,
      Laramie, WY 82070 


While this site includes an FAQ, interested parties should reach out to and/or with any additional questions.


Here is the Original Call for Paper, Poster and Experiential Session Presentations

Authors are invited to submit a paper (short and full-length manuscripts), poster, or active engagement session (1-hour activity with introduction & wrap-up) in one of two tracks at the conference (collegiate or K-12 engineering education). Papers are included in the open-access proceedings. Possible topics may include (but are not limited to) the following:

Innovative Curricula or Courses • First Year Engineering Programs • Approaches to Interdisciplinary Engineering •
Distance or Online Learning in Engineering • Engineering K-12 Outreach Programs • Experiential Learning • Engineering and Technology Collaboration • Faculty Professional Development • New Faculty Development or Mentoring • ABET Accreditation Projects • Engineering Recruitment or Retention • Partnerships • Multidisciplinary Approaches • Teaching/Learning Practices • Capstone Design Courses or Projects • International Experiences • Ethics and Professional Practice • Teaching Engineering Soft Skills

We encourage authors to submit other topics of interest to the engineering education community. We encourage young faculty, collegiate and K-12 educators, and graduate students to participate. Authors submit an abstract for initial review. Following acceptance of an abstract, authors submit a short or full manuscript (in either collegiate or K-12 engineering education), which is peer-reviewed to determine acceptance. Submitting authors are asked to participate in the peer review process. Authors are expected to present their papers at the conference to facilitate the transfer of knowledge through discussion and debate. All accepted papers that are presented by a registered author are included in the final conference proceedings, and preference is given to accepted full manuscripts. An author/co-author can be associated with as many papers/presentations as is appropriate, but a registrant may only serve as the presenter of record on a maximum of three presentations.

Schedule for Submission of Session Abstracts and Papers

January 28  February 5, 2019 @ 11:59 MST
(hard deadline, final extension)

Abstracts due from authors

February 11 February 15, 2019 @ 11:59 MST

Abstract acceptance due to authors

March 15 March 27, 2019 @ 11:59 MST

Proposal submission due from authors

April 1 April 15, 2019 @ 11:59 MST

Reviewed submission/Acceptance due to authors

May 6, 2019 @ 11:59 MST

Final submission due from authors

May 9, 2019 @ 11:59 MST

Deadline to register for the conference


Submit a 250-300-word abstract in Word (.doc/.docx) or PDF (.pdf) file format by January 28  February 5, 2019 (hard deadline, final extension).  

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much is Registration?

Registration cost is based on your participant type and when you register. Below is the cost-matrix, all prices are in USD.


Participant Type Early Registration
(Jan-April 10)
(April 10-May 6)
Late Registration
(May 7-14)


ASEE Member (non-student) $150 $200 $250 $300
Non-Member Faculty/Staff/Admin $200 $250 $300 $350
K-12 Teacher  $50 $100 $150 $200
Student (K12, Undergrad, Grad) $50 $75 $100 $150







What are the expectations for the different submission types?

The deliverables and conference expectations are based on the contribution types. Templates coming soon!

Contribution Type Abstract Phase

Proposal Submission

DUE March 27th

Final Submission

DUE May 6th

Conference Presentation
Short-Paper 250- 300 word short abstract 4-6 pages (double spaced, template) 10 minutes 
Full-Paper 7-12 pages (double spaced, template) 15 minutes
Active Engagement  Extended Abstract (template) 1 hr session

Extended Abstract
~2 pages

(optional template)
1 hr block w/multiple posters



Steamboat Summary Icon


The 2019 Rocky Mountain Section (RMS) of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) is held in Laramie, Wyoming from Sunday, May 19th to Tuesday, May 21st, 2019. Sunday consists of an exploration day and community engagement get together while Monday and Tuesday features paper, poster, and active engagement sessions.

Contact Us

University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)-766-1121

Find us on Instagram (Link opens a new window)Find us on Facebook (Link opens a new window)Find us on Twitter (Link opens a new window)Find us on LinkedIn (Link opens a new window)Find us on YouTube (Link opens a new window)