Winter Welcome logo on a brown background.
Contact Us

Old Main Suite 101

Dept. 3066

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-5765


Frequently Asked Questions

Winter Welcome is an immersive yet exciting experience that will give students the leg-up they need to successfully navigate their time at UW as a student and campus community member.

Students will navigate the day of Winter Welcome in a small group of students of similar interests and majors. Students also meet and engage with faculty, staff, advisors, and fellow students within their college.

Benefits & Costs

Winter Welcome is free to all new UW students enrolling for spring semester! While the program is not required, it is highly encouraged.

During Winter Welcome, students gain real-world exposure to the pace, cadence, and expectations of learning in a college classroom. Along with an understanding of the rapid tempo of daily course attendance and work, students also learn time-management skills, study tips and tricks, and receive feedback on how to improve their performance.

With a focus on academic readiness, Winter Welcome walks students through experiential learning and research opportunities that can enhance their time at the university. In the end, students are equipped with the ability to manage their time and course loads, be active and engaged learners, and gain preparation skills that will benefit them throughout their college journey.

As an incoming UW student, you will:

  • Experience the demand and pace of a college course taught by UW faculty
  • Move into your dorm room early
  • Become familiar with the university campus, its resources, and the UW community
  • Get an experiential introduction to academic resources, such as Canvas, the STEP Tutoring Center, the Libraries, and the Writing Center Network with peers and faculty within your major
  • Be ready for UW classes on day one of the spring semester! 


Program Details & Schedules

As part of Winter Welcome, students can participate in Move-In Day three days early on Jan. 15, 2024 at no cost if they have signed a spring housing contract. Students need to indicate they are planning to move in early on the Winter Welcome registration form to be eligibile. If they participate in the full day of Winter Welcome, their early move-in fee will be covered.

Winter Welcome is designed for students starting their first full-time semester at UW. While there is no fee associated, students need to register for Winter Welcome via this link. 

While attendance to Winter Welcome is not required, students are strongly encouraged to participate in the day-long programming on Jan. 16, followed by additional support and fun activities Jan. 17-18. 

If you have any questions about, please contact Student Success and Graduation at or call 307-766-5765.

Yes! As a transfer student, Winter Welcome provides the perfect opportunity to become familiar with your new environment and build your community!

While attendance isn't required, you are highly encouraged to attend Winter Welcome Jan. 16 to get a taste of what the college experience is like, both in the classroom and outside of it! Following the day of Winter Welcome, students have the choice to participate in all-day drop-in meetings on Jan. 17 with Cowboy Coaches, who will provide personalized support, before having some fun at New Student Rec Day! Students will also receive a free t-shirt from UW Athletics if they are one of the first 500 students through the door Jan. 18 at the UW-CSU basketball game!

View the camp schedule for additional details.




Contact Us

Old Main Suite 101

Dept. 3066

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-5765
