Barnyards & Backyards
University of Wyoming Extension
1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354
Laramie, WY 82071
January 30th, 2016
12:45 – 4:30 p.m.
Park County Library Grizzly Room
Cody, WY
The purpose of this seminar is to provide understanding and knowledge of the GMO topic
so individuals can make educated decisions when listening to the media, grocery shopping
and political regulations. This seminar will cover the history of GMOs, how GMOs
are created, food safety aspects of GMOs, pesticide use in agriculture and the use
with GMOs, and cover environmental concerns. A national debate will also be shown
to provide a balanced discussion to the topic at hand.
There is a $25 registration fee for this seminar and space is limited to the first
50 people that register. Registration is closed January 27th.
Contact for more information: Powell UW Extension at 754-8836 or Cody UW Extension
at 527-8560
February 9-12, 2016
Colorado Convention Center
Denver, CO
All info on speakers, schedule, registration fees, hotels, etc. can be found at
February 10 - 11, 2016
Fremont Center (Armory Building)
1010 Fairground Rd
Fremont County Fairgrounds
Riverton, WY
Alternative meat cuts, cold-climate fruit trees and legislation affecting raw milk
sales give farmers, ranchers, and small-acreage owners ideas to chew on during the
32nd annual Fremont County Farm and Ranch Days in Riverton. Private applicator pesticide
training is Wednesday.
For more information, contact UW Extension educator Chance Marshall at 307-332-2363
February 17, 2016
1 - 4 pm
First State Bank
Wheatland, WY
For more information contact the Platte Co UW Extension office at 307-721-2571 or
Feb 19-20, 2016
Worland Community Center
Worland, WY
WESTI is a two-day educational event for farmers and ranchers in the big horn basin
hosted by UW Extension. Topics will include pesticides, regulations, soil management,
crop disease and pest updates, farm safety, and more. Friday will include topics for
production agriculture, and Saturday will be more of interest to small acreage land owners and gardeners.
FREE, no RSVP required. For more info contact Washakie County University of Wyoming Extension, 347-3431;
February 23, 2016 (1 to 5 pm)
February 24, 2016 (8:00 am to 5:00 pm)
The Centennial Room
Laramie County Community College
Cheyenne, WY
DAY 1 • Tuesday, February 23rd, 1 to 5 pm: Organic Certification Workshop
Get an overview of the National Organic Program and regulations covering organic production,
and then practice the certification process. We’ll use a made-up farm to discuss scope,
land eligibility, buffers, seeds and planting stock, livestock, recordkeeping, and
DAY 2 • Wednesday, February 24th, 8 am to 5 pm: High Plains Organic Farming Conference
13 sessions by producers, researchers, and experts on USDA NOP updates, marketing,
crop, soil, pest, and livestock management, and more, for:
• Dryland Cropping Systems • Irrigated Crops & Forage • Livestock Production
PLUS: Meet the Researchers poster gallery and vendor displays. Producers, researchers,
and experts from Wyoming, Colorado, and Nebraska.
Registration is $50 for both days or $30 for one day (lunch provided). Seating is
limited to 100 attendees.
Hosted by UW Extension, Colorado State University, the Wyoming Department of Agriculture,
and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
For more information please contact: Jay Norton at (307.766.5082)
Erin Rooney at (970.217.3362)
Sponsored by the Wyoming Groundskeepers and Growers Association
February 24-26, 2016
Best Western Ramkota
Casper, WY
All info on speakers, schedule, registration fees, hotel, etc. can be found at
Also during the above RM Green Industry Conference, we are offering Certified Horticulturist
Thursday, February 25, 2016
1:30-5:30 pm
Information on the exam, the CH program, and how to register for the exam can be found
February 25, 2016
1 to 4 pm
Albany County Fair Grounds
Laramie, Wyoming
For more information contact the Albany Co UW Extension office at 307-721-2571 or
March 1 to April 28th (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Powell, WY
This is a 40 hour course that is every Tuesday and Thursday evenings starting March
1 to April 28th. This course costs $150 per person and must be registered by Feb.
For more information contact University of Wyoming Educator Jeremiah Vardiman at 307-754-8836.
March 3rd to April 21st (Thursdays)
6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Watt Ag. Center, Room 131
3401 Coffeen Ave.
Sheridan, WY
Improve your gardening knowledge and become a resource to your community - become
a Master Gardener!
