Animal Science Internship Program

Internship Opportunities

Internships are a great way to acquire "hands-on" experience in a field of interest to the student and provide learning experiences that are difficult, if not impossible, to realize in a classroom setting. Although internships are completely voluntary, all undergraduate students are encouraged to do an internship at some point in their academic career. Internships are especially recommended for students with sophomore/junior status as it allows for evaluation of career choices and opportunities prior to graduation. Although most internships are conducted during the summer months, internships can be done any time of the year (i.e. during the semester, during holiday breaks, or simply on weekends, etc.). 

The University of Wyoming allows students to earn academic credits for their internships. Only students with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better and sophomore or higher standing are eligible to earn internship credit. Students are limited to a maximum of 8 credit hours of internship during their academic career. The length, semester(s), and hours of internship credit earned through UW can be individualized to the student. To earn credit, students prepare a paper describing their internship learning experiences and a 5 to 10-minute promotional video. Requirements for each of these may be found in more detail in the below links.

Students make all the arrangements for their internship including finding and contacting a Cooperator. Initial contact with a potential cooperator may be made by the student or at the suggestion of their academic adviser or the internship coordinator. A completed Memorandum of Agreement Form (found in a link at the bottom of this page) must be completed before the start of the internship. This is an online form that requires approval by the cooperator, academic advisor, department head, and internship coordinator. 

A list of available internships, as well as a database of past internship experiences is currently being compiled by Animal Science faculty and staff. Please see Kelli DeCora in the ANSC Main Office or the Internship Coordinator for updated information. 

If you have any questions about the internship program, please contact:

McKensie Harris
Internship Program Coordinator
AS/MB Rm 112 Department of Animal Science University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Avenue, Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-2334
Fax: 307-766-2355
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Internship Overview

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Memorandum of Agreement Form

Complete form >
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Cooperator Evaluation

Download Cooperator Evaluation >
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Rubrics for final paper and video

Click here for rubrics >
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