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Laramigo Award for Community Engagement


Purpose: Created by anonymous donors, the award recognizes a UW faculty member, administrative professional, or staff professional for their exemplary work both at UW and in service to the Laramie Community. An award shall be made to the UW employee recipient as well as a Laramie-based non-profit organization of the recipient’s choice.

Eligibility: To be eligible for the award, a UW employee must show exemplary work in their service to UW as well as demonstrate service to the Laramie community. Examples of service include, but are not limited to: service on city council, school board, or other local boards or commissions; extensive volunteerism and commitment to the work of a local non-profit agency; and/or encouraging and mentoring student involvement in community service.

Nominating Materials: The nominee's packet should include:

• A formal nomination letter from a UW employee detailing both exemplary UW work and service to the Laramie community;
• A letter of support from the nominee’s Dean, Director, or Division Vice President; and
• A letter of support from a community member who can describe the nominee’s service and investment in the Laramie community.
• If possible, please include the nominee’s current C.V. or Résumé.


Please send nominations electronically, including all letters and supporting materials, to UW Faculty Affairs at or if unable to send electronically, please deliver to:

Faculty Development Committee
c/o Office of Academic Affairs
Old Main, Room 312
UW Campus 


Previous Laramigo Award winners



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