Fee $75.00—Includes Master Gardener Notebook
Fee $50.00—Without Master Gardener Notebook
Register by calling the UW Extension Office at 674-2980 or e-mail or
March 5, 2016
Washakie County Extension Office
1200 Culbertson Ave, Suite G
Worland, WY
Come get your free seeds and learn everything you need to know to grow a Wyoming Giant
Pumpkin! Jay Richards will share his advice for growing giant pumpkins, and share
photos and videos of last year’s competition.
Free. To register call the Washakie Co Extension Office at 307-347-3431. For more
information see
(3rd & last for season at this location)
March 9, 2016
UW Extension Ag Research & Learning Center
2011 Fairgrounds Rd.
Casper, WY 82604
Free. Register by calling the Natrona County UW Extension office at (307)235-9400
by March 5.
March 15-17, 2016
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY
For more information contact Scott @ 307-766-2508 or
March 19 – 20, 2016
Laramie County Community College
Cheyenne, WY
The 2016 Bee College once again has reached out to find new and inspirational speakers
to take everyone to the next level of beekeeping, bring more people into the craft
and help others make a business of beekeeping or just be better at keeping bees and
helping native pollinating insects. Three dynamitic keynote speakers, vendors and
much more.
Workshops: all day beginning beekeeping with Dr. Carolina Nyarady DVM.
Learn about Rocky Mountain Native Bees with Dr. Michael Dillon University of Wyoming.
Raising your own Queen Bees with U of Montana’s Scott Debnam.
Winter Bee Care and Behavior with Mehmet Ali Doke of Penn State.
Building native pollinator habitat with Dorothy Tuthill.
Intensive Bee Nutrition with Dr. Zachary Haung from Michigan State University.
Find out what the National and State of Wyoming pollinator action plan is.
Cost is $75 and includes all meals, snacks and coffee/tea. Host hotel is “The Plains”.
For more information contact; Catherine Wissner at 307-633-4383.
March 28- 29, 2016
9 AM to 5 PM first day; 9 AM to Noon Second
Park County Library Grizzly Room
Cody, WY
The workshop is important for both small- and large-scale producers who are trying
to meet current and proposed US FDA food safety requirements or are considering Good
Agricultural Practice (GAP) certification.
Workshop topics include: Produce safety risk factors and impacts; Post-harvest produce
handling; Water quality and testing; Creating a food safety plan; Auditing farms for
GAPs/food safety; Soil management/manure management; Worker health and hygiene; Traceability,
recall and liability issues.
Early registration by March 20th is $25 and $30 after.
For more information contact University of Wyoming Specialist Jeff Edwards at 307-837-2956
April 2, 2016
5:30-7:30 pm
Albany County Public Library
310 S 8th St
Laramie, WY
We will have a talk on starting your own seeds, register members, and open the library
checkouts. Refreshments will be provided.
For more information contact:
April 9, 2016
Laramie County Community College
Cheyenne, WY
Laramie County Master Gardeners presenting "Habitat Hero" learn to design your landscape to support everything from pollinators, butterflies to birds.
For more information contact Catherine Wissner, Laramie County UW Extension at 307-633-4348.
April 9, 2016
10 am to 12 pm
Torrington, WY.
Exact location TBD – Check the link below for updates
Chris Hilgert, University of Wyoming Extension State Master Gardener Coordinator,
will demonstrate and lead hands-on pruning for various fruit trees.
Registration is $10 per person and the workshop is limited to 20 people. For more
information call Caleb Carter at the Goshen County Extension Office at (307) 532-2436,
or .
April 13, 2016
1:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Powell Fairgrounds
new exhibit hall
Powell, WY
Topics covered include pesticide exposure, pesticide safety, heat stroke, and more.
For more information contact Park County Extension Office, Jeremiah Vardiman, 307-754-8836.
April 16, 2016
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Lander Valley High School
(350 Baldwin Creek Road)
Lander, WY
This annual event features a trade show and educational workshops. Over 1500 people
attend. Vendor booths display the latest and greatest offering of information, products,
and services. Barnyard & Backyard workshops run throughout the day and are designed
to address interests from small acreage landowners to backyard gardeners to outdoor
enthusiasts. Attendees can enter a drawing for a balled and burlapped tree and gift
baskets. This family friendly event also features a Kids Corner and concessionaires
allowing families to make a day of it.
