Staff Recognition

Staff Recognition

Peter K. Simpson Golden Gloves Award

Nomination Form



This award is founded in honor of outstanding staff/faculty member Pete Simpson. During his tenure at the University of Wyoming as a Professor of Political Science and Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Pete could be counted on as a strong supporter of Staff Senate and participated in several Staff Recognition Day events. Pete often lent staff his words of wisdom and his sense of humor when presenting at Staff Recognition Day. Pete has made such a lasting impression on the Staff Senate body that Staff Senate, in cooperation with Pete, created the "Peter K. Simpson Golden Gloves Award." The Peter K. Simpson Golden Gloves Award represents Pete's enthusiasm and willingness to go a "round or two" for Staff Senate. Pete had the honor of being the first award winner and was presented a framed picture from the 2007 Staff Recognition day event where Pete (dressed as Rocky) knocked out his opponent, Leroy Gabriel, in the ring with his UW Golden Gloves in a boxing match. It is the intent of Staff Senate to continue honoring Pete Simpson in recognition of his service to the staff of the University of Wyoming by presenting this award annually to an outstanding Staff Senator.


The recipient will be given:

  • Recognition plaque 

This award will be presented by Staff Senate on UW Staff Recognition Day.


Eligible nominees must:

  • Be in good standing with Staff Senate

  • Have served for twelve consecutive months 

Nomination Process

Each nomination must be submitted using the links above. If an incomplete form is received prior to the deadline, the nominator will be contacted to complete the form correctly.

Each nominee must have one nomination from a staff senator, and one from a co-worker or supervisor.

Nominations will be collected by the Staff Senate Office Assistant, who will ensure that they follow the process guidelines. Completed nominations will then be sent to the President of Staff Senate, who will select the final award recipient using a scoring rubric.

Selection Criteria

The selection criteria for this award are as follows:

  • Written examples of outstanding participation on their Staff Senate committee(s)

  • Written examples of participation at full Staff Senate meetings

  • Outstanding service for the Staff Senate causes including community projects

  • Strong representation to constituents

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