Students working at Hell Gap.
Student working at Hell Gap.

Excavations in progress at the Hell Gap National Historic Landmark

The lab is a consortium of researchers, scientists, educators, volunteers, and the public with an interest on Rocky Mountain prehistory and archaeology of the last geologic epoch or the late Quaternary. We probe the changes, adaptations, and evolutionary processes of prehistoric Americans from first peoples of the continents in the Late Pleistocene through the Holocene. Our research thus is global, concerned with the origin of the First Americans as well as subsequent populations.

The lab provides opportunities for students and the public to participate in the research process in both lab and field settings. We work cooperatively with archaeological societies and avocational archaeologists throughout North America and appreciate the support we receive from avocationals and the interested public.

You can contact us at:

Paleoindian Research Lab, Department of Anthropology, Department 3431, 1000 East University Avenue, Laramie, WY 82071, USA  

PiRL Volunteer and Crew Application Form
Summer Schedule


    The Team
    Projects and Publications
    Working Internationally
Sheep image Courtesy of Allen Denoyer

Paleoindian Research Lab (PIRL)


Contact Us

University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)-766-1121

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