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Strategic Planning 2023+

How it all comes together

Strategic planning is a “deliberative, disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why” (Bryson 2011, 7–9). We “plan strategically” to clarify and align our goals, ensure continuity of effort toward them, and establish KPIs to help us meet them. In other words, we do strategic planning because it will help us decide what the University of Wyoming should be doing, why we should be doing it, and how it will be accomplished. UW’s regional accreditor, the Higher Learning Commission, also outlines in accreditation Criterion 1 that UW should articulate our mission publicly and clearly, and operationalize that mission. A strategic plan accomplishes this as we adopt and implement the plan.  

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planning calendar

View the events that lead up to the release of the 2023+ Strategic Plan

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Find the strategic planning council/team members that helped craft UW's new plan.

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feedback labs

Learn more about the Feedback Labs that were critical to the planning process.

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News & updates

Follow the news and updates that were part of the planning process.

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Unit Dialogues

Learn about the Unit Dialogues that were part of the strategic planning process

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View the Idea Labs and Workshops that helped drive the plannning process.

Archived Strategic Planning

View past documents, including strategic scenario planning


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