University of Wyoming Electrical Engineering and Computer Science logo over student

Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering Room 5050, Engineering Building University of Wyoming College of Engineering and Physical Sciences Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept. 3295 1000 E. University Avenue Laramie, WY 82071

John Pierre

Emeritus Professor

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Room 5050, Engineering Building

University of Wyoming
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Dept. 3315
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071

John W. Pierre


  • B.S. Electrical Engineering (minor Economics), Montana State University

  • M.S. Electrical Engineering (minor Statistics), University of Minnesota

  • Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota

Areas of Expertise:

Advanced Signal Processing and System Identification with applications to Modern Power Systems

Graduate students are working with me in a number of areas of signal processing. Much of the current focus is on application of advanced signal processing techniques and system identification methods to power system problems.  This includes collaboration with colleagues in high performance computing, big data, data analytics, and machine learning.


Honors and Awards

  • 2017 Best Papers on Power System Stability, Control, and Protection, for the paper “Locating the Source of Forced Oscillations using PMU Measurements and System Model Information,” 2017 IEEE PES General Meeting. (one of 80 best paper awards out of 800 papers).

  • UW Distinguished Graduate Faculty Mentor Award (university wide award for mentorship of graduate students, 2015.

  • One of Four Overall Best Paper Awards for the paper, “Time-Localization of Forced Oscillations in Power Systems,” 2015 IEEE PES General Meeting, a total of approximately 800 papers were presented at the conference.

  • Patent #20130204557, “Electric Power Grid Monitoring Methods and Apparatus”, Awarded November 2015.

  • IEEE Fellow, 2013: for development of signal processing methods for estimation of power-system stability

  • "Top Prof" Award, Mortar Board, University of Wyoming, 2000, 2002, and 2012.

  • The 2009 “Technical Committee Prize Paper Award” for the IEEE Power and Energy Society, Power System Dynamic Performance Committee for the paper “Robust RLS Methods for On-line Estimation of Power System Electromechanical Modes,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 1240-1249, August 2007.

  • Co-General Conference Chair, IEEE DSP/SPE Workshop, 2006.

  • The College of Engineering Graduate Research and Teaching Award (The Sam Hakes Award), University of Wyoming, 2005.


Related Experience

  • Montana Tech University, Visiting Sabbatical Scholar, Spring 2008.

  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Visiting Sabbatical Scholar, Fall 2007.

  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Summer Faculty AWU Fellow, 1995.


CurrentEmployment of some former PhD Students

  • Roger Green – currently a Professor at North Dakota State University

  • Richard Wies – currently a Professor at University of Alaska – Fairbanks

  • Mike Anderson – currently with Ten Sleep Brewing, Ten Sleep, WY

  • Hongkang Liang – currently with Microsoft, Seattle, WA

  • Ning Zhou – currently a Professor at Binghamton University, New York. Formerly with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA

  • Frank Tuffner – currently with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL),Richland, WA

  • Luke Dosiek – currently a Professor at Union College.  Formerly with Assured Information Security (AIS), Rome, NY

  • Gurudatha Pai – currently with General Electric, Scotland, UK

  • Jim Follum – currently with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA

  • Md. Arif Khan – currently with Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL), Pullman, WA

  • Urmila Agrawal - currently with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA

Recent Publications (Current and Former Graduate Students in Bold)

  1. Dan Trudnowski, John Pierre, Matt Donnelly, Mani Venkatasubramanian, and Jim Follum, "Bulk Power System Oscillation Terms", Western Electricity Coordinating Council Document, September 2020.

  2. A. Khan, J.W. Pierre, J.I. Wold, D.J. Trudnowski, and M.K. Donnelly, “Impacts of Swinging Door Lossy Compression of Synchrophasor Data,” International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, May 2020.

  3. A. Khan and J.W. Pierre, “Separable Estimation of Ambient Noise Spectrum in Synchrophasor Measurements in Presence of Forced Oscillations,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 415-423, January 2020.

