The University of Wyoming invites nominations and applications for the position of Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. With its seven academic colleges, UW is the only public baccalaureate and graduate degree-granting institution in Wyoming. The university takes pride in its prominent role in the state, its relationship to other educational sectors, and its stature as a national research and land grant university. UW draws approximately 13,000 students in undergraduate, master’s and doctoral programs from 50 states and more than 75 countries. Wyoming’s demonstrated commitment to higher education provides fertile ground for an energetic, creative leader to have lasting impact.
The Dean of Arts and Sciences is the college’s chief academic officer, reporting to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The dean provides leadership in academic, intellectual, administrative, personnel, outreach, and development activities. We welcome applicants and nominations from academia, government, and the private sector. Preferred qualifications include an earned doctorate or terminal degree, a distinguished record of teaching, scholarship or creative contributions and service consistent with a tenured appointment as professor, demonstrated leadership ability, and evidence of strong strategic and managerial skills.
The College of Arts and Sciences houses 29 academic departments and programs in the humanities, fine arts, physical and mathematical sciences, social sciences, biological sciences, and interdisciplinary programs. The Dean oversees baccalaureate degree programs in 43 disciplines, 42 master’s programs, and 11 doctoral programs. More information is available at the college’s website,
The main campus is in Laramie, a city of 30,000 people in a scenic valley nestled between two mountain ranges in southeastern Wyoming and a two-hour drive north of Denver, Colorado. UW has a mission that extends across Wyoming and around the world. More information about the university and its geographic setting and its year-round cultural and recreational activities is available on the University’s website,
Complete applications include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, names and contact data for at least three professional references, and a brief narrative summarizing the candidate's leadership experience and interest in the University of Wyoming. The search committee will begin screening after November 15, 2012; however, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. We expect to make an appointment effective July 1, 2013. Please send all nominations and applications electronically to Ms. Angela Faxon at