Workshop agenda
Monday, April 18 2016, 8:00AM – 2:00PM
Uinta County Youth Camp
11361 County Road 271
Robertson, WY 82944
Tuesday, April 19 2016, 8:00AM – 2:00PM
Platte Valley Community Center
210 W. Elm Street
Saratoga, WY 82331
Thursday, April 21 2016, 8:00AM – 2:00PM
Wyoming State Forestry Division, District 1 Office
431 Delaware Avenue
Newcastle, WY 82701
Friday, April 22 2016, 8:00AM – 2:00PM
Worland Community Center Complex
1200 Culbertson Avenue
Worland, WY 82401
Forestry BMPs are a set of recommended practices designed to protect soil and water
resources during resource management activities by limiting soil disturbance, preventing
soil erosion and protecting sensitive areas. These workshops will consist of classroom
presentations and a brief field visit nearby. Objectives are to acquaint participants
with the Wyoming Best Management Practices and review implementation measures. Emphasis
will be placed upon stream crossings, streamside management zones and road drainage
structures and maintenance.
There is no cost to attend the workshop, but RSVP’s are requested as space is limited.
Please RSVP via phone or email by Monday, April 11 2016. For information about the
workshop or to submit your RSVP, please contact John Crisp, WY State Forestry Division,
at or call (307)777-6680.
April 23, 2016
9am to 1pm
Washakie County Extension Office
1200 Culbertson Ave, Suite G
Worland, WY
Raised bed gardening is a great technique for the gardener with limited space. Join
us for this hands-on workshop and learn how to build raised garden beds. After the
beds are constructed, Caitlin Youngquist (UW Extension Educator), will discuss how
to plant and care for your new garden. Participants will walk away with the experience
and plans to build their own raised garden beds! We will be outside, dress for the
weather and bring any water or snacks that you need.
Free. Presented in partnership with Northwest College. To register contact Sheri Averett
at (307) 347-8541
April 23, 2016
9 am till 12
Cody Auditorium
1240 Beck Ave
Cody WY
2,800 trees and shrubs of 14 different species will be given away. An indoor nature
walk for children will start at 10, where children will learn about trees, leaves,
weeds, butterflies and bees.
For more information call the University of WY Extension office in Cody at 527-8560.
April 29, 2016
Powell Fairgrounds
Powell, WY
Topic(s) covered: Planting and care of trees. 10 variety of trees will be given away.
Contact Jeremiah Vardiman, University of WY Extension, at 754-8836 for more information.
Laramie County Master Gardener Lecture Series
May 1, 2016
1:30 pm
Cottonwood Room
1st floor of the Library
Laramie County Library
Cheyenne, WY
Mike Kintgen of the Denver Botanic Gardens will talk to us on Rock & Crevice Gardening.
For more information call 307-637-6458
May 4, 2016
4:00 p.m.
Greybull, WY
Educational information provided with a variety of University of WY Extension booths.
Free meal.
For more information contact Gretty at the University of WY Big Horn Co Extension
office at 307-765-2868
May 7, 2016
9 am to noon (Registration starts at 8 am)
Berry Center building (Auditorium and lower lobby)
University of Wyoming Campus (map)
Laramie, WY
(tour after presentations so you will need to have transportation available)
In this workshop we’ll cover:
After visiting these topics we’ll head out on a tour to visit 3 locations around town
to see season extension structures in action! If participants are interested and have
lots of questions the tour may run past noon.
Please RSVP.
May 12-13, 2016
9 AM to 5 PM first day; 9 AM to Noon Second
Central Wyoming College
Wind River Room, Intertribal building rm 116
2660 Peck Ave
Riverton, WY
The workshop is important for both small- and large-scale producers who are trying
to meet current and proposed US FDA food safety requirements or are considering Good
Agricultural Practice (GAP) certification.
Workshop topics include: Produce safety risk factors and impacts; Post-harvest produce
handling; Water quality and testing; Creating a food safety plan; Auditing farms for
GAPs/food safety; Soil management/manure management; Worker health and hygiene; Traceability,
recall and liability issues.
Early registration by May 11th is $25 and $30 after.
For more information contact University of Wyoming Specialist Jeff Edwards at 307-837-2956
May 14, 2016
9am – 4pm
Historic downtown train depot
Cheyenne, WY
Find locally grown plants from vegetables, annuals to perennials.
For more information contact Catherine Wissner, Laramie County UW Extension at 307-633-4348.
May 19, 2016
6 pm
Glenrock Community Library
506 South 4th Street
Glenrock, WY
Monthly seminars to provide straight forward answers for busy people in central Wyoming.
For pre-registration (needed for materials) contact UW Extension at (307)235-9400
and indicate which session you are attending.
May 20, 2016
9 am
UW Extension office
2011 Fairgrounds Rd.
Casper, WY
Monthly seminars to provide straight forward answers for busy people in central Wyoming.
For pre-registration (needed for materials) contact UW Extension at (307)235-9400
and indicate which session you are attending.
