Barnyards & Backyards
University of Wyoming Extension
1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354
Laramie, WY 82071
February 25-27, 2014
Powell, WY
8am – 5pm
Workshop covers:
Registration $340. Class size is limited to 15, on a first-come, first-serve basis.
For more information contact UW Extension at (307) 754-8836 or
March 8, 2014
10 am to noon
ARLC Building, Casper Room
2011 Fairgrounds Road
Casper, WY
Presenters include Lauren Spring Ogden (speaking on building a garden habitat focusing on concepts in her new book Plant-Driven Design) and Connie Holsinger of Terra. A pollinator event with kids and families may occur in the afternoon (pending).
$5.00 registration fee. Presented by UW Extension of Natrona County and Audubon Rockies. For more information or to register contact the Natrona County UW Extension office at 307-235-9400.
March 4, 11, 18, 25, 2014
5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Frank Wise Building
Ft. Washakie, WY
For farm and ranch women with a passion for business and involvement. This is a follow-up
of last year’s course. Designed to give women the opportunity to learn from agricultural
professionals and network with other women in similar situations.
Program Highlights:
What Lender’s Look For
Farm Service Agency History and Current Programs
Using Goggle Earth
Planning a Grazing System
Web Soil Survey Refresher
Succession Planning
Story of a Successful Wyoming Sheep and Wool Business
Please pre-register by February 27th by calling Wind River Extension, 332-2135
March 13-15th
Sheridan College, Sheridan
March 22-23, 2014
Laramie County Community College
Cheyenne, WY
Laramie County Extension is hosting this event. Two days hands on, workshops and lectures;
this conference is open to anyone wanting to learn more about, beekeeping, native
bees, bumble bees and value added bee products.
The conference cost of $50 for both days includes two lunches, snacks and a banquet
dinner on Saturday night, or you can register for one day at $35/day.
Call 307-633-4383 for more information.
March 25, 2014
7:00 pm
Lincoln Community Center Gym
Laramie, WY
A brief Laramie Garden Club business meeting will be followed by a “hands on” workshop
program. We will discuss ways to start plants from seed for your garden. We will
then go through the process step-by-step and plant some seed. Example seed and materials
will be provided.
To ensure enough materials are available please RSVP at
March 26, 2014
12:00p – 1:00p
TCDs office
420 W. Pearl Ave
Jackson, WY
Information on Fish Creek, Flat Creek, and water quality programs presented by Dan
Leemon- Water Resources Specialist
Bring lunch we’ll provide the drinks! Space is limited! Please RSVP to Rachel at 307-733-2110
March 29, 2014
ARLC Building
2011 Fairgrounds Road
Casper, WY
Mark your calendar! Theme: Trees including pruning and long term care as well as fruit
trees and small fruits to replace trees we lost in the October 4 & 5 snow storm.
More information to be announced.
March 29, 2014
Powell Armory
Powell, WY
Join us for this day-long event featuring speakers from the WY State Veterinarians
Office, Northwest College, UW Extension, UW Research Center-Sheridan, Park County
Weed and Pest, USDA, and many more. Special guest speaker-Cheryl Moore-Gough (MSU-Extension
Horticulturist, author).
Local vendors will offer a host of services of interest to attendees. $15/person
includes lunch. Pre-registration appreciated! For more information please contact
Mary McKinney 307-587-3020 or follow the link @
April 5, 2014
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Lander Valley High School
(350 Baldwin Creek Road)
Booths, Farmer's Market, Workshops, Kid's Korner and more!
For more information contact the Popo Agie Conservation District at 307-332-3114.
April 5, 2014
9 am-2 pm
Worland Community Center Complex Conference Room
Worland, WY
Learn about alternative sources of energy that you can use in your own home or agricultural
operation. Milt Geiger and his Energy Team from the University of Wyoming will tell
us about sources of alternative energy for Washakie County - and how to use Geo-Thermal
Pumps to heat homes. He will partner with Eric Concannon from Creative Energy in Lander,
WY on using Solar Energy. We will also have a session on proven tips for energy conservation
and incentives by Brenda Ilg. A roundtable discussion will be held with the experts
to answer all of your alternative energy questions - and we will have access to the
UW Alternative Energy Trailer which demonstrates how to harness solar, geo-thermal
and wind energy.
There will be a $5 charge to cover lunch. Please pre-register by calling the Washakie
County Conservation District at 307-347-2456 ext 101 or 121.
