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EN 4015

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Petroleum Engineering


Morteza Dejam Petroleum Engineering University of Wyoming

Morteza Dejam, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

ScholarGPS Highly Ranked Scholar

Co-Chair of University Studies Program Committee on Next-Generation General Education

Hydrologic Science Interdisciplinary Program Faculty Member

E-mail: | Phone: 307-766-4395

Office Location: Room 4025, Engineering Building

Dept. 3295, 1000 East University Avenue

Laramie, WY 82071


Dr. Dejam's Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Dr. Dejam's Publications and Presentations

Dr. Dejam's Google Scholar Citations


  • Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada (January 2013 - April 2016)

  • M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering/Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (September 2007 - August 2009)

  • B.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering/Reservoirs, Ahvaz Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology, Ahvaz, Khuzestan, Iran (September 2003 - August 2007)

Research Interests

My research area involves theoretical and experimental studies of transport phenomena and thermodynamics of fluids in porous media with a focus on their applications to different disciplines (such as hydrology, petroleum, chemical, and environmental engineering):

  • Analytical and numerical modeling of fluid flow and chemical species (solute/tracer/contaminant) transport in double-porosity and double-permeability systems using Reynolds decomposition, Fourier transform, Hankel transform, Laplace inversion, integration, differentiation, and Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (RKF) methods

  • Computational modeling and experimental investigations of geological storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen

  • Theoretical and field studies of geothermal energy harness from sedimentary basins

  • Experimental investigations of phase behavior of confined fluids in nanopores of shale and tight rocks

  • Experimental and theoretical studies of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in sandstone and carbonate formations

  • Mechanistic modeling and simulation of oil and gas transport through shale reservoirs including non-Darcian and Klinkenberg effects and sorption mechanism

  • Mathematical and experimental studies of block-to-block interaction processes (capillary continuity and reinfiltration through formation of liquid bridges between matrix blocks) in fractured porous media

List of Courses Taught

  • PETE 3200 - Reservoir Engineering
  • PETE 3900 - Undergrad Research
  • PETE 4225 - Well Test Analysis
  • PETE 4970 - Internship in Petroleum Engineering
  • PETE 4990 - Surface Production Operations
  • PETE 5100 - Subsurface Hydrogen Storage
  • PETE 5100 - Enhanced Geothermal Energy Recovery
  • PETE 5150 - Advanced Topics in Mass Transfer
  • PETE 5350 - Advanced Reservoir Engineering
  • PETE 5890 - Petroleum Engineering Seminar
  • PETE 5960 - Thesis Research
  • PETE 5980 - Dissertation Research
  • PETE 5990 - Graduate Internship

Professional Service

Awards and Scholarships

  • Samuel D. Hakes Outstanding Graduate Research and Teaching Award, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Wyoming, March 2024

  • Energy & Fuels Excellence in Review Award, American Chemical Society (ACS), August 2023

  • SPE Regional Service Award, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Rocky Mountain North America Region, July 2022

  • Presidential Scholarly Achievement Award for Promising Early-Career Faculty, Office of the President, University of Wyoming, May 2022

  • Tau Beta Pi Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Wyoming, March 2021

  • Top Peer Reviewer Award, Web of Science Group, September 2019

  • Teacher Appreciation Award, The Petroleum Engineering Class of 2019, Department of Petroleum Engineering, University of Wyoming, May 2019

  • SPE Regional Reservoir Description and Dynamics Award, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Rocky Mountain North America Region, March 2019

  • SPE Regional Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Rocky Mountain North America Region, March 2019

  • Don Stinson Outstanding Teacher Award, Department of Petroleum Engineering, University of Wyoming, May 2018

  • Schulich School of Engineering Teaching Achievement Award, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, June 2017

  • GSA Excellence in Teaching Award (Senior Instructor), Graduate Students’ Association (GSA), University of Calgary, April 2017

  • Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Graduate Excellence Scholarship, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Calgary, March 2016

  • Schulich School of Engineering Teaching Assistant Excellence Award, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, December 2015

  • Faculty of Graduate Studies Travel Award - International Student, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Calgary, November 2015

  • Len Bolger Memorial Scholarship for Energy Research Excellence, Alberta Innovates - Energy and Environment Solutions (AI-EES) and Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures (AITF), University of Calgary, June 2015

  • J.B. Hyne Research Innovation Award, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Calgary, May 2015

  • Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures (AITF) Ingenuity Doctoral Scholarship, Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures (AITF), University of Calgary, May 2015

  • Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Graduate Excellence Scholarship, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Calgary, January 2015

  • Talisman Energy Graduate Scholarship in Energy & Related Studies, Talisman Energy, University of Calgary, June 2014