May 24, 2016
6-9 pm
Laramie County Community College
1400 East College Drive
Conferences Building Centennial Room
Cheyenne, WY
The Cheyenne City Council has approved 5 backyard chickens for Cheyenne residents
with some restrictions. Please join us to learn basic chicken care from health issues,
feeding, water, housing, winter requirements and what breeds will do best in Cheyenne
along with the city's requirements and much more. Hosted by UW Laramie CO Extension
and the Cheyenne Urban Chicken Keepers.
A modest $5 (+site fees) registration fee.
For more information Catherine Wissner, UW Laramie CO Extension at 307-633-4383.
June 6, 2016
Two tours - one begins at 1:30 pm, the other at 5:30 pm
Begins at Weed & Pest office
365 Whippoorwill Drive
Baggs, WY
Join us to welcome spring, learn to recognize local flora, discover some tidbits about
which plants are edible.
Sign up early, bus seats fill up fast! For more information and sign up call the Ed.
Center at 307-383-2228 or J Sheehan at 383-2228.
June 9 -10, 2016
9:00 am to 4:30 pm each day
Platte Country Fair Grounds
Wheatland, WY
Dig into troubleshooting vegetable garden problems before they turn your garden from
a joy into a nightmare.
Registration required – Space is limited. Cost for both days is $25 per person (includes
handouts and refreshments. Lunches are on your own.) Registration deadline is June 3rd close of business.
Additional information can be obtained by contacting the UW Platte County Extension office at 307-322-3667, email or Registration can also be completed by stopping by the Extension Office located at 57 Antelope Gap Rd, Wheatland, WY 82201
June 14, 2016
8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Sheridan Research and Extension Center (ShREC) at Sheridan College
Event is farmer-focused, “especially for those who want alfalfa and improved forages
in their cropping/animal production systems and improve yield, quality and profitability.”
There are more than 13 presentations, ranging from 10 to 40 minutes. A panel of producers
is in the afternoon and machinery and equipment demonstrations end the day.
Register by calling ShREC at 307-673-2856 or at , or contact Islam at 307-766-4151 or
June 23, 2016
9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Powell R&E Center
747 Road 9
Powell, WY
This mini field day will be focusing on Soil Health and Fertilizer Recommendation
trial at the Powell R&E Center. This trial is looking at adjusting nitrogen and phosphorus
recommendations for pivot irrigation and limited water irrigation for sugar beet-dry
bean- barley rotations. This trial also has some insights to reduce tillage and barley
on barley rotations.
Agenda for this field day is 30 minutes overview of trial, 30 minutes Q&A
Contact Jeremiah Vardiman, University of WY Extension, at 754-8836 for more information.
July 16, 2016
9:00 am to 11:00 am
Green Rock Picnic Area
Snowy Range, Medicine Bow Rott NF
Near Centennial, WY
July 19, 2016
2:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Powell R&E Center
747 Road 9
Powell, WY
Presenting various research projects at the Research and Extension (R&E) Center. Please
RSVP for your spot at dinner.
For more information contact Samantha Fulton at 754-2223 or
August 9, 2016
9am – 12noon
Ramkota Hotel
Casper, WY
Young sheep producers will learn about startup challenges, marketing lambs, using
leased land and feed cost analysis software. Sponsored by Wyoming Woolgrowers and
UW Extension. More info at
Register at WWGA at (307)265-5250 as soon as possible. Call Scott Cotton at (307)235-9400
for information.
August 9, 2016
5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Shoshone River Farm
5002 Powell Highway
Cody WY
This field day is exploring the research project of the practical application of using
cyanobacteria as a bio-fertilizer for commercial vegetable production. Cyanobacteria
has the potential to be a sustainable and biological source of nitrogen fertilizer.
There will also be a tour of the entire organic production system at Shoshone River
Contact UW Extension educator Jeremiah Vardiman for more information at 307-754-8836.
August 10, 2016
6 to 8:30 pm
Frontier Park
Cheyenne, WY
Laramie County Extension office Horticulturist will be hosting a mini lecture series at the Laramie County Fair. Topics include:
Basic Home Canning Methods (6 pm),
Chickens in Cheyenne Basic Care (6:30),
Wild Birds of Cheyenne (7 pm) and
What Flowers to Grow in Laramie County (7:30pm).
For more information contact Catherine Wissner, Laramie County Extension office Horticulturist,
at 307-633-4383.
August 11 – 13, 2016
Starts at 3 pm and finishes when high tunnel is complete
Wyoming Food for Thought
900 Saint John Street
Casper, WY
Learn by doing. Come to this workshop where we will build a high tunnel. Information
you can apply! Please RSVP by August 5th! For more information contact Jeff Edwards,
University of Wyoming Extension at 307-837-2956.