April 8, 2014
6-8 PM
Crook County Community Room
309 Cleveland St.
Sundance, WY
This workshop is designed to give participants an understanding of common poisonous
plants found in Northeast Wyoming that affect livestock. The workshop will cover in
detail identification of poisonous plants, ecology of plants, their potential effects,
livestock symptoms, and potential remedies or cures.
For more information please contact Brian Sebade at 307-283-1192 or Chance Marshall
at 307-682-7281
April 9, 2014
6-8 PM
George Amos Memorial Building Cottonwood Room
(right above the extension office)
412 S. Gillette Ave
Gillette WY
This workshop is designed to give participants an understanding of common poisonous
plants found in Northeast Wyoming that affect livestock. The workshop will cover in
detail identification of poisonous plants, ecology of plants, their potential effects,
livestock symptoms, and potential remedies or cures.
For more information please contact Brian Sebade at 307-283-1192 or Chance Marshall
at 307-682-7281
April 22, 2014
7:00 pm
Fire Station #3
Laramie, WY
Rachel Watson, UW Molecular Biology Instructor and ACRES club student members will
tell us what they learned in a recent study on compost aromas. To be followed by a
Laramie Garden Club meeting.
April 24, 2014
Platte County Extension Office
Wheatland, WY
Jennifer Thompson UW small acreage outreach coordinator (Barnyards & Backyards) and
one of the authors of the new booklet “Plants with Altitude: Regionally Native Plants
for Wyoming Gardens”, will be giving a presentation at the extension office on water
wise gardening and native plant.
Bring your lunch and learn. If you plan on attending please contact the office 307-322-3667
by the 23rd so we can have the room set up.
Niobrara Local Food Expo
April 24, 2014
5:00-8:00 p.m.
Niobrara County Fairgrounds
310 West Highway 20
Lusk, WY
Topics: Water Wise Gardening -Jennifer Thompson, UW Small Acreage Outreach Coordinator
Flower Gardening in Wyoming and Flower Identification - Donna Cuin, Natrona County
Horticulturalist with the University of Wyoming Extension
A wide variety of educational and informational booths, Door Prizes! Great Information!
Tasty Food Samples!!
April 26, 2014
10 am – 3 pm
Laramie High School
Laramie, WY
Variety of subjects to be covered. $5 suggested at the door.
April 26, 2014
3:30PM-5:30 PM
ACRES Student Farm
(30th & Harney)
Laramie, WY
Free workshop will include a mushroom inoculation demonstration/planting. Organizers:
UW Plant Sciences Department sponsored by the USDA Specialty Crops Grant.
April 30, 2014
12:00p – 1:00p
TCDs office
420 W. Pearl Ave
Jackson, WY
Information on how to make your home safer from wildfire presented by Robb Sgroi-
Fuels Mitigation Coordinator/Conservation Programs Coordinator
Bring lunch we’ll provide the drinks! Space is limited! Please RSVP to Rachel at 307-733-2110
May 16, 2014
(in case of bad weather it will be held
June 6th)
Noon to 4pm
Weston County Community Garden
Weston County Senior Center
Newcastle, WY
Chicken tractors & raising chickens
Soil and soil testing
Seed selection
Native and water wise landscaping
Season extenders and high tunnels
Common garden pests
Tree care and pruning
Compost and Vermicomposting (composting with worms)
Bee Keeping
Canning and food preservation
Irrigation for gardens
For more information contact WCNRD at (307)746‐3264 or
May 28, 2014
12:00p – 1:00p
TCDs office
420 W. Pearl Ave
Jackson, WY
Information on the Wyoming Natural Gas Vehicle and Infrastructure Coalition presented
by Randy Williams Executive Director
Bring lunch we’ll provide the drinks! Space is limited! Please RSVP to Rachel at 307-733-2110
May 30, 2014
10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Teton County Library
125 Virginian Lane
Jackson, WY
Variety of topics on native plants and others! (see flyer for agenda) Refreshments
and light lunch provided.
Space limited! Please RSVP by Wednesday May 28th to Rachel at 307-733-2110 or
May 31, 2014
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Gillette College Tech Center
Gillette, WY
Mark your calendar - All day event free to the public. This is also be the date of
the First Farmers Market. Booths will be open for business at 8:00 a.m. with classes
starting at 9:00 a.m. Mary Rogers will be coming up from Denver to do the cooking
classes along with Kentz Willis presenting canning class. We will also be offering
hands on mini sessions on a variety of topics. These mini sessions will focus on small
projects people can easily tackle on their own at home.
