Vladimir Alvarado's Lab

Vladimir Alvarado research group

For Enhanced-Oil Recovery

Vladimir Alvarado, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
University of Wyoming Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering


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Research projects & more

Enhanced-Oil Recovery (EOR)

Dr. Alvarado's research focuses on Enhanced-Oil Recovery (EOR) activities including screening methods for assisting decision-making on one hand. The ultimate objective of this research is to create robust reservoir simulation models for dispersion flows. 

Simplified decision spaces and monitoring techniques

Dr. Alvarado's research includes a combination of data mining and analytical simulation to assist the creation of simplified decision spaces and monitoring techniques for EOR operations such as time-lapse seismic and tracer tests. Uncertainty propogation and upscaling are two pillars of feasibility analysis for monitoring techniques.

Experimental and modeling initiatives

Dr. Alvarado has been involved with experimental and modeling initiatives to investigate flow of dispersions (emulsions) through porous media. Observation of flow phenomena (jamming, drop breakup, etc.) in glass pore-throat models helps to formulate single-pore models as well as network models for these flows in porous media.