  4. McColley, J.W. Pierre, V. Bershinsky, and T. VanHoudt, “Visibility of WECC System Tests Measured from the Consumer Level,” Proceedings of North American Power Symposium (NAPS) 2019, Wichita, Kansas, October 2019.

  5. W. Pierre, “Approximately Constant Group Delay FIR Filter Designs,” Proceedings of the ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference, Laramie, Wyoming, May 2019.

  6. Agrawal, J. Follum, J.W. Pierre, D. Duan, “Electromechanical Mode Estimation in the Presence of Forced Oscillations,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 1579-1588, March 2019.

  7. A. Khan and J.W. Pierre, “Detection of Periodic Forced Oscillations in Power System Using Multitaper Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 1086-1094, March 2019.

  8. Agrawal and J.W. Pierre, “Visual Validation of Estimated Parametric Models of Power Systems Under Ambient Conditions,” Proceedings of HICSS-52, Wailea, Hawaii, January 2019.

  9. Agrawal and J.W. Pierre, “Detection of Periodic Forced Oscillations in Power Systems Incorporating Harmonic Information,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 782-290, January 2019.

  10. Yin, S.S. Wulff, J.W. Pierre, and T. Robinson, “A Case Study on the Use of Data Mining for Detecting and Classifying Abnormal Power System Modal Behaviors,” Quality Engineering, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 314-333, January 2019.

  11. A. Khan, J.W. Pierre, D.J. Trudnowski, “Flawed Decompression of Swinging Door Algorithm in PMU Historians,” Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting, Portland, Oregon, August 2018.

  12. Dosiek, U. Agrawal, J. Follum, J.W. Pierre, and D.J. Trudnowski, “Analysis of Power System Mode Meters Under Various Oscillatory Conditions,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems(PMAPS), Boise, Idaho, June 2018.

  13. A. Khan and J.W. Pierre, “A Test for Stationarity of Synchrophasor Measurements,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems(PMAPS), Boise, Idaho, June 2018.

  14. Mohammad Koneshloo, Saman A. Aryana, Dario Grana, John W. Pierre, “A workflow for static reservoir modeling guided by seismic data in a fluvial system,” Mathematical Geosciences, vol. 49, issue 8, pp. 995-1020, November 2017.

  15. Follum, J.W. Pierre, and R. Martin, “Simultaneous Estimation of Electromechanical Modes and Forced Oscillations,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 3958-3967, September 2017.

  16. Agrawal, J. Pierre, J. Follum, D. Duan, D. Trudnowski, and M. Donnelly, “Locating the Source of Forced Oscillations using PMU Measurements and System Model Information,” Proceedings of IEEE PES General Meeting, Chicago, IL, July 16-20, 2017, (Best Paper Recognition - one of 80 best conference papers out of approximately 800 papers at the 2017 IEEE PES General Meeting).

  17. Dosiek, D.J. Trudnowski, and J.W. Pierre, “Model Order Sensitivity in ARMA-based Electromechanical Mode Estimation Algorithms Under Ambient Power System Conditions,” Proceedings of IEEE PES General Meeting, Chicago, IL, July 16-20, 2017

  18. Follum, F. Tuffner, L. Dosiek, and J. Pierre, “Power System Oscillatory Behaviors: Sources, Characteristics, & Analyses,” NASPI-2017-TR-003 PNNL-26375, North American Synchrophasor Initiative, May 17, 2017.

  19. Kosterev, J. Burns, N. Leitschuh, J. Anasis, A. Donahoo, D. Trudnowski, M. Donnelly, J. Pierre, “Implementation and Operating Experiences with Oscillation Detection Application at Bonneville Power Administration,” Proceedings of CIGRE 2016 Grid of the Future, October 2016.

  20. Stajcar, M. Donnelly, D. Trudnowski, J. Wold, and J.W. Pierre, “An Adaptive Modeling Framework for Simulating Power System Dynamics,” Proceedings of North American Power Symposium (NAPS) 2016, September 2016.

