WYNDD (Wyoming Natural Diversity Database) logo over mountain landscape

Range Maps


Range Maps

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Explore spatial data on Wyoming species and habitats, including observations, range maps, and distribution models.


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Looking to download spatial data, such as range maps, from WYNDD? Our Species List application provides download links for range maps, predictive distribution models, and generalized observations.


WYNDD maintains range maps for all species, subspecies, and varieties thought to occur in Wyoming. Our primary range mapping units are 10-digit Hydrologic Units (watersheds). For a given taxon, each hydrologic unit in Wyoming is attributed with occurrence type (regular, irregular, absent), origin (native/introduced), detectability windows, reintroductions, and activities such as reproduction and migration.

Range maps are intended to provide an overview, at the statewide and regional scale, of the general pattern of occupancy for a taxon. Range maps are informed by WYNDD's occurrence data and are regularly reviewed by statewide experts for accuracy and currentness.

Range maps and other spatial data from WYNDD can be viewed on our Data Explorer page. To download range maps, use the download links in our Species List application.

Please direct questions to WYNDDGIS@uwyo.edu.

Sample Range Map

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