August 18, 2016
4:30p.m. – 8:00p.m.
Exhibit Hall,
Park County Fairgrounds
Powell, WY
This is an opportunity to meet with food service personnel, area producers, farmers
market vendors, school districts and anyone interested in putting money back into
the community.
Free event. Contact Brook Brockman, , 307-777-2579 for more information.
August 22 & 23, 2016
10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 2:00-4:00 both days
5:30-7:30 on August 22 only
Carbon Building
215 West Buffalo
Rawlins, WY
Each 2 hour class will be an overview of food preservation. Topics to include dehydration,
steam canning, jam and jelly making, and freezing. Participants will sample preserved
foods and class participants will be able to take home some foods preserved in class.
There is a $10.00 fee to cover the cost of food and canning jars. For more information
contact the Carbon County University of Wyoming Extension Office at 307-328-2642.
August 25, 2016
Sublette County Weed and Pest Office
12 South Bench Road
Pinedale, WY
Planned agenda will cover Exotic Tree Pests, Insect update and most asked pests, and
Common Diseases of Wyoming Trees. There will be a field trip in the afternoon.
PLEASE RSVP to 307-367-4728 Sublette County Weed and Pest Office by August 10th
Lunch will be provided
August 27, 2016
9:00 am – registration
9:45 am – Research presentations
University of Wyoming research greenhouse
Southwest corner of 30th and Harney streets
Laramie, WY
Haflinger draft horse team Pistol and Pete sporting brown and gold, children’s games
and activities, and scientists presenting research are part of the Laramie Research
and Extension Center (LREC) combined field day and family farm day Saturday in Laramie.
Activities are at two locations. Registration and refreshments begin at 9 a.m. at
the University of Wyoming research greenhouse at the southwest corner of 30th and
Harney streets. Research presentations are at 9:45 a.m. with a tour at 11:20 a.m.
Events then move to the Cliff and Martha Hansen Teaching Arena west of town on Highway
230 with lunch from noon to 1 p.m.
RSVPs are encouraged. Call 307-766-3665. The farm day program is 1-4 p.m.
September 7-9, 2016
Starts at 3 pm and finishes when high tunnel is complete
Meeteetse Community Center
Meeteetse, WY
Learn by doing. Come to this workshop where we will build a high tunnel. Information
you can apply! For more information contact Jeff Edwards, University of Wyoming Extension
at 307-837-2956.
September 13, 2016
7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Eastern Wyoming College
Join us for our Fall Horticulture Trip. This year we are planning a return trip to
Citrus in the Snow in Alliance, Nebraska. Citrus in the Snow is a year round greenhouse
that makes use of the constant temperature just few feet under the ground. Our next
stop on this trip will be to the Western Potatoes operation, also in Alliance. Western
Potatoes harvests 2,000 acres of potatoes, which is about 1,599 semi-truck loads.
This trip will include a scrumptious lunch at Newberry’s Common Grounds in Alliance.
Our final tour before returning to EWC’s campus will be at the Brown Sheep Company,
a family owned and operated yarn spinning mill in operation since the 1980’s and located
in Mitchell.
Registration through Eastern Wyoming College. PAID REGISTRATION DEADLINE: September
9. Cost is $40. For more information contact Donna White at Eastern Wyoming College 307-532-8323.
September 15, 2016
9 am to 3 pm
Archer Complex
11453 Thunder Ridge Rd.
Cheyenne, WY
This workshop will cover common weeds in Laramie County, effective monitoring and
management techniques as well as proper pesticide use and safety. Lunch will be provided.
For more information on the agenda call Abby Perry at the Carbon County Extension
Office at (307) 328-2642. This event is free but we do ask that you RSVP to the Laramie
County Extension Office (307) 633-4383.
September 15, 2016
3:00-4:30 p.m.
Powell Research and Extension Center
747 Road 9
Powell WY
For this field day, we will be focusing on soil moisture monitoring sensors and how they can be used to determine irrigation scheduling. Vivek Sharma, who is an irrigation specialist with the University of Wyoming, will be briefly discussing his research at the Powell Research and Extension Center and demonstrating how to install soil moisture sensors in a field. So come join in the discussion and install a soil moisture sensor yourself.
Free event. For more information contact University of WY Extension educator Jeremiah Vardiman, 307-754-8836.
September 16, 2016
10:00- 11:00 a.m.