  21. A. Khan, J.W. Pierre, D.J. Trudnowski, and S.S. Wulff, “An Initial Study of Ambient Noise in Synchrophasor Measurements,” Proceedings of North American Power Symposium (NAPS) 2016, September 2016.

  22. K. Pai, J.W. Pierre, and L. Dosiek, “Variances in Estimates of Power System Inter-Area Modes using Lattice Structure – Initial Results,” Proceedings of North American Power Symposium (NAPS) 2016, September 2016.

  23. Yin, S.S. Wulff, J.W. Pierre, D. Duan, D.J. Trudnowski, and M. Donnelly, “Initial Investigation of Data Mining Applications in Event Classification and Location Identification Using Simulated Data from MinniWECC,” Proceedings of North American Power Symposium (NAPS) 2016, September 2016.

  24. Follum and J.W. Pierre, “Detection of Periodic Forced Oscillations in Power Systems,” IEEE Trans on Power Systems, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 2423-2433, May 2016.

  25. Pai and J.W. Pierre, "New Robust Time Series Model for Estimation of Power System Inter-area Oscillations,” Proceedings of HICSS-49, Waikoloa, Hawaii, January 2016.

  26. Follum, J.W. Pierre, “Time-Localization of Forced Oscillations in Power Systems,” Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, July 2015. (One of 4 papers to receive an overall best paper award out of approximately 800 papers presented at the conference)

  27. Donnelly, D. Trudnowski, J. Colwell, J. Pierre, L. Dosiek, “RMS-Energy Filter Design for Real-Time Oscillation Detection,” Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, July 2015.

  28. Pai and J.W. Pierre, “A Real-time Scheme for Validation of an Auto-regressive Time Series Model for Power System Ambient Inter-area Mode Estimation,” Proceedings of HICSS-47, Waikoloa, Hawaii, January 2014.

  29. Cao, J.W. Pierre, “Electromechanical Mode Estimation Validation Using Recursive Residual Whiteness Testing,” Proceedings of the North American Power Symposium, Manhattan, Kansas, September, 2013.

  30. Follum, J.W. Pierre, “Initial Results in the Detection and Estimation of Forced Oscillations in Power Systems,” Proceedings of the North American Power Symposium, Manhattan, Kansas, September, 2013.

  31. Zhou, J. Pierre, and D. Trudnowski, “Some Considerations in Using Prony Analysis to Estimate Electromechanical Modes,” Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, July 2013. (2013 Best Papers on Network Analysis and Dynamic Performance, 2013 IEEE PES General Meeting)

  32. Dosiek and J.W. Pierre, “Estimating Electromechanical Modes and Mode Shapes using the Multichannel ARMAX Model,” IEEE Trans on Power Systems, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 1950-1959, May 2013 (special section on synchrophasor applications in power systems).

  33. Dosiek, N. Zhou, J.W. Pierre, Z. Huang, and D.J. Trudnowski, “Mode Shape Estimation Algorithms Under Ambient Conditions: A Comparative Review,” IEEE Trans on Power Systems, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 779-787, May 2013.

  34. Dosiek, J.W. Pierre, J. Follum, “A Recursive Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Online Estimation of Electromechanical Modes with Error Bounds,” IEEE Trans on Power Systems, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 441-451, February 2013.

  35. Dosiek, N. Zhou, J.W. Pierre, Z. Huang, and D.J. Trudnowski, “Mode Shape Estimation Algorithms Under Ambient Conditions: A Comparative Review,” IEEE Trans on Power Systems, (accepted).

  36. L. Dosiek, J.W. Pierre, J. Follum, “A Recursive Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Online Estimation of Electromechanical Modes with Error Bounds,” IEEE Trans on Power Systems, (accepted).

