In the project’s current phase – Phase III (Site Characterization and CO2 Capture Assessment) – a detailed site characterization is being conducted. The site characterization includes: (1) additional data collection activities in the field through, for example, the drilling of a second test well (UW PRB#2); (2) a front-end engineering design and CO2 capture analysis; (3) baseline data collection and surface monitoring; (4) subsurface data analysis and modeling; (5) National Environmental Policy Act approvals; (6) preparation of Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class VI permits to construct; (7) preparation of a risk assessment, mitigation plan and monitoring, verification and accounting (MVA) plan; and (8) finalization of a business plan and related commercial aspects.
The project will hold information sessions with government officials, landowners, and the community. This Phase III three-year effort is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy under its CarbonSAFE Initiative.