Want to Plan a Zero-Waste Event?
Students in the UW Sustainability Coalition developed guidelines for planning and executing events with 90% waste reduction. If you're planning a conference, workshop, or other event, check out our Zero-Waste Event guidelines document for creative ideas to reduce the waste stream.
Recycling Bins
Recycling bins for plastic, aluminum and paper can be found in multiple locations around campus - look for the recycle sign! Ink cartridges may be set next to recycling bins around campus or email recycle@uwyo.edu for pickup.
Recycle Poster: view or print for your area | Campus Map: Recycling Locations
Cardboard from campus is accepted in outdoor bins at the following locations:
Student Health
Old Main
Physical Sciences
Coe Library
Knight Hall
McWhinnie Hall
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Washakie Dining Center
Animal Science
Centennial Complex
Visual Arts
Hill Hall
White Hall
Information Technology (IT)
Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts
College of Law
Gateway Center
UW Apartments (Note: Outdoor bins by Spanish Walk and Bison Run accept plastic bottles, cans, newspaper and mixed paper.)
Early Care and Education Center
Questions About Recycling on Campus? For questions about recycling or special pickups please contact Waste Services at 307-766-3590 or recycle@uwyo.edu.
If you have the following and don’t want them, the UW Surplus Department will pick them up. If you have a need for any of these items, they work on a donation basis and accept cash, checks or IDT’s.
Styrofoam peanuts
Unused paper and envelopes
Binders and File Folders (3 ring, accordion, manila, etc.)
Miscellaneous office supplies (paper clips, binder clips, etc.)
Please call (307) 766-2340 or email surplus@uwyo.edu for more information.
The Wyoming Conservation Corps typically hosts a glass recycling drive each spring. Check their social media for glass recycling dates and location.
Each year the Nordic Ski Team helps to bring sustainability to the community through Trash to Treasure (T2T), an event in which unwanted household items are collected at the end of the school year, cleaned and re-sold in the fall.
Download the City of Laramie's Recycling app by searching "Laramie Waste and Recycling" on the AppStore or online on the City of Laramie. This resource informs citizens where to dispose of specific waste and reminds them when waste collection is happening in Laramie.