The Educational Leadership programs are accredited by the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) through June 30, 2030.
Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP)
As of 2024 the University of Wyoming College of Education is now Accredited by AAQEP.
Accreditation serves two major goals—quality assurance and continuous improvement—through a standards-based process of self-study and peer review. At its essence, accreditation is a professional conversation about quality.
AAQEP's nationally recognized model for educator preparation program accreditation incorporates both time-honored features and new ones that increase the utility and credibility of the process. These enhancements include the opportunity for programs to:
Find our public-facing data on the EPP program below:
Accreditation signifies that a program prepares effective educators who continue to grow as professionals and has demonstrated the commitment and capacity to continue to do so. In order to achieve accredited status, a program must demonstrate that it meets all four AAQEP standards and their associated aspects.
All AAQEP accreditation decisions are rendered by the Accreditation Commission. For a chronological view of decisions and other actions, view the Accreditation Commission Action Record. For policies related to accreditation, see the Policy page.
We are deeply engaged in the work described in the College of Education's strategic plan, which highlights the critical importance of our programs in serving the people of the state of Wyoming to support and improve our excellent public school system by providing innovative, courageous, knowledgeable, and transformative administrators to lead our districts and schools. The Educational Leadership program at the University of Wyoming is the only principal certification/MA and Supt certification/Ed.D program in the state.
The goals of the program are:
The Ed Leadership program is focused on areas of Leadership and Organizational Theory, especially in rural and/or isolated settings, School Operations, School Law, Social Justice, Educational Policy, Governance and School Boards and Accountability, Assessment and Evaluation.
Scholarship: It is the mission of the University of Wyoming’s College of Education (CoE) Educational Leadership programs to prepare scholars who will further educational theory, policy, practice, and research and deliver programs that prepare exceptionally effective educators for leadership and practitioner roles in K-12 and Higher Education across Wyoming.
Leadership for Rural Schools: Wyoming has roughly 92,000 total K12 students enrolled in 48 school districts around the state. The largest of those districts, in the city of Cheyenne, has 14,000 students and in the smallest, Park County School District # 16 in Meeteetse, 89 students were enrolled in 2020-2021. In addition to the span in district size, Wyoming has rural isolated schools as well as several public schools that operate on the Wind River Reservation, 2.2 million acres shared by the Eastern Shoshone (Gweechoon Deka) and Northern Arapahoe ( hoteiniiciihehe') tribes. Our program is focused on providing scholarship, research, application, and support that address the vast differences in communities and contexts that our graduates will experience as educational leaders.
2024 AAQEP Annual Report for Educational Leadership Programs
Educational Leadership Graduate Programs Mission Statement