UW Engineering Shop

Student Projects


Students are encouraged to use the UW Engineering Shop for senior-design projects and other applications utilizing design curriculum. Student use of the facility will be limited to course-related work only.

What we expect from non-engineering UW students

To discuss your project in person, please bring the following information:

  • Project name/course number
  • Laboratory room number
  • Principal investigator, instructor, or advisor
  • First and last name of person requesting the work
  • Phone and email contact for requestor
  • Part material and quantity
  • Well-annotated drawing


student works on wyomoto project


What we expect from UW engineering students

To discuss your project in person, please bring the following information:

  • Parts must be drawn and modeled in Solidworks, no matter how big or small.
  • If multiple parts are used, a Solidworks assembly model is required.
  • Fasteners and off-the-shelf hardware must be included in assembly model, if applicable.
  • If the parts are attached to an existing assembly, part or off the shelf item, that item is to be represented in the assembly model.
  • Engineering drawings of each part are to be created on title blocks with appropriate dimensions and tolerances, quantities and materials.
  • Assembly drawings with bill of materials are to be created, if applicable.
  • All drawings and models are subject to shop manager and technician approval before fabrication process can begin.
  • This procedure is an exercise of what is expected of an engineer in industry and the same process the shop technicians use to design and fabricate projects for customers.
mechanical instrument
Contact Us

UW Engineering Shop

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-4243

Email: uw-shop@uwyo.edu