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Scholarships & Financial Aid

1000 E. University Ave, Dept. 3335

Knight Hall, Room 174

Laramie, WY 82071-3335

Phone: (307) 766-2116

Fax: (307) 766-3800


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Renew Your Financial Aid

To keep your financial aid each semester, there are different requirements for each program.  Here’s the information you need to know so you can be sure you don’t unexpectedly lose your financial aid. If you have questions, please contact the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid.  It is your responsibility to understand the requirements for your specific awards.

Federal Financial Aid Programs

Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Federal Work-Study, Federal Direct Loans, Federal Direct PLUS Loans

  • Students must file the FAFSA annually and continue to meet federal eligibility guidelines.

  • Eligibility for federal financial aid programs, requires students to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards that are checked at end of each semester. Students not meeting SAP requirements will receive no federal financial aid until they make up their academic deficiencies.

Hathaway Scholarships

To maintain eligibility to receive the Hathaway scholarship, students must qualify under the three Hathaway standards as follows:

GPA – after initiating the scholarship, students must maintain a minimum Hathaway GPA* of:

  • Honors level 2.50**

  • Performance level 2.50**

  • Opportunity 2.25

  • Provisional Opportunity 2.25

    **Students who fall below a 2.50 Hathaway GPA, but maintain a minimum of 2.25, are eligible to receive the Opportunity level until the GPA is increased to 2.50 or greater. Eligibility in SAP and continuous enrollment must also be met.

*The Hathaway GPA includes all courses taken at any Wyoming institution after the scholarship has been initiated, including deferred semesters, semesters used to regain the scholarships, and repeat courses. GPA is checked after each spring semester.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) – after initiating the scholarship, students must successfully complete a certain number of credit hours each fall and spring semester to maintain eligibility. “Complete” in this context means they have received a “D” or higher grade. Courses in which the student receives an “F” or “W” are not factored into the completed credit hours; however, repeat courses will be factored into completed credit hours for the calculation.

  • A minimum of six (6) credit hours of 1000-level or higher courses must be completed each semester. Thereafter, SAP is calculated as follows:

    • Students enrolled as part-time must complete at least 12 credit hours per academic year (fall and spring).

    • Students enrolled as part- and full-time (one semester part-time status and one semester full-time status) must complete at least 18 credit hours per academic year (fall and spring).

    • Students enrolled as full-time must complete at least 24 credit hours per academic year (fall and spring).

    • For students enrolled in a consortium agreement, all courses taken and completed at each Wyoming institution will be included in the calculation for SAP.

Continuous enrollment – after initiating the scholarship, students must be enrolled at a Wyoming community college or the University of Wyoming at least two semesters per year (fall and spring).

Loss of Hathaway

If a student does not meet eligibility as defined above, they will lose the Hathaway scholarship until they are able to reestablish their eligibility. If students lose Hathaway for GPA or SAP as explained above, summer term can be used to reestablish either, or both, requirements.  Students will need to self-identify to Scholarships and Financial Aid when they believe their eligibility has been reestablished, especially if they choose to complete summer term.

Students may appeal for reinstatement of their Hathaway scholarship if it is lost for any, or all, of the three Hathaway standards if they can document extraordinary circumstances.

UW Commitments and Scholarships

Cowboy Commitment, Brown & Gold Commitment, Nebraska Transfer Award, Pokes Transfer Commitment, Trustees’ Scholars Award, Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) Award, WUE Transfer Award, WY Transfer Commitment

  • Students must maintain a 3.0 UW cumulative GPA* (See Trustees' Scholars Award below for additional requirements.)

  • Continuous enrollment of 12 hours each fall and spring, with successful completion of 24 credit hours each academic year. 

  • Study abroad students must be enrolled in a 4001 level study abroad course, with tuition billed by the University of Wyoming, for their commitment or scholarship to pay. If you enroll in a non-exchange program, you will waive that semester of commitment or scholarship eligibility.

  • Scholarships will be awarded for a maximum of eight (8) consecutive semesters use or up to the first bachelor's degree whichever comes first.

    • Transfer Student Awards awarded before fall of 2023 (UW Transfer, Cowboy Transfer, WUE Transfer, Nebraska Transfer): Four (4) semesters of consecutive use or up to the first bachelor's degree whichever comes first.

    • For new Transfer Student Awards awarded starting fall 2023 (WY Transfer, WUE Transfer, Nebraska Transfer, Pokes Transfer): Six (6) semesters of consecutive use or up to the first bachelor's degree whichever comes first.
  • Eligibility for the award will be reviewed at the end of every spring semester, therefore enrollment during summer session(s) following the spring review is not included. If the scholarship is lost, it cannot be reinstated even if the requirements are met at a later date.

Trustees’ Scholars Award

  • *Students must maintain all requirements above in addition to:

    • A 3.25 UW cumulative GPA.

Children of Alumni Benefit

This benefit is awarded for as long as the student is enrolled at UW, and applies to undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and professional work. Qualified students also receive this benefit for enrollment during summer sessions. There are no restrictions on the number of enrolled credit hours.

Contact Us

Scholarships & Financial Aid

1000 E. University Ave, Dept. 3335

Knight Hall, Room 174

Laramie, WY 82071-3335

Phone: (307) 766-2116

Fax: (307) 766-3800


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