Laramie's Rocky Mountain outdoor environment allows students at the University of Wyoming to spend their free time skiing, mountain biking, hunting, fishing, hiking, rock climbing, and camping. University of Wyoming graduate students have access to world-famous mountain biking, rock climbing, camping and more!
The Snowy Range Mountains and Medicine Bow Peak, approximately 45 minutes west of Laramie, offer great opportunities for hiking, snowshoeing, downhill (Snowy Range Ski Area) and cross-country skiing, and much more. The Medicine Bow Peak loop is a seven-mile trail that takes you to the famous summit that is as breathtaking the first time visited as the thirtieth.
Vedauwoo is the ultimate recreation area, providing space for hiking, snowshoeing, climbing, camping and more. It's located only 20 minutes east of Laramie.
The cracks between the natural hexagonal columns of Devil's Tower (5 hours via car from Laramie) in northeastern Wyoming make it a favorite of climbers and sightseers alike. Grand Teton National Park, home to stellar mountain vistas, and Yellowstone National Park in northwestern Wyoming (8 hours from Laramie) and are Wyoming's most unique and beautiful parks. Rocky Mountain National Park in northern Colorado is only two hours away.
Climbing opportunities are abundant in Wyoming, with options in most parks and federal lands. Vedauwoo, world-famous for its climbing, is Laramie's most accessible climbing location only 15 miles from town. Other premier locations include Sinks Canyon and Wild Iris in Lander, Wyoming, world-renowned climbing sites (3 hours from Laramie) and Ten Sleep, another well-deservingly famous climbing site in central Wyoming (5 hours from Laramie). Devil's Tower, the Tetons and a variety of other locations around Wyoming offer great climbing as well.
The Snowy Range Ski Area is Laramie's closest ski hill, but the larger Colorado ski areas - including Steamboat, Winter Park and more, are only a few hours away. Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing can be done throughout the area, but Happy Jack located between Laramie and Cheyenne provides groomed trails.
Mountain biking options are plentiful near Laramie and around Wyoming! Vedauwoo, Happy Jack and Tie City (all 20 minutes east of Laramie) are popular places to ride, particularly with the Laramie Mountain Bike Series each summer. Wyoming hosts the Tour de Wyoming each year, a week-long biking tour through the state.
The Wyoming Fishing Network recommends where to fish in Wyoming including locations as convenient as the Laramie River. The Wyoming Game and Fish provides all of the information you need for hunting in Wyoming.