Stable Isotope Facility
Berry Center RM 214
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-6373
δ13C and δ15N of Organic and Inorganic Material
Carbon and nitrogen containing compounds occur in both organic (such as plants and animals) and inorganic (such as soils) systems. δ13 and δ15N ratios of the material can be determined by isotopic analysis of the CO2 and N2 generated by the combustion of the material. At SIF, the homogenized sample is accurately weighed into a tin capsule and loaded into the autosampler attached to an elemental analyzer. The EA is coupled to an IRMS through an open split interface. When a sample is dropped into the EA, the EA automatically processes the sample, combusting the sample to generate product gases that are then separated using the gas chromatograph. The separated gases (CO2 and N2) are then pass through the open split interface to the IRMS for isotopic analysis (EA-IRMS).
Typical sample size: 1-2 mg (plant), 0.5-1 mg (animal), 5-20 mg (soil)
Stable Isotope Facility
Berry Center RM 214
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-6373