  37. J. Pierre (Lead Editor), D. Trudnowski (Lead Editor), C. Canizares, L. Dosiek, H. Ghasemi, M. Gibbard, E. Johansson, G. Ledwich, R. Martin, E. Martinez, L. Vanfretti, D. Vowles, R. Wies, N. Zhou, Chapter 2, “Mode-Meter Analysis Methods,” Identification of Electromechanical Modes in Power Systems, IEEE Task Force Report, Special Publication TP462, IEEE Power and Energy Society, pp. 2:1 – 2:62, July 2012

  38. M.L. Crow (Lead Editor), J.J Sanchez-Gasca (Lead Editor), J. Hauer, H. Huang, J. Pierre, D. Trudnowski, N. Zhou, L. Vanfretti, J.H. Chow, Chapter 1, “Linear Ringdown Analysis Methods,” Identification of Electromechanical Modes in Power Systems, IEEE Task Force Report, Special Publication TP462, IEEE Power and Energy Society, pp. 1:1 – 1:66, July 2012

  39. J.W. Pierre, D. Trudnowski, M. Donnelly, N. Zhou, F.K. Tuffner, and L. Dosiek, “Overview of System Identification for Power Systems from Measured Responses,” Proceedings of the International Federation of Automatic Controls (IFAC) Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), July 2012. (Invited Paper)

  40. L. Dosiek and J.W. Pierre, “Multi channel Techniques for the Estimation of Power System Electromechanical Modes,” Proceedings of the International Federation of Controls (IFAC) Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), July 2012. (Invited Paper)

  41. N. Zhou, J.W. Pierre, D.J. Trudnowski, “A Stepwise Regression Method for Estimating Dominant Electromechanical Modes,” IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 1051-1059, May 2012.

  42. G. Pai and J.W. Pierre, “Statistical Analysis of Empirical Magnitude and Phase Response Estimates with Applications to Power System Identification,” Proceedings of the North American Power Symposium, August 2011.

  43. J. Follum, L. Dosiek, and J.W. Pierre, “The Empirical Transfer Function Estimate Method for Determining Mode Shape,” Proceedings of the North American Power Symposium, August 2011.

  44. J. Follum, N. Zhou, and J.W. Pierre, “Evaluation of Mode Estimation Accuracy for Small-Signal Stability Analysis,” Proceedings of the North American Power Symposium, August 2011.

  45. L. Dosiek and J.W. Pierre, “A More Efficient Method of Bootstrapping Electromechanical Mode Estimates Using Estimated Multivariate Distributions,” Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, July 2011.

  46. Luigi Vanfretti, Luke Dosiek, John W. Pierre, Daniel Trudnowski, Joe H. Chow, Rodrigo Garcia-Valle, and Usman Aliyu, “Application of Ambient Analysis Techniques for the Estimation of Electromechanical Oscillations from Measured PMU Data in Four Different Power Systems,” European Transactions on Electrical Power, Volume 21, Issue 4, pages 1640–1656, May 2011.

  47. F. K. Tuffner, L. Dosiek, J. W. Pierre, and D. Trudnowski, “Weighted Update Method for Spectral Mode Shape Estimation from PMU Measurements,” Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, July 2010.

  48. N. Zhou, Z. Huang , F. Tuffner, J.W. Pierre, and S. Jin, “Automatic Implementation of Prony Analysis for Electromechanical Mode Identification from Phasor Measurements,” Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, July 2010.

  49. L. Vanfretti, R. García-Valle, K. Uhlen, E. Johansson, D. Trudnowski, J.W. Pierre, J.H. Chow, O. Samuelsson, J. Østergaard, and K.E. Martin, “Estimation of Eastern Denmark’s Electromechanical Modes from Ambient Phasor Measurement Data,” Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, July 2010.

  50. J.W. Pierre, N. Zhou, F.K. Tuffner, J.F. Hauer, D.J. Trudnowski, W.A. Mittelstadt, “Probing Signal Design for Power System Identification,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 835-843, May 2010. 


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