  • Eyes High International Doctoral Scholarship, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Calgary, May 2014

  • Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Graduate Excellence Scholarship, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Calgary, December 2013

  • Penn West Exploration Graduate Scholarship, Penn West Exploration, University of Calgary, June 2013

  • Ursula & Herbert Zandmer Graduate Recruitment Scholarship, Endowed through a bequest from the Estate of Ursula & Herbert Zandmer, University of Calgary, January 2013

  • Scholarship for Graduate Research and Teaching Assistantships, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Calgary, January 2013

  • NISOC Research Excellence Award, National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC), December 2012

  • Iran Petroleum Ministry Undergraduate Scholarship, Ahvaz Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology, September 2003

Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Dejam, M. and Hassanzadeh, H. (2024), Dispersion in a slit with crossflow filtration through a porous wall. Physics of Fluids, 36(9): 092001. URL:
  2. Dejam, M. and Hassanzadeh, H. (2024), Two-dimensional counter-current capillary imbibition of a wetting phase into a partially submerged porous cylindrical matrix block. Physics of Fluids, 36(5): 056614. URL: 

  3. Chen, F., Wang, S., Dejam, M. and Nasrabadi, H. (2024), Molecular simulation of competitive adsorption of hydrogen and methane: Analysis of hydrogen storage feasibility in depleted shale gas reservoirs.

    Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, 29(6): 3412-3422. URL:

  4. Dejam, M. and Hassanzadeh, H. (2023), Upscaling of dispersion in gas-liquid absorption on an inclined surface. Physical Review E, 108(3): 035104. URL: 

  5. Dejam, M. and Hassanzadeh, H. (2023), Thermal dispersion in a fracture-matrix system with application to geothermal energy extraction. Water Resources Research, 59(9): e2023WR034715. URL:

  6. Dejam, M. and Hassanzadeh, H. (2023), Advection and dispersion induced by an interface between two immiscible fluids in a laminar flow. American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal, 69(1): e17928. URL: 

  7. Brown, N. M. and Dejam, M. (2023), Tracer dispersion due to non-Newtonian fluid flows in hydraulic fractures with different geometries and porous walls. Journal of Hydrology, 622(B): 129644. URL: 

  8. Dordzie, G. and Dejam, M. (2023), Implementation of surfactant for alternating injection with low salinity water and γ-alumina nanoparticles in fractured carbonate reservoirs: An experimental study. Energy & Fuels, 37(17): 12865-12878. URL: 

  9. Dordzie, G. and Dejam, M. (2023), Viscosity behavior for zirconia and γ-alumina nanoparticles in different electrolytic solutions: An experimental investigation. Fuel, 348: 128522. URL: 

  10. Mirchi, V. and Dejam, M. (2023), Effect of rock surface wettability on hydrogen-cushion gas adsorption with application to hydrogen storage in depleted oil and gas reservoirs. Journal of Energy Storage, 73(C): 109152. URL: 

  11. Yang, H., Dejam, M., Tan, S. P. and Adidharma, H. (2023), Experimental study on phase transitions of carbon dioxide confined in nanopores: Evaporation, melting, sublimation, and triple point. Langmuir, 39(45): 16060-16068. URL:

  12. Mirchi, V., Dejam, M., Alvarado, V. and Akbarabadi, M. (2023), Effect of cushion gas on hydrogen/brine flow behavior in oil-wet rocks with application to hydrogen storage in depleted oil and gas reservoirs. Energy & Fuels, 37(19): 15231-15243. URL:

  13. Yang, H., Jayaatmaja, K., Qiu, X., Fan, M., Dejam, M., Tan, S. P. and Adidharma, H. (2023), Accurate measurement of the isothermal heat of capillary condensation in nanopores using differential scanning calorimetry and adsorption/desorption experiments. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(45): 21980-21988. URL: 

  14. Hou, D., Qiu, X., Gong, F., Dejam, M. and Nasrabadi, H. (2023), Characterization of kerogen molecular structure and its effect on methane adsorption behavior: A comparative study on outcrop and core samples from Longmaxi shale. Chemical Engineering Journal, 466: 143293. URL: 

  15. Dejam, M. and Hassanzadeh, H. (2022), Dispersion tensor in stratified porous media. Physical Review E, 105(6): 065115. URL: 

  16. Dordzie, G. and Dejam, M. (2022), Experimental study on alternating injection of silica and zirconia nanoparticles with low salinity water and surfactant into fractured carbonate reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 61(43): 16328-16340. URL: 

  17. Brown, N. M. and Dejam, M. (2022), An extensive scope of flow loops with a focus on particle transport. Physics of Fluids, 34(8): 081301. URL: 

