Mission Statement

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

The College of Engineering and Physical Sciences will serve the citizens of Wyoming through engineering and technology-oriented research and educational collaborations. Our research has made significant impact on Wyoming’s economic growth and development and the quality of life of Wyoming citizens. 

Our researchers will conduct relevant research and provide practical answers to critical state and national needs. We will partner with industry, communities and academic institutions to solve problems to help improve the quality of life, promote economic development and enhance the educational systems of Wyoming. We will also promote new technology education and investigate problems in energy, water, and related topics. We will serve as a catalyst for collaborations that position Wyoming to be especially competitive for federal and industry funding, and play a major role in strengthening research leadership across the state.

To further our research and support our outstanding researchers, we have established or will establish centers of excellence conducting research and outreach in the specialized areas of:

  • Unconventional Reservoirs
  • Water
  • Energy Systems and Services
  • Coal Utilization & Carbon Management
  • Education and Training
  • Atmospheric Science
  • Computation & Information Science

In addition, as an institute of higher education, we work to improve student performance in math, science and technology. Our mission is to produce and transfer the highest quality, relevant engineering and technology-oriented research by leveraging capabilities statewide in order to:

  • Improve economic development and quality of life in Wyoming and the nation
  • Enhance educational systems
  • Support interdisciplinary fundamental and applied research
  • Transfer technology from research and development activities to useful applications
  • Commercialize promising technologies
Contact Us

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Dean's Office

EERB 401

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-4253

Email: enginfo@uwyo.edu

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