Family and Consumer SciencesIndividual Growth and Development

College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources

LIFE - Individual Growth and Development


Online PowerPoint Presentations

Marriage and Couples Relationships

Marriage and Couples Relationships

We are gathered here online to join together partners, friends and family, and family professionals with the latest information about how to create a happy and healthy life together.

"Having a happy marriage" is among the highest ranked goals of youth and adults on most opinion polls.

Yet two-thirds of those who marry today are expected to divorce. Teens and recently-divorced adults are increasingly pessimistic about the prospects of making marriage work.

Marriage can work--it just takes two committed people (supportive family and community help) learning together day-by-day. Like staying in shape, improving in a career, mastering golf or gardening, people tend to get out of marriage what they put into it. This site provides resources for that investment.

Strong marriages make a difference. Recent research finds that pair bonds.

  • improve physical and mental health, wealth, success, and longevity
  • provide a platform for emotional security, self-discipline, academic and economic success for children
  • reduce public and private costs for medical, economic support, and remedial service.
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