May 31, 2014
9am to noon
New weed and pest office in Archer Complex
(across from shooting range)
13887 Bullseye BLVD.
Cheyenne, WY
Topics include:
Weed and plant identification walk.
Weed control
Mountain pine beetle update and other tree issues
Grazing management
Free lunch provided. Hosted by the Laramie County Conservation District and Laramie
County Weed and Pest
RSVP at 307-772-2600 (Laramie Co. Conservation Dist.)
June 2-5, 2014
(Registration deadline is May 16)
Duncan Ranch
near Glenrock, WY
A four-day school to coax more out of pastures, extend grazing seasons and reduce
or eliminate the need for harvested feed. Participants will learn how to design and
implement a Management-intensive Grazing program focused on profitability and pasture
production. Each day consists of classroom work in the morning followed by hands-on
applications of concepts on the ranch Author Jim Gerrish, who operates a grazing operation
near May, Idaho, and is a contributing writer for the Stockman Grass Farmer, will
lead the school
Cost of the school is $300 per person or $500 for two from the same operation. The
fee includes all noon meals and materials. For more information, contact your local
extension office or extension educator Ashley Garrelts at 307-358-2417 or Dallas Mount
at 307-322-3667. A full brochure and registration details are at
Registration deadline is May 16.
June 10, 2014
5:30 pm
Location: Near Vedauwoo - see flyer
Laramie, WY
Folks from Wyoming State Forestry Division, the Albany County Fuels Mitigation Program,
and others will discuss steps you can take to keep your trees healthy and to reduce
the risk of wildfire damage to your cabin or home. We’ll tour a property where many
of these tactics have been implemented as we chat.
To RSVP call the Albany County University of WY Extension office at 307-721-2571
June 11, 2014
9 am to 4:30 pm
Rendezvous Center, Goshen County Fair Grounds
Torrington, WY
Biology and management of cheatgrass will be covered as well as research updates,
including a new suppressive bacteria treatment. Field tours will look at a targeted
grazing trial as well as a bacteria application site. Lunch, transportation and a
copy of the new cheatgrass management handbook are included in the $30 fee.
For more information call Caleb Carter at the Goshen County Extension Office at (307)
532-2436, or email
June 18, 2014
LaBonte Park
Xeriscaped Beds (near playground)
Laramie, WY
Free to the public, families welcome! Just bring yourselves and your curiosity- as
well as a lunch, if desired! Learn more at
June 20, 2014
2:00 to 4:00 pm
Saw Mill Campground in Sinks Canyon State Park
Lander, WY
Free to the public, families welcome! Just bring yourselves and your curiosity- as well as a lunch, if desired! Learn more at
June 27-29, 2014
Pinedale, WY
Informational Topics: Gardening at 7,000 Feet, Diagnosing Plant Problems, Attracting
Beneficial Insects, Healthy Soil for Healthy Plants and Healthy People
Tours & Wildflower Walks: Local Gardens, Pinedale Water-Wise Garden, White Pine Resort
Wildflower Walk, Sommers Ranch Homestead
For more information visit
June 28, 2014
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
UW Berry Center
University of Wyoming Campus
Laramie, WY
Interested in getting more native plants into your landscape? Join us for a morning
of information and fun. We will start the day with a pictorial tour of WY native plants
in their habitats, then we’ll discuss the basics of growing regionally native flowering
perennials, we’ll then cover the pollinators they support and finish up with a selection
of native trees to enhance your yard. We’ll be learning inside and then stepping
out to take a look at the variety of plants (and possibly some pollinators) that have
been used in the landscape around the Berry Center.
To RSVP call the Albany County University of WY Extension office at 307-721-2571 or email
June 30, 2014
Campbell County Public Library
2101 S 4-J Rd
Gillette, WY
We are inviting proactive small-acreage residents to interact with UW Extension members
and members of the Campbell County Conservation District, and other small acreage
residents to discuss and determine issues that small-acreage operations are faced
with. We hope to create discussion of what issues residents are facing in Campbell
county and what kind of information could be useful to improve their success. From
this meeting we will plan later workshops and programs according to clientele needs.
For more information contact Chance Marshall, Northeast Wyoming UW Extension Educator
at (307) 682-7281 or
July 8, 2014
5:30 pm
Albany County Fairgrounds
Hwy 287
Laramie, WY
Have livestock? (horses, cattle or other grazers) Worried about poisonous plants?
This workshop will provide small acreage landowners tools to assess their range health.
