Transfer Students

Commitments, Opportunities, and Scholarships

This information is for the Fall 2025/Spring 2026 academic year. Unless otherwise noted, awards listed are for the academic year and not by semester.

The University of Wyoming is proud to offer a variety of opportunities for eligible incoming resident, non-resident, and international transfer students. All opportunities are based on the student's academic achievements at the time of admission to UW.

Students must be degree-seeking through UW's Laramie or Casper campuses. UW Online students are not eligible for these scholarships. (This is effective for fall 2025 new admits; current recipients and/or recipients currently deferring will be permitted to complete their remaining terms of use in accordance with the published Terms & Conditions.)

Please note: All University of Wyoming financial awards are only available to eligible admits. The awards are subject to available funding and the approval of the UW Board of Trustees; they reserve the right to change said rates at any time.

How much does it cost to attend the University of Wyoming? View UW's Cost of Attendance.

We're Eager to Help


Contact Us

Scholarships & Financial Aid

1000 E. University Ave, Dept. 3335

Knight Hall, Room 174

Laramie, WY 82071-3335

Phone: (307) 766-2116

Fax: (307) 766-3800


In-Person: Our Office Hours