Corner of Lane 12 and Road 11
Worland, WY
For this field day, we will be focusing on soil moisture monitoring sensors and how they can be used to determine irrigation scheduling. Vivek Sharma, who is an irrigation specialist with the University of Wyoming, will be briefly discussing his research at the Powell Research and Extension Center and demonstrating how to install soil moisture sensors in a field. So come join in the discussion and install a soil moisture sensor yourself.
Free event. For more information contact University of WY Extension educator Jeremiah Vardiman, 307-754-8836.
Sept. 6 – Sept. 30, 2016
Virtual presentations 1:00 p.m. on sept. 6th, 13th, 20th and 26th.
Location: From your own computer
Wondering if a move to solar energy might be a good choice for you or your business?
This FREE four-week online course is designed to help you answer that question! Extension
Educator Jeremiah Vardiman will share information about Wyoming’s utility structure,
financial incentive programs, and how to do a cost analysis for solar installation.
Class discussions will also help your understanding of electric monopolies and co-ops,
energy efficiency, and what it means to “go off the grid.” This is the perfect introductory
course for anyone wondering, “Is a move to solar energy right for me?”
Free event. For more information contact University of WY Extension educator Jeremiah
Vardiman, 307-754-8836
September 24, 2016
9:00 to 11:00 am
Meet at the parking lot for the Happy Jack Trailhead on Pole Mountain
Directions: From Laramie, take Interstate 80 east 9.5 miles to WY 210 (Exit 323).
Turn onto Exit 323 and go left at stop sign onto WY 210/ Happy Jack Rd, then 1 mile
to Happy Jack Recreation Area sign, turn right and drive to parking area.
Join folks from UW and the Forest Service to learn how to identify common native trees,
and shrubs in the Medicine Bow National Forest. The group will also discuss forest
health and ecology. Participants should expect light to moderate walking. Please
bring your own food and water, and dress for cool weather.
(Laramie Garden Club September meeting)
September 27, 2016
7:00 pm
United Presbyterian Church
11th & Grand Ave.
Laramie, WY
Presentation: Edible Mushrooms: Species and Cultivation by Lindsay Olson and Jeff
Hubbell. Club meeting will follow.
September 29th, 2016
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Albany County Extension Office
3520 South 3rd St. Suite A.
Laramie, WY
Experts from the University of Wyoming will hold a workshop to discuss livestock parasite
Schedule of Topics:
RSVP Albany County Extension Office (307) 721-2571 by Monday September 26th
October 3 and 4, 2016
Starts at 8:30 am and finishes when high tunnel is complete
Build site is on the South side of the Niobrara Fairgrounds property
Lusk, WY
Learn by doing. Come to this workshop where we will build a high tunnel. Information
you can apply! For more information contact Jeff Edwards, University of Wyoming Extension
at 307-837-2956.
October 5, 2016
1:00 pm
Reese Ranch
Shawnee, WY
RSVP and get driving directions by calling the Converse County Extension Office at
Have you ever wondered what goes on below ground? The soil is the foundation of the
grassland on which our animals graze. Join friends and neighbors for an interesting
afternoon investigating rangeland soil properties and health. Participants will be
able to see the surface and subsoil up close. Investigate root systems, learn texturing
techniques, discuss responses of soil properties to grazing, and much more!
Sponsored by University of Wyoming Extension and Converse County Conservation District.
September 1 through Oct 20, 2016
5:30-8:00 p.m
Lusk, WY
Are you a first time canner or do you need a refresher course on food preservation?
If you are in either situation, please join us for Food Preservation 101- a series
of hands-on workshops for the new home canner or a great refresher course for the
experienced canner. The workshops will be taught by University of Wyoming Extension
Nutrition and Food Safety Educator, Denise Smith.
The schedule for the workshops will be:
Sponsored by University of Wyoming Extension. Cost is $10.00 per workshop. Class participants
must pre-register for each workshop by calling: Niobrara County Extension Office at
Shrink it or freeze it! - September 30, 2016, 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Come learn how to dehydrate & freeze foods such as parsley, chives, cilantro, mint,
apples and fruit, salsa & yogurt leather. Also learn how to use your dehydrated foods
in recipes. We will also discuss freezer pickles, freezing in general – peaches and
corn are excellent frozen. We will discuss blanching and packaging foods to be frozen.
Steam Canning - October 1, 2016, 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Come learn about using a steam canner to make: jelly, jam, preserves, conserves, and
marmalade. We will make 3 varieties and learn about the differences in each. We will
discuss types of pectin and principles of making jelly, jams and preserves.
