an environment of integrity, honesty, and cooperation.
WE value people, by showing respect for others and their ideas.
We value laughter.
January 1:
Janury 6:
J-term II begins
January 17:
J-term I begins
January 20:
Holiday (campus closed)
January 21:
Late registration and add/drop begins
Spring 2025 classes start
January 23:
Last day to add/change 8 wk courses
January 27:
Last day to add/change 16 wk courses
Last day to drop 8 wk courses
January 30:
Last day to drop from 16 wk courses w/o penalty
January 31:
J-term II ends
February 15:
Tution/fees due in full (or first payment of payment plan due)
February 17:
Semester break
February 26:
Last day to withdraw from first 8 wk courses
Leap Into Your Future Career Exploration Fair @ Union Building 3rd and 4th floors 9 am - 1 pm (FREE and open to all!)
Contact your academic advisor via email to schedule an appointment for advising each semester. Please check you UWYO email daily. If you are non-degree seeking, newly admitted, a high school guest, or don't know who your academic advisor is, please contact Valorie Garret below with your questions.
Advising for all Education degrees (including Secondary Education)
307-766-2230 | Office: N/A (in Laramie)
Schedule an appointment to meet with an Education advisor by calling 307-766-2230 or by emailing
Advising for all degrees not listed below
307-268-2635 | Office: UU452
Schedule an appointment to meet with Valorie by calling 307-268-2635 or by emailing
Organizational Leadership Director
307-268-2398 | Office: UU451
Schedule an appointment to meet with Rochelle by calling 307-268-2398 or by emailing
Bachelor of Social Work degree advising
307-268-2930 | Office: UU434
Schedule an appointment to meet with Greta by calling 307-268-2848 or by emailing
Organizational Leadership Advising
307-268-3756 | Office: UU453
Schedule an appointment to meet with Robyn by calling 307-268-3756 or by emailing
Master of Social Work degree advising
307-268-2142 | Office: UU433
Schedule an appointment to meet with Bethany by calling 307-268-2142 or by emailing
Master of School Counseling degree advising
307-268-2572 | Office: UU430
Schedule an appointment to meet with Paul by calling 307-268-2572 or by emailing
Master of Mental Health Counseling degree advising
307-268-2056 | Office: UU431
Schedule an appointment to meet with Amanda by calling 307-268-2056 or by emailing
435 Union/University Building
Casper College Campus
Mailing: 125 College Drive, Casper, WY 82601
Phone: (307) 268-2713
Follow us: @UWCasper