Dept. of Theatre & Dance
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3951
Laramie, WY 82071-3951
The Associated Students of the Performing Arts (ASOPA) is a Recognized Student Organization (RSO) that works with the Department of Theatre and Dance to serve the students of the performing arts.
MISSION STATEMENT: The Associated Students of the Performing Arts (ASOPA), being recognized by the University of Wyoming as a student organization, pursues the interests of its members in creating, rehearsing and performing quality theatrical and dance productions. The goal of ASOPA is to provide additional performance opportunities and learning experiences within the performing arts. By encouraging unity, communication, and student-driven projects (e.g., fundraisers and mentoring programs) members benefit in the academic and professional world.
There are numerous ways to become an active member of ASOPA, which will enrich your experience here at UW Theatre & Dance. Attending ASOPA meetings is the first step towards becoming an Active Member; contact ASOPA members for the Points System and Constitution.
Connect at Cowbell via Presence and find information on the ASOPA bulletin board in the Theatre and Dance hallway. Event information will be listed there along with other helpful information and news.
Board meetings and general meetings are regularly scheduled and information will be announced ahead of time. This is the place where you may get questions answered or simply get involved with ASOPA. We encourage each and everyone of you to take action and pride in this organization. Together we can all make this organization a highly beneficial experience for each and every member. Your officers need your voice and support in order to assure that ASOPA reaches its full potential.
The approved constitution can be found here: ASOPA Constitution (approved 2015-2016).
Dept. of Theatre & Dance
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3951
Laramie, WY 82071-3951