  18. Mirchi, V., Dejam, M. and Alvarado, V. (2022), Interfacial tension and contact angle measurements for hydrogen-methane mixtures/brine/oil-wet rocks at reservoir conditions. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47(82): 34963-34975. URL: 

  19. Das, A. K., Dejam, M. and Hassanzadeh, H. (2022), New line-source solution and scaling relations for diffusive leakage of brine from an infinite aquifer-caprock composite domain during geological storage of CO2. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 118: 103664. URL: 

  20. Yang, H., Dejam, M., Tan, S. P. and Adidharma, H. (2022), First-order and gradual phase transitions of ethane confined in MCM-41. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(30): 18161-18168. URL: 

  21. Yang, H., Jayaatmaja, K., Dejam, M., Tan, S. P. and Adidharma, H. (2022), Phase transition and criticality of methane confined in nanopores. Langmuir, 38(6): 2046-2054. URL: 

  22. Dejam, M. and Hassanzadeh, H. (2021), The role of a porous wall on the solute dispersion in a concentric annulus. Physics of Fluids, 33(11): 116602. URL: 

  23. Dejam, M. and Hassanzadeh, H. (2021), Dispersion tensor in a two-phase flow in a slit. Physics of Fluids, 33(10): 103612. URL: 

  24. Dordzie, G. and Dejam, M. (2021), Enhanced oil recovery from fractured carbonate reservoirs using nanoparticles with low salinity water and surfactant: A review on experimental and simulation studies. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 293: 102449. URL:

  25. Qiu, X., Yang, H., Dejam, M., Tan, S. P. and Adidharma, H. (2021), Experiments on the capillary condensation/evaporation hysteresis of pure fluids and binary mixtures in cylindrical nanopores. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(10): 5802-5815. URL: 

  26. Bollineni, P. K., Dordzie, G., Olayiwola, S. O. and Dejam, M. (2021), An experimental investigation of the viscosity behavior of solutions of nanoparticles, surfactants, and electrolytes. Physics of Fluids, 33(2): 026601. URL: 

  27. Olayiwola, S. O. and Dejam, M. (2021), Comprehensive experimental study on the effect of silica nanoparticles on the oil recovery during alternating injection with low salinity water and surfactant into carbonate reservoirs. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 325: 115178. URL:

  28. Qiu, X., Tan, S. P., Dejam, M. and Adidharma, H. (2021), Binary fluid mixtures confined in nanoporous media: Experimental evidence of no phase coexistence. Chemical Engineering Journal, 405: 127021. URL: 

  29. Nguyen, M. C., Dejam, M., Fazelalavi, M., Zhang, Y., Gay, G. W., Bowen, D. W., Spangler, L. H., Zaluski, W. and Stauffer, P. H. (2021), Skin factor and potential formation damage from chemical and mechanical processes in a naturally fractured carbonate aquifer with implications to CO2 International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 108: 103326. URL: 

  30. Olayiwola, S. O. and Dejam, M. (2020), Experimental study on the viscosity behavior of silica nanofluids with different ions of electrolytes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59(8): 3575-3583. URL: 

  31. Olayiwola, S. O. and Dejam, M. (2020), Interfacial energy for solutions of nanoparticles, surfactants, and electrolytes. American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal, 66(4): e16891. URL: 

  32. Olayiwola, S. O. and Dejam, M. (2020), Synergistic interaction of nanoparticles with low salinity water and surfactant during alternating injection into sandstone reservoirs to improve oil recovery and reduce formation damage. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 317: 114228. URL:   

  33. Kou, Z. and Dejam, M. (2020), Control of shear dispersion by the permeable porous wall of a capillary tube. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 43(11): 2208-2214. URL: 

  34. Qiu, X., Tan, S. P., Dejam, M. and Adidharma, H. (2020), Isochoric measurement of the evaporation point of pure fluids in bulk and nanoporous media using differential scanning calorimetry. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(13): 7048-7057. URL: 

  35. Dejam, M. (2019), Tracer dispersion in a hydraulic fracture with porous walls. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 150: 169-178. URL: 

  36. Dejam, M. (2019), Hydrodynamic dispersion due to a variety of flow velocity profiles in a porous-walled microfluidic channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 136: 87-98. URL: 

  37. Dejam, M. (2019), Derivation of dispersion coefficient in an electro-osmotic flow of a viscoelastic fluid through a porous-walled microchannel. Chemical Engineering Science, 204: 298-309. URL: 

  38. Dejam, M. (2019), Advective-diffusive-reactive solute transport due to non-Newtonian fluid flows in a fracture surrounded by a tight porous medium. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 128: 1307-1321. URL: 

