architect with blueprint

Next Generation University Studies Program


In Fall 2020, then-Interim Provost Anne Alexander assembled the Next-Generation General Education Committee (now referred to as NextGenUSP) and tasked them with redesigning UW's general education program (currently USP2015). 

This website serves as a central clearinghouse for the NextGenUSP Committee's ongoing work, which is guided by uW Regulation 2-105 as well as the committee's values for transparency, dialogue, realistic awareness of constraints, intentional design, attention to the needs of transfer students, diverse forms of data and evidence, an abundance mindset, capacity-mindedness, meaningful assessment, and material and structural support.

Delayed by the pandemic and by administrative change, a subset of the committee began limited preliminary work in Summer and Fall 2021. In Spring 2022, the committee kicked off work in earnest. Through Spring 2023, sub-committees explored specific elements of interest and delivered reports to the Provost. Sub-committee chairs met in Summer 2023 to develop an initial draft model, and in Fall 2023 a reconstituted executive committee began drafting policies to accompany the draft components.


Spring 2024

In spring 2024, work will continue on Phase III of the Next Generation University Studies Program. Co-chaired by Mandy Gifford, Chief of Staff to the Provost, and Dr. Morteza Dejam, Associate Professor in Energy and Petroleum Engineering, a group of Next Generation Education Fellows will chair subcommittees to work on specific components of the new draft model. The subcommittees will be charged with developing definitions of the components, student learning outcomes, and policy recommendations. Campus involvement and feedback sessions will occur in late spring.