When rangelands aren’t managed well, increased numbers of weeds, some of those being
poisonous plants, may begin to pop up. When the grass is gone and there are only poisonous
plants to eat, animals can become sick from ingesting these. Information will be provided
by Martin Curry (LRCD), Kellie Chichester (UW Extension) and Lindsey Wheat (Albany
County Weed and Pest).
For more information contact the Albany Co Extension office at 307-721-2571 or
July 10, 2014
8:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Eden Valley Community Center
A great mix of hands on equipment demonstrations and hay production information including;
forage establishment, fertility, weed management, variety selection, economics and
For more information contact Bridger Feuz, UW Livestock Marketing Specialist/Extension
Educator at
July 17, 2014
1:00 PM– 4:00 PM
Weed control strategies, weeds of local concern, pesticide safety and economic returns
from weed control.
For more information contact Bridger Feuz, UW Livestock Marketing Specialist/Extension
Educator at
July 19, 2014
9:30 am
Snowy Range - Libby Flats Observation Point
Hwy 130
Laramie, WY
We’re heading to the high country to take a look at the variety of native plants that
make the Snowy Range so special! We’ll be identifying and discussing a wide variety
of alpine and high country plants as we walk, so dress for the outdoors.
To RSVP call the Albany County University of WY Extension office at 307-721-2571 or
100th Year of Extension Celebration
August 9 -16, 2014
A variety of events and activities. Have gardening questions? Master Gardeners will
be there to answer them on Friday August 15th and Saturday the 16th. We'll also be
taking a walk to check out a variety of plants on Friday at 10 am.
Other events can be found at
August 23, 2014
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
At the Natrona County Master Gardener Farmer’s Market
Natrona County Extension Office
2011 Fairgrounds Road
Casper, WY
Free to the public, families welcome! Just bring yourselves and your curiosity- as well as a lunch, if desired! Learn more at
Sept. 3-4, 2014
Sheridan, WY
Early registration by Aug. 15 is $50, while the fee after that is $65. This includes
meals and tours. The first 50 agricultural producers to register for the conference
are eligible for a full refund of the registration fee. A limited number of scholarships
for lodging are also available to producers.
To register, contact Kacy Atkinson with the Wyoming Business Council’s Agribusiness
Division at 307-777-6319, or email her at
For more information visit
September 11, 2014
4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Fremont County Fairgrounds, Little Wind Center
Riverton, WY
Love the flavors of summer fruits? Enjoy that delightful, fresh-picked taste year-round
by making and canning fruit spreads such as jams, jellies and pie fillings. The basics
of water bath canning will be covered to ensure a safe and quality product. All materials
are provided and you will take home a jar. For more information contact Sherry Shelley
at (307) 855-2125.
September 12, 2014
6:00-8:00 p.m
Albany County Extension Office
Albany County Fair Grounds
Laramie, WY
Successful bread at 7200 feet? No problem! Chris will teach the tricks to a perfect
loaf. Presented by Chris Pasley at the Albany County Extension Office. $5. Limit
of 15. Reserve by 9/5 at 721-2571.
September 13, 2014
9:30-11:30 a.m.
Albany County Extension Office
Albany County Fair Grounds
Laramie, WY
Some like it hot, some not. Learn the basics of canning your own salsa with Chris
Pasley at the Albany County Extension Office. $5. Reserve by 9/5 at 721-2571.
September 15, 2014
6:00 PM until 8:00 PM
Big Horn Federal Community Room
643 Broadway
Thermopolis, WY
The public and Wyoming landowners and land managers are invited to this important
workshop. A large amount of Hot Springs County is considered Sage Grouse Core Areas.
Learn about the differences, the regulations and the benefits of the different Sage
Grouse management options. We will learn about:
The Greater Sage Grouse Umbrella CCAA for Wyoming
The Complementary Public Land CCA
The Sage Grouse Initiative or SGI
For more information contact the Hot Springs Conservation District at (307) 864-3488
September 18, 2014
6:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Room AS/MB 104 on the UW campus (Animal Science is north of 19th and Willet. Enter
from the west door).
Laramie, WY
Let Warrie Means with UW's Animal Science Dept. teach you the secrets of making fresh
sausage with domestic or wild meat. $5. Limit of 15 people. Reserve by 9/12 with
Suzanne at 721-4891.