  39. Olayiwola, S. O. and Dejam, M. (2019), A comprehensive review on interaction of nanoparticles with low salinity water and surfactant for enhanced oil recovery in sandstone and carbonate reservoirs. Fuel, 241: 1045-1057. URL:

  40. Olayiwola, S. O. and Dejam, M. (2019), Mathematical modelling of surface tension of nanoparticles in electrolyte solutions. Chemical Engineering Science, 197: 345-356. URL: 

  41. Qiu, X., Tan, S. P., Dejam, M. and Adidharma, H. (2019), Experimental study on the criticality of a methane/ethane mixture confined in nanoporous media. Langmuir, 35(36): 11635-11642. URL: 

  42. Tan, S. P., Qiu, X., Dejam, M. and Adidharma, H. (2019), Critical point of fluid confined in nanopores: Experimental detection and measurement. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(15): 9824-9830. URL: 

  43. Qiu, X., Tan, S. P., Dejam, M. and Adidharma, H. (2019), Simple and accurate isochoric differential scanning calorimetry measurements: Phase transitions for pure fluids and mixtures in nanopores. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21(1): 224-231. URL: 

  44. Kou, Z. and Dejam, M. (2019), Dispersion due to combined pressure-driven and electro-osmotic flows in a channel surrounded by a permeable porous medium. Physics of Fluids, 31(5): 056603. URL:

  45. Dejam, M. (2018), Dispersion in non-Newtonian fluid flows in a conduit with porous walls. Chemical Engineering Science, 189: 296-310. URL:

  46. Qiu, X., Tan, S. P., Dejam, M. and Adidharma, H. (2018), Novel isochoric measurement of the onset of vapor-liquid phase transition using differential scanning calorimetry. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(41): 26241-26248. URL:

  47. Dejam, M. and Hassanzadeh, H. (2018), The role of natural fractures of finite double-porosity aquifers on diffusive leakage of brine during geological storage of CO2. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 78: 177-197. URL:

  48. Dejam, M., Hassanzadeh, H. and Chen, Z. (2018), Semi-analytical solution for pressure transient analysis of a hydraulically fractured vertical well in a bounded dual-porosity reservoir. Journal of Hydrology, 565: 289-301. URL:

  49. Dejam, M., Hassanzadeh, H. and Chen, Z. (2018), Shear dispersion in a rough-walled fracture. Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, 23(5): 1669-1688. URL:

  50. Dejam, M. and Hassanzadeh, H. (2018), Diffusive leakage of brine from aquifers during CO2 geological storage. Advances in Water Resources, 111: 36-57. URL:

  51. Dejam, M., Hassanzadeh, H. and Chen, Z. (2018), A reduced-order model for chemical species transport in a tube with a constant wall concentration. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 96(1): 307-316. URL:

  52. Dejam, M., Hassanzadeh, H. and Chen, Z. (2017), Pre-Darcy flow in porous media. Water Resources Research, 53(10): 8187-8210. URL:

  53. Dejam, M., Hassanzadeh, H. and Chen, Z. (2016), Shear dispersion in a capillary tube with a porous wall. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 185-186: 87-104. URL:

  54. Dejam, M., Hassanzadeh, H. and Chen, Z. (2015), Shear dispersion in combined pressure-driven and electro-osmotic flows in a capillary tube with a porous wall. American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal, 61(11): 3981-3995. URL:

  55. Dejam, M., Hassanzadeh, H. and Chen, Z. (2015), Shear dispersion in combined pressure-driven and electro-osmotic flows in a channel with porous walls. Chemical Engineering Science, 137: 205-215. URL:

  56. Dejam, M., Hassanzadeh, H. and Chen, Z. (2014), Reinfiltration through liquid bridges formed between two matrix blocks in fractured rocks. Journal of Hydrology, 519: 3520-3530. URL:

  57. Dejam, M., Hassanzadeh, H. and Chen, Z. (2014), Shear dispersion in a fracture with porous walls. Advances in Water Resources, 74: 14-25. URL:

  58. Dejam, M., Hassanzadeh, H. and Chen, Z. (2013), Semi-analytical solutions for a partially penetrated well with wellbore storage and skin effects in a double-porosity system with a gas cap. Transport in Porous Media, 100(2): 159-192. URL:

  59. Dejam, M. and Hassanzadeh, H. (2011), Formation of liquid bridges between porous matrix blocks. American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal, 57(2): 286-298. URL:

The underlined authors are graduate students and postdoctoral research associates.

Contact Us

Energy & Petroleum Engineering

EN 4015

Dept. 3295

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071


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