Contact Us

Office of Admissions | Knight Hall 150
1000 E. University Avenue
Department 3435
Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5160
Toll-Free: (800) 342-5996
Fax: (307) 766-4042

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Current Student Blogs

Whether you're seeking academic advice, navigating campus life, or craving some creative inspiration, our diverse array of blogs has you covered. Join the conversation, discover hidden gems on campus, and connect with fellow students through these engaging narratives. From study hacks to campus event highlights, our blogs are your go-to resource for making the most of your university journey. Explore, learn, and be inspired by the voices of your peers at the University of Wyoming.

Audrey wearing her graduation cap posing on campus. What I Learned as UW's "TikTok Girl"

Being the “UW TikTok Girl” for two and a half years had a huge impact on my college experience, and although I wouldn’t trade it for the world, it’s definitely a role that came with some unique challenges. Through learning about myself, my university, and the people around me, these are a few nuggets of wisdom that have stuck with me.

graduates of the University of Wyoming celebrate with friends and family Congrats Graduates: Where to Next?

With commencement just around the corner, I asked some of the graduating Cowboy Coaches what they are looking forward to after graduation and how their college experience has shaped them as a person.

two students working at a laptop together You Don't Have to Struggle Through Math Class Alone

For as long as I can remember, math has been challenging for me. I always dreaded going to math class, so the thought of a college math class seemed terrifying to me. Luckily, the University of Wyoming has great resources.

Contact Us

Office of Admissions | Knight Hall 150
1000 E. University Avenue
Department 3435
Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5160
Toll-Free: (800) 342-5996
Fax: (307) 766-4042

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