September 18, 2014
4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Lander Methodist Church
Lander, WY
Drying is an easy way to preserve food. Learn basic methods of drying fruits, vegetable,
herbs, leathers and jerkies. Get inspired to create your own backpacking and camping
meals! All materials will be provided and participants will take home samples. For
more information contact Joanne Slingerland at (307) 855-2330.
September 22-October 27
(Every Monday)
5:30-9:15 PM
Archer Complex Community House
Cheyenne, WY
Fee: $100 per person
Annie's Project - is a course especially for women who work in and around ag. Sessions
in the six-week program include brief presentations and discussions focused on the
participants' questions. Annie's Project gives farm women the opportunity to learn
from female agricultural professionals and connect with other women in similar situations
to help them develop their management and decision-making skills for their operations.
Session topics cover:
September 23, 2014
7:00 pm
United Presbyterian Church
Corner of 11th and Ivinson Streets
Laramie, WY
We'll discuss what happened this summer in club related projects and in our home gardens.
A Laramie Garden Club meeting will follow.
September 23, 2014
3:30 pm
Pushroot Community Garden, 7th & Amoretti
Lander, WY
Natural fermentation is one of the oldest means of food preservation. This hands-on
workshop will focus on vegetable krauts. Come learn how to make your own and get
the scoop on the health benefits of fermented vegetables. All materials are provided
and you will make a jar of kraut to take home. For more information contact Diane
Saenz at (307) 332-2363.
September 24 & 25, 2014
8am – 4:30pm
UW Ag Resource Learning Center
2011 Fairgrounds Rd.
Casper, WY 82604
The S-CAP program is sponsored by Extension, the Extension Disaster Education Network,
USDA NIFA and DHS is a DHS/FEMA approved course which bring County Emergency Managers,
rural residents, agriculture producers, agency representatives and veterinarians together
to review and evaluate County Agriculture & Rural Emergency Plans. By reviewing these
plans resources and teamwork can be identified to address vulnerabilities in rural
areas. This program has successfully been delivered to over 22 million participants
who have enhanced the mitigation of emergency and disaster incidents in 310 counties
across the United States. The results has been a more effective and rapid disaster
response for horses, pets, and livestock in over 27 disasters.
Course Registration:
Contact for Program: Scott Cotton, UW Extension Educator at (307)235-9400 or
September 25, 2014
6-8 pm
The Middle Fork Restaurant
Lander, WY
Join us to learn how Wind River Farm to Plate is working to bring local foods into
schools. The event will feature local food and a presentation regarding Farm to Plate
and an opportunity to meet some local farmers and ranchers. Heavy Hors D’oeuvres
made with locally produced foods. Donations appreciated.
September 25, 2014
4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Fremont County Fairgrounds, Little Wind Center
Riverton, WY
Drying is an easy way to preserve food. Learn basic methods of drying fruits, vegetable,
herbs, leathers and jerkies. Get inspired to create your own backpacking and camping
meals! All materials will be provided and participants will take home samples. For
more information contact Joanne Slingerland at (307) 855-2330.
September 25 & usually the last Thursday of each month Sept.-May (TBA)
6:00 pm
Town of Rolling Hills Board Room
Rolling Hills, WY (North of Glenrock)
The Rural Living Barnyards & Backyards Series allows group participants to identify
which subject matter they would like to learn each year during monthly sessions. These
in addition to Educator identified material may include weed management, wildlife
and other pest management, landscaping for Wyoming, zoning issues, fence construction,
water quality and development, small acreage livestock nutrition and management, horse
management, pasture and grazing management, alternative energy, and a wide variety
of other subjects. Educators bring research-based material and speakers to the group
as well as offering site-specific consultation for participant properties.
Contact for Program: (Natrona, Converse, & Niobrara Counties)
Scott Cotton, UW Extension Educator – (307)235-9400,
September 29, 2014
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Albany County Extension Office
Albany County Fair Grounds
Laramie, WY
Natural fermentation is one of the oldest means of food preservation. This hands-on
workshop will focus on vegetable krauts. Come learn how to make your own and get
the scoop on the health benefits of fermented vegetables. All materials are provided
and you'll leave with a jar of your own kraut. $5. Limit of 30. Reserve by 9/23
at 721-2571.
October 2, 2014
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Lander Methodist Church
Lander, WY
Natural fermentation is one of the oldest means of food preservation. This hands-on
workshop will focus on vegetable krauts. Come learn how to make your own and get
the scoop on the health benefits of fermented vegetables. All materials are provided
and you will make a jar of kraut to take home. For more information contact Joanne
Slingerland at (307) 855-2330.
