Family and Consumer Sciences

College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources

LIFE - Individual Growth and Development

Marriage and Couples Relationships - Learning Strategies

Marriage and Couples Relationships - Learning Strategies

You get what you expect

If you expect that life together will be happy ever after.
  .marry a handsome prince or paint happy on a bigger, broader canvas

If you expect that love will keep you together.
  .win the lottery and spend a lifetime on vacation or be ready to give love first

If you expect that your partner will always be the perfect one for you.
  .turn him/her into a sculptural ideal (idol?) or allow him/her to change and grow

Couple relationships that survive and grow deeper.
  .are generally happy
  often loving
  .always adjusting
  .and always under construction!
  .not that there's always something to "fix" (like your partner's tie or moods); but there are
   constantly changes (opportunities as well as dangers)
  .expecting to work through ups and downs gives two people their best prospects for enjoying life

Marriage is a full-time job.Where it should be fun to go to work!
(on to Roller-Coaster Model)

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