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Develop a Faculty

Faculty & Advisors

Education Abroad (EA) works as an academic support unit for UW departments to facilitate the administration of education abroad programming. The following outlines the steps for developing a faculty‐led education abroad program and gathers information needed by Education Abroad to assist with the development of a high-quality academic education abroad program that complies with UW’s risk management and fiscal policies for leading student groups abroad.

The information requested in our proposal is based on the Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad from the Forum on Education Abroad. The Forum is recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as the Standards Development Organization (SDO) for the field of education abroad.

Steps for Proposing a Faculty-Led Education Abroad Program:

  1. Gain support for your Education Abroad program concept from your Academic Department or Unit.
  2. Meet with Education Abroad to discuss the program proposal process (email Sara Robinson, Assistant Director or Shelley Jewell, Director to schedule a meeting).
  3. Faculty-Led Programs Handbook
  4. Create and submit a proposal, with assistance from Education Abroad.

Submission Timeline 

12-18 Months

12 to 18 Months Before Departure

  • Meet with the Sara Robinson, Assistant Director and/or Shelley Jewell, Director of Education Abroad (EA) to discuss program proposal and development.
  • Consult with Department Chair & Dean to gain support for the program and proposed courses.
  • Work with Department Chair to determine a course number and submit to the University Course Committee, if necessary.
  • Develop the general framework of the proposed program, including: travel dates, general in-country itinerary, proposed budget, learning outcomes, etc.
  • Complete the Faculty-Directed Course Proposal Form (including proposed course #) by May 31st including a letter of support from the Department Head. Successful applicants notified by mid-July after committee review.

6-12 Months

6 to 12 Months Before Departure

  • Finalize syllabi for courses being taught on the program.
  • Create marketing materials for the program-EA staff, create and distribute flyers and marketing materials, advertise the program through social media, and creates a program/application page on the EA website.
  • Attend the UWYO Abroad Fair in September and February to advertise your program.
  • Consult with program providers, host universities/organizations, and other vendors (airlines, hotels, tour companies, host families, etc.) regarding logistical support and costs.
  • Finalize program framework– student program fee, travel documents needed and immunizations.
  • Coordinate with EA to negotiate contracts, make payments/reservations.

3-6 Months

3 to 6 Months Before Departure

  • Continue recruitment efforts by holding conversations with students, classroom visits, information sessions, etc.
  • Students apply through EA Cowboys Abroad Portal and faculty will have access to view applications and approve students. Upon approval, students will be charged a non-refundable deposit to their UW account.
  • Finalize the number of student participants, research visa requirements, and ensure that all students have necessary travel documents.

1-3 Months

1 to 3 Months Before Departure

  • Education Abroad (EA) will facilitate mandatory pre-departure orientation to cover safety, security, and logistic issues.
  • EA will follow-up with students to ensure all travel documents, health forms, and education abroad paperwork have been submitted prior to departure through Cowboys Abroad Portal.
  • Ensure that all students are enrolled in the correct UW course for the program.
  • Reconfirm all reservations with vendors/providers and EA will insure all payments have been made.
    Provide EA with a finalized itinerary with specific program and travel details.
  • EA will enroll all students in international medical insurance and provide students with emergency contact information.
  • EA will hold faculty pre-departure orientation and cash advances should be requested 1-2 weeks prior to travel.
  • EA will provide a faculty director with a total of all expenditures so that any additional program fee balance can be used during the program.


Submission Period

  • Proposals for the upcoming academic year (January, Spring Break, Summer) are due on June 15th.

Faculty Resources

The links below provide resources and tools to be used as a reference for UW education abroad program leaders.

Program Development

Health and Safety

National Organizations and Workshops Related to Education Abroad

The following organizations offer conferences, workshops, and research related to education abroad.

The University of Wyoming is a member of the Diversity Abroad Network and the Forum on Education Abroad.

Marketing your faculty directed program 

Please view this toolkit for more information about marketing your faculty directed program.



Contact Us


Cheney International Center  |   Dept. 3707, 1000 E. University Ave.   |   Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)766-3677   |   Fax: (307)766-3679

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