Fermenting, the Ancient Preserver - October 7, 2016, 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Come learn about making your own yogurt, keifer and kombucha. We will discuss the
health benefits of fermented foods and food safety for fermenting.
Whole grains with veggies - October 8, 2016, 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Come learn about cooking with whole grains, their nutritional benefits and the impact
on bread baking. We will discuss blender whole wheat waffles, yeast breads (with veggies),
your pancakes with shredded carrot, zucchini and onion.
Taught by Julie Balzan, UW Extension Nutrition and Food Safety Educator. The classes
will be held in the UW Extension kitchen at the Albany County Fairgrounds. Cost is
$5 per class to cover the food provided. Pre-register by contacting Sue at the Extension
office, 721-2571. There is limited space!
October 12, 2016
10:30 am -1:00 pm
902 W. Sunnyside Lane
Thermopolis WY
Includes Lunch. Farm tour and discussion about no-till barley and corn under flood
irrigation, multi-species cover crops for winter grazing, and weed management with
cover crops. All attendees will receive a set of soil and cover crop management books.
Call the Washakie Co UW Extension office at 347-3431 or Hot Springs Co UW Extension
office at 864-3421 to pre-register.
October 12, 2016
3:45 p.m.
Fremont County Extension Office
130 Eugene St
Lander, WY
If you’re tired of harvesting green tomatoes before the frost, if you wish you could
extend your growing season, then you won’t want to miss this tour. See what is possible
under the protection of a hoop house. Hear first hand about lessons learned and what
crops work best. See different designs and construction materials used. Handouts will
provide cost-share information plus more.
We will meet at the Fremont County Extension Office (130 Eugene St). We will car pool
to three different locations (rural and urban).
Sponsored by Pop Agie Conservation District and UW Extension Fremont County. For more
information call Popo Agie Conservation District at 332-3114.
October 19, 2016
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM (Mountain Time Zone)
On-line webinar
Are you new to your small acreage, or considering the purchase of a small acreage
with irrigation? Join us for a discussion on some unique options as well as some important
considerations for irrigating your pasture, hay field, crops, etc. Presented by Caleb
Carter, University of Wyoming Extension.
October 21, 2016
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM (Mountain Time Zone)
On-line webinar
Proper pesticide use is not only better for the environment, it’s also safer for you.
Join us as we discuss important considerations, including pollinator safety, proper
pesticide use, and how to keep yourself, your family and others safe when applying
pesticides. And how proper use can also mean more effective use. Presented by Caleb
Carter and Caitlin Youngquist, University of Wyoming Extension.
October 24, 2016
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Mountain Time Zone)
On-line webinar
Take advantage of what others have learned about surviving disasters as part of country
living. Family, pet and livestock tips can make a difference in your survival. Presented
by Scott Cotton, University of Wyoming Extension.
October 28 & 29, 2016
2011 Fairgrounds Road
Casper, WY
Come learn flock and fiber management. Lots of topics!
Pre‐register at (307)235‐9400 no later than 4pm on 25, 2016. Fee is $20 (includes lunch on Friday and materials). For more information contact Scott Cotton at (307)235‐9400 or
October 29, 2016
Doors open at 11:00
Laramie County Community College
Cheyenne, WY
Guest speaker Chris Hilgert on his strawberry research. Doors open at 11:00, pot luck
lunch at noon and speaker at 12:30. Everyone is welcome.
For more information contact Laramie County UW Extension Horticulture Educator Catherine
Wissner at 307-633-4383.
Nov 3, 2016, 8:00 AM –
Nov 4, 2016, 12:00 PM
Laramie County Community College Room 123
1400 E College Dr
Cheyenne, WY 82007
The Wyoming Department of Agriculture and University of Wyoming Extension will be
conducting a food safety training workshop – If you are a food producer/processor
you might find the event useful as you work with produce and fruit since it will provide
information on how producers can reduce the risk of foodborne pathogens such as salmonella
and listeria.
The workshop is important for both small- and large-scale producers who are trying
to meet current and proposed US FDA food safety requirements or are considering Good
Agricultural Practice (GAP) certification.
Workshop topics include:
Sessions start at 9 am both days and we will wrap up by noon the second. Snacks and
Lunch will be provided. Registration is $25.
November 3-5, 2016,
with the option of Lamb Plant tours (Superior Farms plant in Denver, CO and Mountain
States - Rosen plant in Greeley, CO the day prior - November 2, 2016)
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY
LAMB 300 is a three-day, intensive workshop focusing on lamb as a consumer product
along with aspects to improve flock productivity and profitability. Participants in
LAMB 300 will receive approximately 30-hours of hands-on instruction addressing practices
that affect the consistency, quality, wholesomeness, and marketability of lamb. Regardless
of the size of your operation, marketing system or your role in lamb production or
marketing, the ultimate goal is to increase the consumption of lamb. Participants
in LAMB 300 will learn the various aspects of delivering a high quality product to
the consumer.