October 8th - 9th, 2014
Holiday Inn Convention Center
Cody, WY
A learning conference for professionals working with trees.
October 9, 2014
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Fremont County Fairgrounds, Little Wind Center
Riverton, WY
Natural fermentation is one of the oldest means of food preservation. This hands-on
workshop will focus on vegetable krauts. Come learn how to make your own and get
the scoop on the health benefits of fermented vegetables. All materials are provided
and you will make a jar of kraut to take home. For more information contact Sherry
Shelley at (307) 855-2125.
October 18, 2014
10:30am - 12:30pm
Sheridan Research and Extension Center
663 Wyarno Road
Sheridan, WY 82801
The Sheridan R&E Center is located 7 miles east of Sheridan on Highway 336 (Wyarno
Road). The station is located on the left side-watch for the UW Sign.
Did you know that proper annual pruning will:
Increase fruit size
Improve fruit quality
Manage tree size
Help manage fire blight
Make harvesting easier
Please join us for a hands-on pruning demonstration. Chris Hilgert, University of
Wyoming Extension Horticulture Specialist, will show you how and why to prune, and
answer your pruning questions. We will be outside at the Sheridan Research and Extension
Center. Please dress appropriately.
To register call: (307) 673-2856
October 22-26, 2014
Lander Community Center
240 Lincoln Street
Lander, WY
LocalFest is a five day festive event with speakers, workshops, tours, films, locally
sourced meals and more. It serves as an idea incubator and a way to connect the innovators
in this emerging local food economy with the growing number of citizens who wish to
be part of it. The theme of this year’s LocalFest is Getting Wyoming Beef to Wyoming
Plates. But LocalFest will go beyond beef and seek to find ways to move locally grown
foods of all kinds into local schools, restaurants and homes.
For more information visit
October 28 & usually the last Tuesday of each month Oct.-May (TBA)
6:00 pm
UW Ag Resource Learning Center
2011 Fairgrounds Rd.
Casper, WY 82604
The Rural Living Barnyards & Backyards Series allows group participants to identify
which subject matter they would like to learn each year during monthly sessions. These
in addition to Educator identified material may include weed management, wildlife
and other pest management, landscaping for Wyoming, zoning issues, fence construction,
water quality and development, small acreage livestock nutrition and management, horse
management, pasture and grazing management, alternative energy, and a wide variety
of other subjects. Educators bring research-based material and speakers to the group
as well as offering site-specific consultation for participant properties.
Contact for Program: (Natrona, Converse, & Niobrara Counties)
Scott Cotton, UW Extension Educator – (307)235-9400,
October 30 & usually the last Thursday of each month Oct-May (TBA)
6:00 pm
Meeting location TBA
Glenrock, WY
The Rural Living Barnyards & Backyards Series allows group participants to identify
which subject matter they would like to learn each year during monthly sessions. These
in addition to Educator identified material may include weed management, wildlife
and other pest management, landscaping for Wyoming, zoning issues, fence construction,
water quality and development, small acreage livestock nutrition and management, horse
management, pasture and grazing management, alternative energy, and a wide variety
of other subjects. Educators bring research-based material and speakers to the group
as well as offering site-specific consultation for participant properties.
Contact for Program: (Natrona, Converse, & Niobrara Counties)
Scott Cotton, UW Extension Educator – (307)235-9400,
Oct 31 and Nov 1, 2014
Oct. 31st 9:00 am—5:00 pm
Nov. 1st 9:00 am—4:00 pm
Platte County Public Library
904 9th St
Wheatland, WY
Topics include growing berries- (raspberries, black berries, strawberries), grapes,
hops, guar, proso millet, native grasses and seeds, markets, marketing and more!
Registration limited to 60 people. Cost: $50.00 Registration deadline Oct. 27, 2014
Brochure and registration form
For more information contact LeRoy Jons at or the Platte County UW Extension office at 307-322-3667
November 8, 2014
1 pm to 5 pm
Conference room
Downtown Sheridan Association Building
Sheridan, WY
Please come and join us to learn proper pruning techniques that can be implemented
to increase tree aesthetics and health. We will be meeting at 1pm for a presentation.
Subsequently, we will break into groups for a field practical on North Main Street.
We look forward to seeing you there!
For more information contact Chuck Carbert, City of Sheridan WY, (307) 675 4260,
or Chris Rea, Wyoming State Forestry Division,(307) 621 0786,
Barnyards & Backyards
University of Wyoming Extension
1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354
Laramie, WY 82071