November 11-12, 2016
Laramie County Community College
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Taking specialty crop growers to the next level of production, food safety, processing
and marketing. Workshops on Food Acidification, Seed Saving, GAP, Market Manager and
general programs.
The conference will start off with 4 day long workshops that include a certification course to satisfy FDA regulations on how to safely produce acidified foods like pickles and salsa, a 101 course on seed breeding, production and saving, a build your own hands on hoop house workshop, and a course for market managers on marketing, conflict resolution and management.
On day two this information packed conference includes topics on grape growing for
northern climates, how to effectively manage a hoop house, best soil management practices,
hop production, fruit tree production, branding and marketing your products, what
grants are out there, selling wholesale using third part certification, how to safely
ferment food, and what's new on FSMA.
Registration is $75. For more information contact Laramie County UW Extension Horticulture
Educator Catherine Wissner at 307-633-4383.
November 22, 2016
9:30 am to 5 pm
Rendezvous Center, Goshen County Fair Grounds
Torrington, WY
We will have a presentation from the State Veterinary Office on the new veterinary feed directive (VFD), a long term weather forecast, as well as presentations on Ag leases, mentoring the next generation, low stress livestock handling, cattle parasite management and much more. We will end with a market update from Jim Robb from the Livestock Marketing Information Center. Cost is $20, and includes lunch. For more information or to RSVP, call Caleb Carter at the Goshen County Extension Office at (307) 532-2436, or email
December 7, 2016
8am - 5pm
The Ranch Events Complex,
Loveland, Colorado
The 2016 conference will include three tracks: Science, Practice, and Policy. Each
track will include a regional or national topic presenter, followed by 2-3 local experts
in their field. Each track will end with a panel discussion, where participants have
an opportunity to engage in in-depth discussions with the presenters.
Dec. 7th, 2016
1-5 pm
Ramkota Hotel
800 N. Poplar
Casper WY
Would you like to reduce your fertilizer use? Or find a way to rejuvenate pastures
without the risk and expense of planting a new one?
Dr. Jill Clapperton, world renowned researcher, soil biologist, and ecologist will
relate her experience around the world renewing tired pastures and fields. She will
show us how to improve the function and health of our soils so that the “below ground
livestock” keep the pasture productive and the above ground livestock happy.
Hosted by USDA-NRCS and the Plank Stewardship Initiative.
For more information contact Roger Stockton, WY NRCS,307-233-6767.
December 7 & 8, 2016
Laramie County Community College
Conferences Bldg. Room 121
1400 E College Dr
Cheyenne, WY 82007
Wyoming Extension will be conducting a food safety training workshop – If you are
a food producer/processor you might find the event useful as you work with produce
and fruit since it will provide information on how producers can reduce the risk of
foodborne pathogens such as salmonella and listeria.
The workshop is important for both small- and large-scale producers who are trying
to meet current and proposed US FDA food safety requirements or are considering Good
Agricultural Practice (GAP) certification.
Workshop materials will be presented by Mr. David Lott and Dr. Connie Fisk, On-farm
Food Safety Educators with Nebraska Extension. Topics will include:
• Produce safety risk factors and impacts
Workshop topics include:
Sessions start at 9 am both days and we will wrap up by noon the second. Snacks and
Lunch will be provided. Registration is $25.
December 8, 12, 15 & 19, 2016
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fremont County Fairgrounds - Armory
Cost: $100 or $80 High School College Students
For more information or to sign up call 307-332-2363 (Chance Marshall, UW Extension
Educator; Kim Collins, Fremont County Extension Office)
December 12, 2016
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Crook County Community Room
309 Cleveland St.
Sundance, WY
Agronomist Kate Vogel of North 40 Ag will be in Sundance, WY for an interactive roundtable
workshop to share her extensive knowledge in soil health and cover cropping systems.
Topics that will be covered include: principles of crop rotation and soil health,
how to integrate grazing into crop rotations, feed value in cover crops, how animals/forage/soil
interact, how to calculate intensity/diversity of a crop rotation, and any other questions
producers might have on implementing soil health practices.
For more information contact Kate Vogel at (406) 600-5205, or Blake Hauptman at (307) 283-1192,
Barnyards & Backyards
University of Wyoming Extension
1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354
Laramie, WY 82071